Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1721 Bloody Battlefield

In the blink of an eye, nine rifle bullets had reached their target.

Immediately afterwards, these bullets spun at high speed and pierced into the heads and hearts of those scumbags locked by Ye Tian like a bamboo shoot, bringing up bloody flowers and sending those scumbags directly to hell.

At the same time, the rain of bullets from the ambushers on the east and west sides of the intersection also came in an instant, hitting the bodies of many bulletproof SUVs and four heavy trucks in the convoy.

Although the attack of these scumbags seemed violent and the bullet rain was very dense, in a panic, many bullets were emptied and turned into stray bullets, flying straight out of the highway and towards the wilderness and forests on both sides of the highway.

Even those bullets that hit the target achieved nothing.

They only left a crater in the bodies of many bulletproof SUVs and four heavy trucks, which was very intimidating, but in vain!

The attacks launched by those scumbags behind the convoy were basically blocked by the two heavy-duty trucks running side by side. Only a few bullets flew through the gaps between the trucks, without any threat.

As soon as the brutal battle kicked off, it reached its climax in an instant!

Seeing that the opponent opened fire first, Cole and the others would not wait. These experienced armed security personnel responded very quickly and launched a counterattack immediately.

With the help of the solid body of the bulletproof SUV, through the gaps in the window glass, they started to violently attack the scum on the east and west sides of the intersection with the assault rifles in their hands, and started killing!

As soon as the gunfire sounded, the two medium-sized helicopters in the sky quickly raised their altitude and flew straight to a higher place!

After they flew to a relatively safe height, they immediately hovered in the air and began to attack from a high position, suppressing the scum on the east and west sides of the intersection, and sending those scum to hell one by one!

Those scum from all walks of life who followed the convoy would be dealt with by the Piacenza special police and the cultural relics military police behind them. If Ye Tian and the others were not distracted from dealing with them for the time being, those scumbags would not be able to rush up for a while.

Facing the raging fire at the scene, even though many Piacenza special police and cultural relics gendarmes were reluctant or even terrified, they had no choice but to curse angrily and go into battle.

This is their duty as cops and their only chance to get out of here alive!

Especially when they learned that everything here is being broadcast live on the Internet, and everyone in the world can see it, they can't slack off, at least they can't back down!

More importantly, they clearly know that the notorious mafia on the opposite side and other gangsters with different backgrounds have no tradition of not killing the police.

If the robbery is successful, those scumbags will never tolerate the police biting behind them, they will definitely kill all the policemen present, and then run away!

Under such circumstances, the police and cultural relic military police at the scene had to fight desperately with those scumbags behind!

"Bang bang bang"

The gunfire became more violent, like a gust of wind and rain.

All of a sudden, dozens of hundreds of assault rifles and submachine guns were firing violently on this road section that was only a few hundred meters long, raining bullets crazily.

Those ordinary people who happen to be on this section of the road can only lie in their cars or on the road beside the car, trembling with fear and begging for God's blessing with tears.

Even so, some people still couldn't avoid being injured by stray bullets or glass shards flying around, and they uttered terrific screams.

Of course, most of these painful screams came from the scum on the east and west sides of the intersection.

After Ye Tian and the others launched a fierce counterattack with the two helicopters in the air,

Those scumbags were severely injured in an instant, and many people were directly beaten into sieves and reported to hell!

Those scum who were injured and survived could only lie on the ground struggling and rolling in pain, screaming loudly, letting the blood flow from the wound, waiting to die slowly!

People who watched the scene through the webcast were completely stunned by the fierce battle and the bloody and cruel scene, and some even cried in fear.

"Oh my God! Where is the land of Italy? It's hell!"

"Steven's gang of bloody bastards are so crazy, they are all devils, if they are the ones who win this fight, the authorities should deport them immediately.

If Steven, a crazy bastard, stays in Italy again, he will loot all our treasures, and then destroy the home we all depend on! "

Amidst bursts of exclamations and discussions, the whole of Italy and even the whole world were shaken. Countless pairs of eyes looked at the highway and at the people who were fighting frantically.

In Rome, the Italian capital hundreds of kilometers away, in the prime minister's office at Palazzo Chigi, roars of incomparable anger resounded at this moment.

"I swear, I must catch those scumbags who are blocking the road and make them pay the heaviest price. I regret that I was born in this world, and no one can escape.

And that damn bastard Steven, I must give him some color, this is Italy, not his New York, let alone a battlefield where he can kill wildly.

Immediately notify the police in Milan, Piacenza, Cremona, and Parma, rush to help as quickly as possible, and control the situation, catch those scumbags! "

"Okay, Mr. Prime Minister, I will immediately notify the police everywhere"

Someone at the scene responded loudly, and quickly picked up the emergency phone, which was ready to notify the police everywhere.

At this moment, the door of the office was suddenly pushed open from the outside, and a staff member walked in hurriedly.

"Mr. Prime Minister, the American Ambassador and the Pope have just called separately and want to talk to you about the fire that is going on on the highway!"

"Ah! American Ambassador and Pope, how is this possible?"

There was an exclamation in the office, and everyone was almost stunned, their eyes full of disbelief.

There was a helpless wry smile on the Italian Prime Minister's face, of course he knew why the two called at this time, obviously to stand up and cheer for that bastard Steven!

On the expressway side, two heavy-duty trucks have successfully knocked the overturned container truck to the side of the road, clearing a path leading straight ahead.

Immediately afterwards, the many bulletproof SUVs that Ye Tian and the others were riding in, and the two heavy trucks behind them rushed through the intersection at high speed against the hail of bullets.

So far, the ambush trap of front and back flanking has been successfully cracked by them.

When crossing the intersection, in the windows on the left and right sides of each bulletproof SUV, there are assault rifles firing crazily and pouring hot bullets, suppressing the ambushing scum on the east and west sides of the intersection.

Under the attack of rifle bullets that were dense like a storm, those scumbags on the east and west sides of the intersection were so suppressed that they couldn't hold their heads up!

They can only hide behind the car or lie down under the roadbed on both sides of the road to avoid the rifle bullets that keep flying and whizzing past their scalps.

Even so, they could not escape the blow.

The two medium-sized helicopters hovered over the crossroads, flying back and forth in the air, hanging over their heads like death-defying gods of death.

Several armed security personnel sitting in the cabin of the two helicopters continued to shoot down from above, like a roll call in the air, sending those scumbags on the ground to hell one by one!

As for the many vehicles parked on the east and west sides of the intersection, they were all scrapped under the attack of the rifle bullets that hit like a torrential rain, and puffs of black smoke rose.

This is tantamount to breaking the legs of the ambushers at the crossroads. Now even if they want to escape, they have no means of transportation. They can only escape with their legs, or wait for death with their hands tied!

In the blink of an eye, Ye Tian and his convoy had all passed the intersection and sped forward!

Seeing this scene, many scumbags on the east and west sides of the intersection, as well as not far behind, who were fighting with the Piacenza special police and the cultural relics military police, couldn't help feeling helpless and desperate.

Such a nearly perfect trap couldn't stop Steven's gang of bastards, and it was cracked by those bastards in a blink of an eye, and they rushed over by force. It seems that today is bound to fail!

Not only that, this ambush also paid a huge price, and then they have to face the crazy pursuit of the Italian police and the bloody revenge of that bastard Steven, which is really not worth the candle!

Thinking of this, many scumbags at the scene couldn't help feeling remorseful.

If I had known this would be the result, I was full and ran to follow and ambush the bastard Steven. There was no chance of success at all!

Except for these scumbags, the rest of the people at the scene and everyone on the live broadcast end, seeing Ye Tian and his convoy passing the intersection smoothly, couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief, somewhat relieved!

Just when everyone thought that Ye Tian and the others would walk away from this bloody battlefield, the battle would end soon, and those scum who followed and ambushed the convoy were about to disperse, but the situation changed suddenly!

After successfully crossing the crossroads, driving two or three hundred meters forward, and successfully jumping out of the ambush trap of the front and rear flanking attacks, Ye Tian immediately sneered and said:

"Cole, the convoy can stop, leave half of the guys to protect the convoy and Betty, and the rest of the guys will fight back with me, I'm going to send all those scumbags to hell, and don't even try to escape!

After the convoy stopped, you commanded the two heavy trucks behind to start slowly retreating towards the intersection to provide us with cover so that we could reach the battlefield safely.

Arrange a few snipers behind and around the convoy to provide us with long-range fire support, and keep an eye on the situation on both sides of the highway, don't be sneaked by those scumbags"

"Understood, Steven"

Cole's voice came immediately, full of excitement.

Immediately afterwards, there was a sound of emergency braking on the highway.

Amidst the screeching sound of brakes, this bullet-scarred heavy convoy soon stopped on the road more than 300 meters south of the intersection.

The next moment, all the viewers on the live broadcast saw such a scene.

Ye Tian, ​​who was heavily armed, and a dozen security personnel opened the doors of those bulletproof SUVs one after another, quickly jumped out of the car, each with an assault rifle in their hands, and began to charge towards the intersection behind them!

Seeing this scene, everyone couldn't help but gasped, terrified!

It is entirely conceivable that the guys who fought with the police on the east, west, and north sides of the intersection in the rear are completely finished!

With Steven's bastard's ruthless behavior, those guys in the rear will undoubtedly die today, and none of them can escape this bloody battlefield alive.

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