Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1724 The Road to Death

The two heavy-duty trucks behind the convoy started to move, and slowly retreated towards the intersection not far behind. Although the speed was not fast, it carried a heavy pressure that was enough to suffocate.

Ye Tian and a dozen or so armed security personnel under his command were divided into two groups. Each group was followed by a heavy-duty truck. With the help of the truck's tall body, they began to approach the intersection two to three hundred meters behind.

During the assault, the division of labor among the members of the two assault teams was very clear.

The security personnel walking on the outside are responsible for keeping an eye on the situation on both sides of the road.

If someone makes a surprise attack from under the roadbed on both sides of the highway or in the forest, they will be able to respond immediately and fire to suppress the opponent to buy everyone reaction time.

Several security personnel located on the inside were responsible for passing through the gap between the two heavy trucks, firing alternately and suppressing the scum at the crossroads behind, clearing out a safe zone.

The rest of the armed security personnel are armed with assault rifles, ready to launch an assault at any time, and send all scumbags who dare to attack to hell!

As soon as Ye Tian and the others started their operations, the scumbags on the east and west sides of the crossroad at the rear had spotted them, and started shooting wildly in this direction, trying to suppress Ye Tian's counterattack.

However, their attack was doomed to be in vain, and a lot of ammunition was wasted.

A rain of bullets flying from both sides of the intersection was blocked by the tall bodies of two heavy trucks, without causing any harm to Ye Tian and the others.

Instead, taking advantage of the opportunity for them to attack, several snipers arranged by Cole opened fire one after another, quickly reaping several lives, and sending several scumbags to hell.

After several accomplices were shot in the head one after another, those scumbags at the intersection realized belatedly who was behind the sneak attack.

"Damn it, there are snipers in that bastard Steven's convoy, everyone be careful, try not to expose your body"

Angry shouts sounded from the crossroads behind, their voices full of despair.

After that, those scumbags never dared to show their heads again.

They can only hold their automatic rifles or submachine guns high with both hands, raise them above their heads, poke the muzzles out of their hiding places, and shoot blindly towards the convoy.

The accuracy of this attack method can be imagined, and it is even less threatening to Ye Tian and the others.

In the blink of an eye, the two heavy trucks had retreated more than 200 meters, and they were less than 100 meters away from the intersection behind.

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This distance has already entered the range of Ye Tian's perspective. Shooting with a short assault rifle will greatly improve the accuracy. As long as you aim and shoot, you don't have to worry about the bullets deviating from the target.

Within this distance, Ye Tian believes that he is God, and he can completely point and hit, and take life and death!

On the way, he had secretly turned on the perspective, his eyes penetrated the corner of the heavy truck in front of him, and quickly checked the situation on the east side of the intersection.

Immediately afterwards, he said to a security guard on the outside:

"Hart, let's switch places. You come in the middle, I'll take the outside, and send those scumbags on the east side of the intersection to hell."

"Okay, Steven"

Hart nodded, without hesitation.

In the next second, the two of them quickly switched positions, and Ye Tian came to the outside.

Almost at the same time as the position change was completed, the muzzle of the G36C assault rifle in his hand protruded out of the front of the heavy truck in front of him, pointing to a forest on the east side of the intersection.

Immediately afterwards, he pulled the trigger without hesitation.

"bang bang bang"

Accompanied by a burst of gunshots, several scalding 5.56mm rifle bullets spewed out from the muzzle of the G36C assault rifle at high speed.

Go straight to the two big trees in the woods tens of meters away.

Of course Ye Tian's attack target was not the two big trees, but to drive out the two scum hidden behind the trees!

As long as those two scumbags flash out from behind the tree, even if they only show a finger, they won't be able to escape Ye Tian's attack. When the second wave of attack starts, they can only go to hell!

For a few 5.56mm rifle bullets with a muzzle velocity as high as 920 m/s, the distance of tens of meters does not seem to exist, and it arrives in an instant!

In the next moment, a few rifle bullets hit the two big trees with great accuracy, causing the two big trees to fly with debris.

The two scumbags who were hiding behind the two big trees were startled by the sudden attack.

Out of the instinct of self-preservation, they jerked their heads aside, lest the flying wood chips and thorns scratch or stab themselves, especially in the eyes!

It was just this instinctive dodge, their heads flashed out from behind the two big trees, appeared within Ye Tian's field of vision, and also appeared in the G36C's scope!

"bang bang bang"

The gunfire sounded again, it was two short bursts with a very rhythmic sense, there was almost no interval in between, and it sounded more like a strafing shot.

Ye Tian pulled the trigger without hesitation, and started killing again.

At the same time as the gunshots rang out, several rifle bullets with a breath of death flew to the woods at high speed, passed through several gaps in the woods, and went straight to the two scumbags hiding behind the trees.

Unbiased, these high-speed spinning rifle bullets accurately hit the foreheads of the two scumbags, drilled in hard, and directly blasted the heads of the two scumbags.

The next moment, two strange red and white flowers bloomed in that bleak forest, extremely coquettish, but full of the breath of death!


Seeing this scene, everyone on the live broadcast end screamed in horror.

Some people were even frightened to the point of going crazy, covering their eyes with their hands, never daring to watch the live broadcast, only knowing to scream wildly on the spot, and even cry bitterly!

At this time, Ye Tian was too lazy to appreciate the result of the attack.

He is extremely confident in his marksmanship, there is no need to take another look at it!

He has quickly shifted his target, locked on an idiot hiding behind an SUV with only half of his leg exposed, and mercilessly pulled the trigger, and started killing again!

The attack strategy this time is the same as before, break the exposed leg first, and when the scum hidden behind the SUV falls to the ground screaming, you can send him to hell!

Everything went very smoothly, and in the blink of an eye, there was one less humble life in this world, but hell became even more crowded!

On the other side, with the help of the heavy truck next to them, Cole and the others had also started killing, successively killing several scumbags on the west side of the intersection behind.

At the same time, the snipers in the convoy behind everyone and the security personnel in the two medium-sized helicopters in the sky were also shooting non-stop, quickly harvesting lives.

Those scumbags on the east and west sides of the crossroad in the back were extremely unlucky.

At this time, they are not only facing multiple attacks from above and below ground, from far and near, but also have to be careful of the sneak attacks of the policemen on the north side of the highway. They can only be beaten passively, with nowhere to hide or hide!

Even if they want to escape, they must have transportation!

The vehicles on both sides of the intersection that belonged to them, including another container truck, had already been battered and riddled with black smoke, and were completely scrapped!

As soon as the fire started, Ye Tian ordered his security personnel to kill those vehicles, leaving those scum who wanted to die, and then sent them back to hell!

Looking at the scene of the firefight, everyone on the live broadcast was very sure at this time.

Those guys on the east and west sides of the intersection are completely finished. There is only one road in front of them, and that is the death road leading to hell. There is no other choice.

If they can't wake up in time, throw away the weapons in their hands and surrender immediately, and delay for a while, I'm afraid they won't even have the chance to surrender!

With the ruthless and vengeful behavior of that bastard Steven, he will definitely kill all the gangsters who tried to rob him, and will not leave any chance for those guys!

However, those scumbags on the east and west sides of the intersection can think of this at this time.

They are still stubbornly resisting, raising the automatic rifles or submachine guns in their hands above their heads, firing blindly, shooting wildly, and raining bullets to release the fear and despair in their hearts!

In the blink of an eye, the two backing heavy trucks were less than fifty meters away from the intersection.

This means that Ye Tian and the others have a larger attack surface and a wider field of vision.

Of course, they harvested their lives and ended their opponents faster!

During this period, Ye Tian killed a few more scumbags one after another, most of them with headshots, and his marksmanship was so precise that everyone was stunned and shocked!

The same goes for Cole and the others on the other side, sending a scumbag directly into the depths of hell like the god of death called his name.

The killing continued, and it became bloodier and crueler.

Many people on the Internet didn't dare to watch the live broadcast anymore. Some people even broke down emotionally and burst into tears. Obviously, they were about to be completely frightened crazy by this bloody killing!

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