Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1731 Continue to go south

Just after three o'clock in the afternoon, Ye Tian's convoy drove into Palma.

As soon as they entered Parma, they caused a huge commotion in the city and attracted countless attentions.

Seeing this bullet-scarred and murderous heavy convoy passing by, the people on the streets of Parma couldn't help but feel a little timid and even a little scared.

The extremely bloody and cruel fight that happened on the expressway earlier shocked people too much. Those scenes of crazy killing scenes are still vivid in my mind.

Thinking of those crazy killing scenes, many people still feel waves of fear and trembling.

So much so that people dare not think too much, lest those images become a lingering nightmare, haunting themselves for a long time, keeping them awake at night!

People were terrified, but also very curious.

After going through such a crazy fight, to be more precise, after such an extremely bloody massacre, why did Steven and his bastards get away so quickly?

Why did this bullet-riddled heavy convoy leave the scene so quickly and appear in Parma? Shouldn't they cooperate with the police investigation?

Did that crazy bastard Steven have the privilege to get out so quickly? But this is Italy, not goddamn America! Why does he enjoy this privilege?

Why does Ye Tian enjoy such a privilege? Many people are confused!

However, the Parma special police and the Italian cultural relics gendarmes who went to meet and escort this heavy convoy knew a thing or two!

There are two reasons.

The first reason is the priceless Italian national treasure, Da Vinci's masterpiece, "Lisa Gherardini".

For the Italians, that priceless treasure must not be lost, and must not fall into the hands of some evil gangsters.

After the previous fight, the Italian authorities immediately sent a large number of police forces to protect Ye Tian's convoy, and opened a green channel so that the convoy could go straight to Rome.

But how did the Italians know that "Lisa Gherardini" was not in this team at all. This team was just a cover to attract everyone's attention.

As for the second reason, it was an order from the Italian Prime Minister's Office at Palazzo Chigi in Rome.

The Italian Prime Minister directly granted Ye Tian such a privilege, allowing him to escape as soon as possible and take "Lisa Gherardini" to Rome.

It was precisely after receiving the order from the Prime Minister's Office that the Parma Special Police came out to escort Ye Tian's convoy to ensure that the previous incident would never happen again.

As for the deeper reasons, even the Parma special police don't know, but Pizarro's cultural relics gendarmes have guessed a bit.

Just like in Florence, the US embassy and the Vatican stepped forward to put pressure, so the prime minister's office issued such an order.

The convoy galloped through the streets of Palma, passing through ancient or modern streets under the eyes of countless attention.

But Ye Tian, ​​who was sitting in the bulletproof SUV, had no intention of admiring the beautiful scenery constantly flashing outside the window, and was talking to Cole.

"Steven, the guys who went to hunt down sent news that the scumbags who escaped before have all been taken care of, except for one who was seriously injured, and the rest were all killed.

There was no problem during the pursuit. According to our usual strategy, the whole process was videotaped, and we always stood in the position of self-defense, and notified the local police.

The scumbag who was seriously injured was a gangster from Marseille, France, and now he has fallen into the hands of the Piacenza special police.

He was taken to the Piacenza police station.

The two Milanese lawyers we stayed in Piacenza have intervened, and the guys pretending to be tourists can leave after taking notes at the police station and rush to Rome"

Hearing this report, Ye Tian immediately sneered and said:

"Nice job! How dare you take my brother's idea, those scumbags must die, and none of them can escape, this is the price they paid for greed and stupidity.

Are there any casualties among those guys involved in the hunt? If any guy is injured or killed in the pursuit, I will make appropriate compensation and show my heart"

"No clerk was killed, only three guys were slightly injured, but it didn't affect the operation. Emergency treatment was done at that time, and now they have gone to the hospital.

The three injured guys will stay in Piacenza for the time being, and they will go to Rome later to join us. If it is not convenient for them to move, they can also be withdrawn."

"Let's look back at the situation, we will stay in Rome for a few days, hope they can return to the team smoothly"

Next, Ye Tian chatted with Cole for a few more words before ending the call.

Half an hour later, this heavy-duty convoy passed through the downtown area of ​​Parma, drove out from the south of the urban area, continued to gallop along the highway to the south of Italy, and headed straight for Rome!

At this time, the appearance of this heavy convoy has changed, and it is not so hideous and frightening.

When entering Parma, the two bullet-riddled heavy trucks at the front and rear of the convoy were thrown at the gate of the Parma police station, and replaced by four intact Volvo long-headed heavy trucks!

Of course, Ye Tian bought these four long-headed Volvo trucks in Palma. Although they are not new cars, they have no problems with their performance and are enough for use!

Although their defensive strength is not as good as the four modified heavy trucks before, they are still not satisfactory. It is no problem to use them to open the way or prevent other vehicles from hitting the convoy!

Just like when they left Milan, the four heavy trucks were immediately divided into two groups after they joined the convoy, separating the front and rear of the convoy, protecting the bullet-riddled bulletproof SUVs in the middle.

Not long after the convoy left Palma, Ye Tian's cell phone rang suddenly. It was Kenny calling from New York.

Ye Tian took out his phone and looked at it, then he slid open the screen lock and brought the phone to his ear.

The next moment, Kenny's voice came over immediately.

"Steven, with the assistance of intelligence technicians from Raytheon Security Company's European branch, we have already identified the origin of most of the attackers.

Those guys who were fighting with you on the highway before, come from several different countries, belong to different gang organizations, and they are all scum.

The first to be stopped by the Milan special police was a group of Spaniards, from a gang organization in Barcelona, ​​who were notorious in Barcelona and did all kinds of evil.

The gypsies you killed on the spot came from a gypsy gang in Milan, and they are closely related to the previous gypsy gang in Florence!

Those French guys are from Marseille, France. They are a well-known local gang in Marseille.

There are also seven or eight Eastern Europeans from a well-known gang organization in Belgrade, Seville. That gang has a close relationship with the Pink Panther.

Those who ambushed you at the crossroads were Italians. Those guys acted cautiously. The vehicles were all stolen and the mobile phones were disposable. It was very difficult to track down.

But the fingerprints and appearance betrayed them. By comparing the fingerprints and photos sent back by Cole, we found that most of those scumbags were members of the Mafia.

They are related to a mafia family in Palermo, Sicily, and should be a peripheral legion of that mafia family, mainly active in the Milan region.

Although no significant members of that mafia family were involved in the ambush, all evidence points to the ambush being orchestrated by the Palermo mafia family.

Aren't you going to Rome now? In Rome, there is also a branch of the Palermo mafia family. Be careful of those scumbags coming to revenge.

I will immediately collect all the information I have investigated, and then send it to your mobile phone, including information about the Roman branch of the mafia family."

Hearing Kenny's report, Ye Tian immediately sneered and said:

"Hey! There are quite a few ghosts and ghosts, and they come and go without being rude. No matter where these gangsters are, France, Serbia, or Italy, don't even think about running away. I will deal with them one by one.

The first to bear the brunt is the mafia family in Palermo, Sicily. I hope that the Roman branch of their family has not been empty. After arriving in Rome, I am going to pay a visit.”

While speaking, Modena, another small and medium-sized city after Parma, has appeared not far ahead, breaking into everyone's field of vision.

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