Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1732 Rome, buddies are here

Rome is located in the central and western part of the Apennine Peninsula, on the seven hills of the lower plains of the Tiber River.

It is the capital of Italy, the largest city in Italy, and the political, economic, cultural and transportation center of Italy. With a history of more than 2,800 years, it is a world-famous historical and cultural city.

Because of its long history of building a city, Rome is also nicknamed the "Eternal City", "City of Ten Thousand Cities", and "City of Seven Hills". It is one of the greatest cities in the Western world.

The name Rome alone means greatness in the eyes of Westerners.

It is closely linked with the greatest empire in Western history, the Roman Empire. It is the birthplace and capital of the great Roman Empire, and the place where countless major historical events took place.

In the city's long history of more than 2,800 years, it has experienced the heydays of the Eastern Roman Empire and the Western Roman Empire, as well as the darkness of the Middle Ages and the spring breeze of the Renaissance.

Julius Caesar once strategized, won thousands of miles, and conquered the entire western world; Octavian established the great Roman Empire in this city; but Emperor Constantine divided the empire into two.

In the Middle Ages, it was ravaged and looted by the Goths. It was once sent as a gift by the French king, and it was almost completely burned down by the Holy Roman Emperor Charles V with a fire.

When the spring breeze of humanism of the Renaissance came, this ancient city revived again and changed its identity, becoming a center of cultural and artistic activities during the Renaissance and Baroque era.

This is a great city, one of the cradles of world culture. In the history of the West, and even the history of the whole world, it has radiated incomparable brilliance, making countless people yearn for it.

For people who believe in Catholicism, Rome is one of the holy places in their hearts!

To be more precise, it should be said that the Vatican, the seat of the Holy See in Rome, is the holy place in the hearts of all Catholics.

Rome is the center of the Catholic Church all over the world. There are more than 700 churches and monasteries, seven Catholic universities, and the Vatican, the city within the city, is the seat of the Pope and the Holy See.

Here is also a central city of the Renaissance movement juxtaposed with Florence, a gathering of talents.

In the city of Rome, in addition to a large number of ancient buildings left over from the Roman period and other periods, there are also many beautiful buildings left over from the Renaissance and Baroque periods in this city.

It is these historical buildings spanning more than 2,800 years that make this city full of antique flavor and historical charm.

As for Ye Tian, ​​Rome, the largest 'open-air museum' in the world, is full of fatal attraction, attracting him all the time and making him come here.

There are the Colosseum, the Pantheon, the National Museum of Rome, etc., and of course, there are countless secrets left over two thousand years since the ancient Roman Republic!

All of this is the reason and purpose that prompted Ye Tian to come to Rome, not just to cooperate with the Vatican to jointly explore the treasures of the Knights Templar.

When Ye Tian and his convoy arrived at the outskirts of Rome, it was already past eight o'clock in the evening. The sun was setting and the lights were beginning to come on. The twilight gradually enveloped the whole world.

Seeing the brightly lit ancient city in front of him from a distance, Ye Tian couldn't help but loudly said excitedly:

"Great Rome, the Eternal City! My buddies are here, I hope we can collide with each other with the most brilliant and charming sparks, shocking the whole world!"

Betty, who was sitting next to him, was equally excited, looking at the city in front of him, eyes full of anticipation.

The convoy continued to drive fast along the highway, and Rome under the twilight became clearer and more charming,


At this moment, Cole's voice suddenly came from the earphones.

"Steven, Leonardo, who returned to the Vatican ahead of schedule, came to greet us with a group of members of the Swiss Guard, along with Cardinal Kent.

In addition to them, two groups of special police officers from the Roman police station, as well as the cultural relics gendarme led by Giovanni, were dispatched together, waiting for us not far ahead, the scene was not small"

Hearing the notification, Ye Tian immediately said:

"It sounds like a big scene, but these guys have their own goals. After meeting with Leonardo and Cardinal Kent and their convoy, I immediately connected to the intercom, and I chatted with those old friends.

As for the Roman special police and those guys like Giovanni, don’t worry about it for now, when we enter Rome and then the Vatican, those guys will definitely come up and warn, this is an inevitable thing”

"Got it, Steven"

Cole responded with a smile, his tone very relaxed.

The convoy drove forward for another distance, and when they passed a fork in the road, six or seven SUVs with the flag of the Vatican suddenly drove out of the fork and followed behind the convoy.

Immediately afterwards, the voice of old friend Cardinal Kent came from the intercom.

"Good evening, Steven, I'm Kent, welcome to Rome, welcome to the Vatican, we've been looking forward to it day and night, and finally you are here, it's not easy!"

"Hahaha, Bishop of Kent, good evening, I am really flattered that you can value it so much and look forward to it day and night, but there are too many cultural relics and historic sites in Italy, which makes people linger and forget to return, so it has been delayed until now!"

Ye Tian said with a light smile, joking with the Bishop of Kent.

After chatting for a while, Leonardo suddenly interjected, and said in a slightly dignified tone:

"Good evening, Steven, I'm Leonardo, and welcome to Rome, you and your heavy convoy are now the focus of countless people, including the Romans.

If you enter Rome with such a high-profile attitude, it is bound to cause a huge sensation, attract the attention of countless people, and even trigger protests and demonstrations, or other unexpected incidents.

For the sake of safety, it is best for us to guide you into Rome, avoid those bustling areas as much as possible, avoid the eyes and ears of most people in the city, and enter the Vatican quietly.

In this way, you will miss the beautiful night scenes of many famous scenic spots. It is a pity, but from the perspective of safety, this is the best way. You make too much noise during the day! "

Hearing this, Ye Tian immediately smiled and said:

"Good evening, Leonardo, your suggestion is very good, I have no disagreement, next, you will be responsible for guiding us into Rome.

In this way, maybe we can see another side of Rome. As for the beautiful night views of those famous scenic spots, don’t worry, there is plenty of time to enjoy slowly.”

"Okay, Steven, we will speed up to the front of the convoy and guide you into Rome, but your four heavy trucks can no longer follow, the streets in the city of Rome are too narrow to use them!"

"Understood, Leonardo, you just need to lead the way. As for the four heavy trucks, I will ask my men to drive elsewhere. Their escort mission has been completed for the time being."

After speaking, Ye Tian picked up the walkie-talkie and told Cole to make dispatches and notify the accompanying police officers, so as not to cause unnecessary misunderstandings.

Soon, several cars of Leonardo and the others quickly overtook from the side lane, passed the convoy in a blink of an eye, and began to lead the way ahead.

Then they drove forward for a few hundred meters. When the convoy came to the edge of Rome, Ye Tian and the others could see a large area of ​​flashing police lights from a distance, which was very eye-catching in the twilight!

It was a dozen or twenty police cars from the Roman police station and the Italian cultural relics gendarmerie. They were parked at a fork in front of them, waiting in full force, making the atmosphere a little tense!

At this time in the city of Rome, the news that Ye Tian and the others were about to arrive had spread like the wind across the entire city and reached the ears of almost everyone.

"Steven, that ruthless bastard is coming to Rome. With his gang of incomparably tough and brutal men, and that bullet-riddled devil convoy, he is about to enter the city of Rome!"

The moment they heard the news, almost every Roman felt a burst of trepidation and fear!

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