Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1733 The Vatican in the Night

The Vatican is located on the Vatican Heights in the northwest corner of Rome. Ye Tian and his convoy came from the north, plus Leonardo and the others deliberately chose some relatively secluded streets.

So during this journey, Ye Tian and the others did not see a few famous ancient buildings and tourist attractions, but witnessed the dilapidated and messy side of Rome.

Like many big cities in the West, apart from the famous tourist attractions and the glamorous main streets, Rome, the eternal city, also has an unsightly dark side.

Under the shroud of night, these secluded and dilapidated streets are littered with garbage and sewage, and the air is filled with a strong smell of urine and sewers, which is disgusting!

On the one hand, this is because Rome is too old, has a large population, and is full of ruins. Although the urban plumbing facilities and garbage disposal systems are old and overwhelmed, it is difficult to change.

Another reason is related to Italian men's habit of urinating everywhere. These quiet and dilapidated streets are often ideal places for some Italian men to solve their internal urgency.

Then there is the problem of pet defecation. Almost every street in Rome is full of dog poop.

For this alone, the great Rome and the romantic capital of Paris are definitely on a par, and they can compete to see which city is the real "shit city"

Of course, the main reason for these problems is that the Italians are too lazy!

Their ancestors left too much wealth to the Romans, almost too much to count!

Even if the Romans lay down all day and did nothing, the tourists flocking from all over the world could bring them a huge income, support them, and let them eat and wait to die!

If a hero like Caesar the Great knew that his descendants were so lazy, so unsatisfactory, and so ruined the great Rome, they would probably be so angry that they would cheat their bodies and jump out of their graves!

In addition to environmental problems, there are also gang members wandering in groups of three or four on these streets, all rebellious and rebellious, looking like the boss and the second child.

As for homeless men and drug addicts curled up on the side of the road and in corners, and scantily clad jilted girls standing on the side of the road to solicit customers, they can be seen everywhere, but normal-looking pedestrians are rarely seen.

The shops on these streets had closed their shutter doors or anti-theft iron gates early on, and they were all in darkness. Even the street lights on the street were not in good condition.

Of course, there are many ancient buildings built in different historical periods on both sides of these streets, which are somewhat worth seeing, but because it is getting late, it is not very real.

As the convoy approached the Vatican Heights a little bit, the scenery outside the car window gradually improved, and the air didn't seem to smell so bad.

At the same time, people on these streets saw the bullet-riddled convoy, the Vatican convoy leading ahead, and the police cars following behind.

Soon, the news that Ye Tian and the others had entered Rome and were heading to the Vatican, like the wind, quickly spread throughout Rome and reached the ears of countless people.

Until then, people were not sure.

Sure enough, as in the legend, that bastard Steven came to Italy at the invitation of the Vatican, and he didn't come here on purpose to travel and enjoy the beautiful scenery and cultural landscape of Italy.

As for why the Vatican invited that bastard Steven and paid so much attention to it, people don't know the truth, so they can only let their imaginations run wild to guess.

Many of them have guessed the possibility of jointly exploring the treasure, but they are not sure, let alone what the mysterious treasure is.

Near nine o'clock in the evening, Ye Tian's convoy finally arrived at the Vatican Heights and stopped at the entrance of St. Peter's Square.

This is the dividing line between Italy and the Vatican, surrounded by a circle of guardrails, stepping over the guardrails into St. Peter's Square, and entering the Vatican, and beyond the guardrails is the territory of Italy.

When the convoy stopped, Ye Tian and Betty also looked out the window.

What caught their eyes was the magnificent St. Peter's Square and the solemn St. Peter's Basilica at the other end of the square, the most important and largest Catholic church in the world.

It's just that it's night now, the square has been cleared, and there are no tourists, only some patrolling policemen and members of the Swiss Guard, it seems very empty and a little lonely.

Because of the night, the St. Peter's Basilica under the shadow of the lights also looks gloomy from a distance. Tall historical buildings in the night usually give people this feeling.

Just enjoying the scenery outside the window for a while, Cole's voice came from the earphones.

"Steven, as you might expect, Giovanni and a deputy minister of the Italian Ministry of Culture, as well as the head of the special police in Rome, asked to speak to you, so I stopped the caravan here.

Leonardo and Cardinal Kent have already notified, and Anderson has also notified. They have all got off the car and are walking towards you. The guys have also completed arming! "

"Okay, Cole, I've expected this kind of situation a long time ago. It's expected. I also want to meet these Italian friends!"

Ye Tian said with a smile, and opened the car door casually, got out of the station and stood by the car alone.

As soon as he got off the station, Anderson and a Milan lawyer, as well as Leonardo and Cardinal Kent, had already walked over and came to the bulletproof SUV.

A little far behind, the old friend Giovanni came here with a few Italians, and everyone looked solemn.

After Anderson and the others arrived at the car, they chatted with Ye Tian in a low voice, and everyone looked at the Italians who came over.

In a blink of an eye, Giovanni and the others had come close.

After everyone introduced each other and said a few polite words, they immediately got to the point.

"Steven, the purpose of your coming to the Vatican, our Italian Ministry of Culture is very clear, we are happy to see the joint exploration of treasures between you two, and we will not hinder it.

However, outside the scope of the Vatican, you cannot casually launch actions to explore treasures. Any form of exploration must be approved by our Ministry of Culture.

Especially the treasures buried underground in Rome, without special permission, you'd better not touch them, let alone dig them up privately, and keep the treasures for yourself"

The Deputy Minister of Culture of Italy, who led the team, said that his speech and expression were very serious, but there was a bit of worry in his eyes.

The vice minister of culture couldn't be more clear about who this guy with a bright smile on his face is and what his methods are.

This is a notorious treasure robber, God knows how many treasures of amazing value have been swept away!

If you don't warn this guy and be vigilant, the way this bastard always does, he can definitely loot Rome, just like he did in Paris.

After a long history of more than 2,800 years, is it easy for Rome to accumulate a little treasure? That is the wealth that belongs to Italy and Rome, and we must not allow this bastard in front of us to ransack wildly!

Ye Tian looked at the Vice Minister of Culture, then smiled and said:

"Don't worry, Mr. Minister, our Fearless Exploration Company has always been law-abiding and has never done illegal business, let alone digging for treasure secretly. We don't bother to do that kind of thing.

If I am lucky enough to find any amazing treasure in Rome, then I will definitely obtain the exploration permit through legal means and obtain the wealth in the treasure in a reasonable and legal way. Please rest assured.

In addition to the treasures buried underground, I am also very interested in the antique art market in Rome. This is an open market. Presumably the Italian Ministry of Culture will not stop me from shopping? "

Hearing this, the faces of the Italians opposite could not help but change, and a chill came from their backs, and rushed straight from their heels to their foreheads.

It's over! It seems that the Roman antique art market cannot escape the tragic fate of being ransacked by madness. The bastard Steven is really abominable, he is simply an extremely greedy devil!

While cursing secretly, these Italians felt a deep sense of helplessness, not knowing how to deal with this extremely difficult problem.

Could it be that all the antique markets, all the antique shops and galleries in Rome are closed to avoid being ransacked by a greedy bastard like Steven? That's impossible!

After a moment of silence, the deputy minister continued:

"Steven, I hope that you will abide by the laws and regulations during your stay in Rome, don't cause trouble, and don't explore and dig treasures without authorization. The cultural relics gendarme will watch your every move.

If you discover any treasure, obtain the exploration license by legal means, and obtain the wealth in the corresponding treasure by legal means, we will also recognize it. Italy is a country ruled by law.

As you said, the antique art market in Rome is an open market and can be bought and sold freely. We have no right to stop you from shopping. I hope you can gain something and have a pleasant shopping experience"

"I am sure it will, Mr. Minister, and I am looking forward to my trip to Rome in the next few days"

Ye Tian said with a smile, his expression was very relaxed, but the Italians felt terrified when they heard it.

Immediately afterwards, Giovanni interjected:

"Steven, let's talk about "Lisa Gherardini". What's the current state of that masterpiece by Leonardo da Vinci? After the fight during the day, has it been damaged?

How are you going to preserve that priceless treasure for the next few days? When you were in Milan in the morning, you said that you intend to auction it in Rome. When will the auction start? "

Ye Tian looked at this old friend, then smiled and said:

"Don't worry, Giovanni, the "Lisa Gherardini" arrived in Rome this afternoon long before we arrived in Rome, and it is currently kept in a very safe place without any damage.

As for the private auction, I haven't decided when it will be held, but please rest assured that once the auction time is confirmed, I will notify you and others,..."

Before the words fell, the scene was completely fried.

"What? "Lisa Gherardini" was secretly delivered to Rome in the afternoon? How is it possible? Doesn't this mean that your convoy is just a cover, and the crazy and bloody fight during the day can be completely avoided!"

"That's right! Those gangsters who tried to rob "Lisa Gherardini" on the way died really unjustly, without any value!"

Amidst the exclamation, almost everyone on the scene looked at Ye Tian dumbfounded, eyes full of disbelief and fear!

This bastard Steven is really too vicious and insidious. How many people were killed and what a huge sensation it caused. He is simply a devil from hell!

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