Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1742 The Desirable Golden Age

After a long time, Ye Tiantian waved goodbye to those famous ancient sages, walked out of the artistic conception of the painting "School of Athens", and came to his senses.

Afterwards, he turned his head to look at Betty, who was still obsessed, and Anderson, who were also obsessed with the artistic conception of the painting.


Ye Tian patted his palms lightly, trying to wake up Betty and the others.

It is already around seven o'clock in the evening, and there are still several exhibition halls behind, and there are many top-level antique works of art waiting for everyone to visit and appreciate.

Even if Raphael's "School of Athens" is magnificent, one of the greatest works of art, and breathtaking, you can't spend too long here.

Moreover, indulging in the artistic conception created by the paintings for a long time, although it feels very wonderful, is also a labor-intensive thing.

Following Ye Tian's applause, Betty and Anderson woke up immediately, and walked out of the wonderful mood of "Academy of Athens".

The next moment, the entire 'signing hall' boiled, and exclamations followed, one after another.

"Wow! It's so spectacular and amazing. Just now I seem to have heard the voice of Plato and Aristotle debating, but I don't know the specific content of the debate."

"I can't believe how Raphael created such a great work? These great sages in ancient history were actually gathered together by him with a mural, and they are so harmonious!"

After a burst of wonder and emotion, Betty and Anderson turned their heads to look at Ye Tian at the same time, everyone's eyes were full of anticipation.

Ye Tian naturally knew what Betty and the others were up to.

He glanced at the crowd, then turned his head to look at the "Academy of Athens" a few meters ahead, and then began to explain.

"The School of Athens, one of Raphael's greatest works, was created between 1510 and 1511 and is the most outstanding mural in the entire Raphael studio.

In 1509, Raphael accepted the commission of Pope Julius II and began to paint here. The themes were theology, philosophy, poetry, and law. This "Athens Academy" represented philosophy.

The theme of The School of Athens heralds the revival of the rational spirit bred from the soil of ancient Greece and Rome, and it is also the artist's concentrated praise of those who pursue wisdom and truth among human beings.

Appreciating this painting is like entering the broad and profound thought world of human civilization. From the ancient Greek period to the Renaissance, one can clearly see the development of Western civilization.

The murals are based on the anecdote of Plato’s Athens Academy, but Plato’s Athens Academy was set up in an outdoor forest, but Raphael moved it to a tall and magnificent classical building.

Raphael's modification has its own reasons. He wanted to use the sublime sense of classical architecture to create a noble atmosphere in the environment, so as to more favorably set off the great dramatic effect of this grand gathering of ancient sages.

The bottom of this mural is more than 7 meters long. It cleverly used the wall in front of it to draw the outer frame of the semicircular wall into a huge arch, and drew two platforms under the mural to form a sense of depth.

Through this method, Raphael subtly integrated the classical buildings in the picture with the actual buildings, visually making it impossible for the visitors to tell which is the real building and which is the building in the painting.

Standing in the hall and appreciating this mural, it is easy to create an illusion. Many sages in this mural seem to be living in a real space, giving people a feeling of intimacy.

I have this feeling now, I seem to be standing with these sages, Plato and Aristotle seem to be walking towards me, the voices of their debates seem to linger in my ears,..."

While explaining,

Ye Tian also secretly turned on the perspective, and began to explore this masterpiece of Raphael, as well as the wall carrying this mural, and explore the secrets hidden behind this mural.

As far as he could see, the mural in front of him and the wall behind him were instantly seen through by Ye Tian, ​​and there were no secrets at all.

It was the center of the painting that he began to explore, the location of Plato and Aristotle.

When he saw Plato's finger pointing to the sky, he seemed to see a world of ideas. The core part of Plato's philosophical system is that 'ideas are the spiritual foundation of the world'.

And Aristotle, who is standing next to him, is arguing with Plato, with the palm of his right hand pointing down to the ground.

From this action, Ye Tian seemed to see Aristotle saying: 'Rationality is fundamental'.

Aristotle believed that beauty is order, uniformity and certainty, and that ideas and thoughts are inseparable from their matter.

Just this part of the picture of the two great ancient Greek philosophers made Ye Tian feel his admiration for Raphael, and he was astonished.

Here, Raphael uses the limited frame size to successfully present the main viewpoints of the ancient Greek Platonist and Aristotelian schools, as well as the conflict between the two schools, which is simply a miracle!

How many people have been able to do this throughout the ages? This is what makes Raphael great.

Secretly amazed, Ye Tian's gaze directly penetrated the surface of the mural, looking deeper.

In Plato and Aristotle, as well as the two famous hands in art history, Ye Tian did not find any secrets or hints, everything is natural and flawless!

Apparently, even an extremely narcissistic art master like Raphael respected the two great sages, Plato and Aristotle, and did not hide any secrets from them.

However, on the sketch covered by the mural, on the floor between Plato and Aristotle, Ye Tian saw Raphael's Latin signature, covered with layers of oil paint.

This can be regarded as a big and small secret, but it is a pity that it cannot be made public, only Ye Tian can only enjoy it.

Perhaps in Raphael's view, compared with these two great sages, he is not on the same level at all. He can only look up at Plato and Aristotle with a gesture of worship.

This can also be seen from the position of Raphael in the painting.

He painted himself in the most marginal and inconspicuous position, and only showed one face, which was very rare and humble!

In addition to the secret signature left by Raphael, Ye Tian also found some secrets on this mural and the wall behind it, such as traces of alteration, hidden characters and so on.

All these secrets are related to this great fresco, and do not point to anything else, such as hidden treasure somewhere.

During the perspective process, Ye Tian seemed to see with his own eyes that Rafael was standing in front of the wall and on the scaffold with a paintbrush in his hand, swaying his astonishing talent wantonly!

As the paintbrush in his hand fell on the wall again and again, the masterpiece "School of Athens" gradually became complete and gradually appeared before Ye Tian's eyes.

The whole creative process is fascinating, and every brushstroke is exciting and shining with incomparably bright genius.

Time passed by little by little, and Ye Tian's wonderful explanation came to an end.

"..."The School of Athens" is the most magnificent and brilliant work among all Raphael's works. The characters in the painting are plump and burly, and their epic majestic momentum is extremely rare in his works.

Although the scale of the picture is large and there are many characters, it does not appear cluttered at all. Raphael has fully demonstrated his excellent talent in drawing portraits and overall composition of the picture.

It is precisely because of Raphael's imaginative and unconstrained style that we can appreciate such a great work of ancient sages and experience the noble ideals of the golden age of ancient humanities.

This "School of Athens" is a certificate left by Raphael for the posterity to record the most glorious "golden age" in history, and it is an unsurpassable peak in the history of Western art."

After the explanation, Ye Tianqing's clear voice disappeared.

The exhibition hall was completely silent, except for the sound of breathing and heartbeat, there was no movement.

Without exception, everyone at the scene was once again completely attracted by the "School of Athens" in front of them, addicted to it, and couldn't extricate themselves for a long time.

After a long time, everyone just came to their senses and walked out of the "Academy of Athens" and the tall and magnificent classical buildings in the painting.

After quietly appreciating this masterpiece for a while, Ye Tian and the others turned and left, turned to another wall next to them, and began to admire the "Three Virtues" painted on that wall, which represented law.

Time passed by, and it was already past eight o'clock in the evening. The twilight gradually engulfed the whole of Rome, and the sky became darker and darker!

After visiting the last hall of Raphael's studio, the many murals and sculptures displayed in the 'Fire Alarm Hall', Ye Tian and the others walked out of this exhibition hall with a lot of interest.

Coming to the corridor outside the exhibition hall, Ye Tian looked left and right at the situation in the corridor, and looked through the window at the dark sky outside.

Immediately afterwards, he raised his hand to look at the time, then smiled and said to the people around him;

"It's getting late, let's stop here today, let's visit the remaining exhibition halls and the famous Sistine Chapel tomorrow to appreciate those priceless top antique artworks.

Especially the Sistine Chapel, which can only be visited during the day! Before you know it, everyone has been shopping in the museum for a whole afternoon, and you must be a little tired. It's time to go back and have a good rest! "

Naturally, no one objected to Ye Tian's proposal, and everyone nodded in response.

Afterwards, under the leadership of Leonardo and the others, everyone walked towards the exit of the museum.

When everyone walked down the spiral passage at the exit of the museum and came outside the museum, Ye Tian immediately saw a few familiar old friends and a group of strangers in suits and leather shoes.

Obviously, those old friends with gloomy faces were waiting for Ye Tian and the others. They must have waited for a long time, with somewhat anxious expressions!

The same goes for the strangers in suits and ties, who seemed more anxious and had angry eyes.

Seeing Ye Tian and the others finally come out of the museum, those guys seemed to breathe a sigh of relief. Immediately afterwards, those old friends stepped out and walked towards Ye Tian and the others.

As for the rest, they were stopped by the Vatican police and several members of the Swiss Guard, and could only stop outside the cordon!

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