Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1743 4 Beacon Smokes

Walking towards Ye Tian and the others with gloomy faces were old friend Giovanni, and Enrique, the deputy director of the Rome Police Department who had just met in the morning, and the leader of the anti-mafia department.

Seeing these two old friends, Ye Tian immediately stopped, and waited on the spot with a smile on his face. Betty and the others also stopped, standing with Ye Tian.

Ye Tian naturally knew the specific purpose of these two old friends and those strangers in suits and leather shoes.

Cole had already announced in the wireless invisible headset, but Ye Tian was too lazy to answer, so he didn't come out of the museum immediately to meet these few people.

While these guys were hanging out, Cole and the others also secretly stepped up their guard and deployed defenses quickly to ensure the safety of Ye Tian and the others after they came out of the museum.

In a blink of an eye, Giovanni and Enrique had come close.

Before standing still, Enrique whispered solemnly:

"Good evening, Steven, you are so leisurely, you are still in the mood to visit museums and admire those valuable antique works of art, but the outside world is completely messed up"

"Good evening, Enrique and Giovanni, I didn't expect us to meet again so soon. I am an expert in antique art appraisal. I am in the Vatican. How could I miss the Vatican Museum!

For me, no matter what happens in the outside world, even the third world war, it will not affect my mood of admiring the top antiques displayed in the Vatican Museum.

In fact, I am also very curious now, what happened to the outside world? It actually made the two of you so nervous, and who are those guys in suits and leather shoes? "

After speaking, Ye Tian raised his finger and pointed at those guys outside the warning line, with a puzzled expression on his face.

Hearing these words, Giovanni and Enrique rolled their eyes angrily, gritted their teeth, and even wanted to punch the hateful bastard in front of them.

But they still held back, knowing that they were asking for trouble, not only would they not be able to take advantage of it, but they would have to be beaten up, and there was nothing this bastard in front of him would not dare to do.

After taking a deep breath of the cold air in the winter night to clear his head, and then forcibly suppressing the anger in his heart, Enrique said with a gloomy face:

"Those guys in suits and ties are all diplomats, from the Spanish, French, and Serbian embassies in Italy, and they are all high-level diplomats.

You don't know, do you? Steven, when you walked into St. Peter's Basilica this morning and started to tour that great church, there was a series of bloody fights outside.

In Barcelona, ​​Spain, in Marseille, France, and in Belgrade, Serbia, many gun battles broke out one after another. Until now, the fighting in some places is still going on.

The one fighting was some armed men of unknown origin, grouped in groups of three or four, with powerful firepower and high tactical literacy. According to judgment, they were probably mercenaries who had survived a hundred battles.

And those who were attacked by these armed men, to be precise, should be said to be those who were mercilessly killed and then hunted down continuously. They were all gangsters and mobs.

Coincidentally, those gangsters who were massacred in Barcelona and Marseille, in Belgrade, belonged to the same three gangsters who attacked you on the highway yesterday!

With the outbreak of these massacres and a series of fierce gun battles, Barcelona, ​​Marseille, and Belgrade, these cities have been completely messed up, and people are panicking.

Don't say that you don't know about this incident or this series of crazy killings, Steven, here I want to ask, are these things related to you? Did you send someone to do it? "

finished speaking,

Enrique and Giovanni stared at Ye Tian closely, wanting to see what kind of reaction he would give. The eyes of these two guys were also full of jealousy, even a little bit of fear!

And in their hearts, the answer has already been obtained, there is no doubt at all, this series of killings is absolutely concocted by the bastard in front of them, there is absolutely no other possibility!

Ye Tian spread his hands out, pretending to be helpless and said with a wry smile:

"Enrique, Giovanni, you can eat indiscriminately, but you can't talk indiscriminately. You will be held accountable by law. My personal lawyers are here. They are not just for show."

As he spoke, Ye Tian pointed to Anderson next to him and a famous lawyer hired in Milan.

Anderson and the Milan lawyer are both good people, so they naturally know how to cooperate. They immediately revealed their respective identities and protested, as if they were speaking righteously.

After they finished their performance, Ye Tian continued to say;

"You also know, Enrique, we have been visiting the Vatican for the whole day today, St. Peter's Basilica in the morning, and the Vatican Museum in the afternoon, and we have never left the Vatican for half a step!

The same goes for my security staff, who never left the Vatican, let alone flew to Barcelona, ​​Marseille, and Belgrade, where the shootouts were clearly not my business.

Although those fights have nothing to do with me, I still want to applaud. This is my most sincere thought at the moment. I want to follow my heart. Wouldn't it be better for those gangsters to die? "

Those bloody killings have nothing to do with you bastard? Go ahead and lie to ghosts, I guess ghosts won't believe it.

Enrique and Giovanni complained secretly, and their teeth were itchy with hatred, but there was nothing they could do.

When Ye Tian finished speaking, Giovanni immediately continued:

"Steven, I heard that someone put out a high reward to hunt down and kill those three gangsters, that's why this series of fights happened, is it you who put up the reward?

You were just attacked by those gangsters yesterday, and today there are high rewards for those gangsters. If you say that you are not offering rewards for hunting down, will you believe me? "

Ye Tian didn't respond to these questions, but just looked at Enrique and Giovanni with a smile on his face, with a look of secretiveness.

After a while, Enrique said helplessly:

"Steven, I don't care if you have anything to do with the series of fights that took place in Barcelona, ​​Marseille and Belgrade, but this kind of thing will never be allowed to happen in Italy, in Rome.

I can tell you very clearly that the Roman police and the cultural relics gendarmerie will watch you closely 24 hours a day and will not relax for a second. I hope you will abide by the law and not cause trouble.

The Benano family in Palermo and the Casamonica family in Rome have guarded their respective territories like iron barrels, airtight, even more so than this morning.

If you venture into the territory of these two mafia families, there will be a violent conflict. We in the police don't want to see that happen. It will not benefit either party.

We got in touch with the high-level figures of the two major families and expressed our wish for reconciliation between the two parties. Coupled with the mediation of the Eleven-member Mafia Committee, the other party has loosened up.

In the next period of time, I hope you will exercise restraint, we will continue to do our work, and strive to resolve the conflicts between the two of you as soon as possible, so as to ease the tense atmosphere.”

"Shake hands with the Benano family and the Casamonica family? It's a bit interesting. I'll say what I said before. It depends on their sincerity. I don't mind sitting down and negotiating with them!"

Ye Tian said with a light smile, but his eyes were full of disdain.

After chatting for a while, Giovanni pointed to the diplomats outside the cordon and said:

"Steven, how are you going to deal with those diplomats? Those guys are so anxious that they are going crazy. It's hard to deal with them!"

Ye Tian looked up at the diplomats in the distance, then smiled and said:

"As I said just now, the series of gun battles that took place today have nothing to do with me. We have been visiting the Vatican, and we have not left half a step. Many people can prove it.

I am too lazy to argue with those diplomats, listen to those diplomatic rhetoric, my lawyer Anderson will go with you to deal with those diplomats from embassies of different countries"

After speaking, he told Anderson next to him.

Immediately afterwards, he said goodbye to Enrique and Giovanni, and led Betty and the others to the Vatican Gardens, led by Leonardo.

Anderson took two security personnel, followed Enrique, and they walked towards the diplomatic personnel to deal with them.

At this time, seeing Ye Tian and the others turn around and leave without paying attention to people like themselves, the diplomats who were stopped outside the cordon couldn't help being outraged!

But anger is useless, they can only watch Ye Tian leave, but there is nothing they can do, there is nothing they can do!

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