Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1748 Entering Rome

It was close to 12:30 noon, Ye Tian and the others came out of the Sistine Chapel, and came to St. Peter's Square outside the church.

So far, they have visited all the exhibition halls of the Vatican Museum, and enjoyed most of the antique artworks on display, as well as a series of exquisite architectural decorative arts.

Of course, those antique works of art stored in the warehouse of the Vatican Museum, which had been dusty for a long time, did not escape Ye Tian's eyes, and he had a clear look at them with his perspective ability.

During this period, he discovered some unknown secrets, and there were quite a few of them.

Among them are the secrets hidden inside the museum building and deep underground, such as various secret compartments, organs, secret rooms, and secret passages connecting various places, etc., and even some very dark things.

There are also many secrets related to the collection of antique works of art, such as the authenticity of certain antique works of art, hidden mysterious characters and numbers, some clues pointing to the unknown, paintings within paintings and so on.

Because of the limitations of his own knowledge, Ye Tian only discovered most of the secrets, but didn't fully understand them. Even so, his harvest has been huge.

In addition to these, he has another important gain, which is a huge improvement in his own strength.

The Vatican Museum is such a palace of art and an ocean full of aura, Ye Tian, ​​who is swimming in it to his heart's content, how could he miss this god-given opportunity to absorb aura!

During the visit, he kept absorbing spiritual energy from many top antique artworks collected in the museum, using it to strengthen his own strength and make himself even stronger!

When they finished their visit and walked out of the Vatican Museum, the spiritual energy in Ye Tian's eyes was already full and almost overflowing, and he felt extremely comfortable physically and mentally.

Not only did he learn a lot of knowledge about antique works of art, and his artistic quality was greatly improved, but the distance to see the light of antique works of art also increased again, and his physical fitness was also greatly enhanced.

At this time, he felt that he was stronger than ever before, that he was the king of the world.

After coming to St. Peter's Square, Ye Tian quickly glanced at the situation on the square, and then said to the people around him:

"Guys, let's go to other places in the Vatican and enjoy the sculptures in every corner of the Vatican, as well as these ancient historical buildings.

In the afternoon, we can walk out of the Vatican and visit the city of Rome. The famous Pantheon is very close to here. Let’s choose there as the first stop of our trip to Rome.”

"Okay, Steven, I have long wanted to go to the famous Pantheon, to see that great building from the ancient Roman period, to see the sculptures of the Roman gods, and the statue of Julius Caesar!"

Anderson nodded in response, eyes full of anticipation.

Betty and the others also responded, and everyone is looking forward to the trip to Rome that will start in the afternoon.

Then, under the leadership of Leonardo, everyone walked to the colonnade on the north side of St. Peter's Square, where many exquisite sculptures from various periods were displayed, including the works of top art masters.

At the same time, many tourists on St. Peter's Square also saw Ye Tian and the others, and started talking curiously.

"I'll go! Steven and his gang are still in the Vatican. This is the third day since they arrived in the Vatican, and they are always accompanied by priests from the Vatican.

It seems that the rumors are correct. The Vatican and Steven are likely to cooperate. The specific content of the cooperation is unknown. Could it be a joint exploration of some treasure? "

"It must be so! That guy Steven is an atheist. If it wasn't for the joint exploration of the treasure, how could the Holy See cooperate with him?

And let them live in the Vatican? "

In the midst of people's discussions, Ye Tian and the others had already walked to the colonnade on the north side of St. Peter's Square, and began to appreciate the many sculptures displayed here, as well as the building itself.


Time passed by, and it was already around 2:30 in the afternoon.

After having lunch and returning to the guest room to rest for a while, Ye Tian and the others were about to leave the Vatican and embark on their long-awaited trip to Rome.

When the group of them reappeared in St. Peter's Square and walked out of the square, they immediately attracted the attention of some people and made some people nervous.

This is the eyeliner spread by various forces on St. Peter's Square, including the Roman police, the Italian cultural relics gendarme, and the minions of the two major mafia families.

In addition to these guys, there are also intelligence personnel from the embassies of Spain, France, Seville and other countries in Italy.

Of course, there are still many security personnel under Ye Tian in the square, pretending to be tourists and mixing in the crowd, secretly protecting Ye Tian and the others, and ready to provide support at any time.

Seeing Ye Tian and the others appearing and preparing to leave the Vatican, many eyeliners scattered in the square, as well as plainclothes police and intelligence personnel sent out messages one after another.

Like the wind, the news quickly spread to the ears of many people, even to Palermo, Barcelona in Spain, Marseille in France and Belgrade in Serbia.

Hearing this news, the reactions of the relevant people were also different. Some people were nervous, some were angry, and some were very helpless.

While talking, Ye Tian and the others had already reached the eastern edge of St. Peter's Square. A few steps further, they would leave the Vatican, enter Italy, and enter Rome.

When I was in the Vatican, because of the Vatican's special status in the Western world and its huge influence, even if there were countless people who hated Ye Tianbushi, they did not dare to do anything in the Vatican.

These included the Benano family in Palermo, the Casamonica family in Rome, the three gangs in Spain, Marseille, and Belgrade, and perhaps the Gypsy gangsters who were not dead.

Of course, there are also Ye Tian's previous enemies.

But when Ye Tian and the others leave the Vatican and enter Rome, there will be revenge with hatred, and revenge with hatred! There is no need to worry about the Vatican, as long as you are not afraid of death, you can rush to seek revenge.

As for the outcome of the fight, that's another story.

Walking to the edge of the Vatican's border, Ye Tian suddenly stopped and looked at the convoy parked on the side of Rome, as well as the Roman police and cultural relics gendarmes on high alert not far away.

In addition, there are several cars with diplomatic license plates and national flags on the Roman side, as well as a group of guys in suits and leather shoes. Everyone's eyes are full of anger, and they are staring at this side.

As for media reporters whose noses are ten times more sensitive than dogs, they are even more indispensable.

Those guys were also guarding on the side of Rome, aiming at Ye Tian with their long guns and short cannons. Everyone was extremely excited, as if watching the excitement was not a big deal.

Ye Tian quickly glanced at the situation in Rome, then secretly turned on the perspective, and began to inspect the brand-new convoy in front of him for safety.

After successfully arriving at the Vatican, Cole and the others immediately started to replace the vehicles. They replaced all the bullet-riddled vehicles and replaced them with a batch of brand new bulletproof SUVs.

The European branch of Raytheon Security Company is still providing these bulletproof SUVs. For them, this is a lucrative business, and there is no reason to refuse it.

More importantly, most of the armed security personnel around Ye Tian are from Raytheon Security Company, so it is even more impossible for them to refuse this deal and put their company's security personnel in danger!

Unlike the previous bulletproof SUVs, this batch of bulletproof SUVs also includes two Cavalier XV civilian armored vehicles, which are extremely eye-catching.

In terms of protection capabilities, the protection capabilities of this batch of bulletproof SUVs are far stronger than those of the previous batch of vehicles. In a short period of time, they can withstand the violent attacks of any light weapons!

In particular, the two Cavalier XV civil armored vehicles with the same appearance are very strong. They can withstand up to 15 kilograms of TNT explosives and protect the occupants in the vehicles.

As for light weapon attacks such as grenades and automatic rifles, there is nothing to do with these two Cavalier XVs. At most, they can only leave some white spots on the car body.

Ye Tian is very satisfied with the newly replaced batch of bulletproof SUVs. Although these vehicles are valuable, they are just a drop in the bucket to him, not worth mentioning at all.

The cost of replacing these vehicles is probably not worth the cost of a casual pick-up in the antique market, so why would he feel distressed about it!

Under the perspective, the situation of these new bulletproof SUVs was immediately clearly presented in Ye Tian's eyes, and the situation of each vehicle was clearly seen at a glance!

Obviously, Cole and the others have carefully checked the condition of each vehicle. These bulletproof SUVs are in very good condition, with excellent mechanical properties and excellent protection performance.

The rest of the key parts such as tires, fuel tanks, brakes, etc., have no problems. As for the time bomb, and the GPS locator of unknown origin, etc., Ye Tian has not found any.

After a quick look at these bulletproof SUVs, Ye Tian looked at other nearby vehicles, as well as the many guys with different expressions in Rome, and the media reporters holding long guns and short cannons.

Without exception, he thoroughly examined every person and vehicle within the range of vision.

Outside the borders of the Vatican, he saw Roman police and cultural relics gendarmes standing by, both in uniform and driving police cars, as well as civilian vehicles in plain clothes. There were quite a few of them.

He also saw diplomatic and intelligence personnel from the embassies of Spain, France, and Seville. These guys all had angry eyes and most of them were carrying guns.

In addition, there are the minions of the two major mafia families, as well as some unidentified guys. Some of them carry guns with them, while others have no weapons. They are only responsible for stalking among tourists.

It is worth mentioning that among the many media reporters in Rome, there were actually two counterfeit people hiding, holding up their cameras to take pictures, but there were two pistols hidden under their coats.

In the blink of an eye, Ye Tian had a thorough perspective on all the vehicles and personnel on the scene, and he knew the situation well.

Afterwards, he withdrew his gaze and ended the perspective.

At the same time as he finished the perspective, he smiled and nodded to the many media reporters on the side of Rome, but a cold light flashed in his eyes.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Tian took Betty across the border between the Vatican and Italy, entered Rome, and walked towards the convoy parked on the other side of the border.

Anderson and Leonardo immediately followed and walked into Rome together.

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