Seeing that Ye Tian and the others finally crossed the border between the Vatican and Italy and entered Rome on the third day after arriving in the Vatican, the scene immediately became restless.

Especially those media reporters, as if they heard the starting gunshot of the 100-meter race, immediately rushed up with cameras and video cameras, trying to interview Ye Tian as soon as possible.

A little further away, the diplomats from the Spanish, French and Serbian embassies also stepped out one after another, walking towards Ye Tian and the others, all of them aggressive, obviously coming to ask the teacher for their crimes.

However, these media reporters and diplomats from the three countries did not take a few steps forward before they were stopped by the Roman police on high alert who were on duty at the scene and blocked them outside the cordon.

And behind the cordon drawn by the Roman police, there is a defense line set up by Cole and the others. Each of them is in a state of high vigilance, staring at these people rushing forward.

Those security personnel who pretended to be tourists and mixed in with the crowd, as well as the snipers in ambush on two nearby buildings, also entered a state of high alert, ready to respond at any time.

Ye Tian, ​​who was walking towards the convoy, glanced at the media reporters and diplomats from the three countries who swarmed in and were stopped by the Roman police, and then said with a sneer in a low voice:

"Cole, tell the guys to watch out for the two guys in the press, a white guy in his thirties with a short hair in a dark gray cashmere coat and a camera in his hand.

The other is a bald black man wearing a black jacket and holding a camera. He is also about 30 years old. Their body shape does not look like a media reporter, and their temperament is even less like that!

Obviously, these two guys came with bad intentions, everyone must be careful! If they don't take the lead, then don't alarm them for now, just keep an eye on them, and hand them over to the Roman police later.

If these two idiots insist on seeking death [UUReading 00kxs], and shoot us in public, then don’t be merciful and send them to hell, besides, be careful of those diplomats"

Before the words fell, Cole responded in a low voice.

"Understood, Steven, I've seen those two idiots, they better not do anything or die"

While saying these words, Cole and several security personnel had already stared at the two fake reporters closely, eyes full of disdain, and were ready to draw their guns and fire at any time, killing those two guys immediately.

The senses of those two guys were quite keen, and they quickly felt several gazes cast in front of them, each of which was murderous and chilling.

They also seem to feel that there are a few cold muzzles full of death, pointing at themselves in an invisible corner, and they may open fire at any time!

As a chill hit, the two guys pretending to be media reporters froze in place as if they had fallen into a ten-thousand-year ice cave. They didn't dare to make any moves anymore, their eyes full of fear.

At this moment, a media reporter who was stopped by the Roman police posed his own question loudly.

"Good afternoon, Steven, I'm a reporter from Italian National Television. There are many rumors that you will cooperate with the Vatican to jointly explore a certain treasure. Can you introduce the specific situation?"

Before this person's voice fell, another media reporter immediately asked:

"Steven, at midnight on the day you arrived at the Vatican, a bizarre fire broke out in the city of Rome. It burned very violently, and many people died in that fire.

The building that caught fire was said to be a branch of the Palermo Benano family in Rome, and all the people who died in the fire were members of the Benano family.

According to another source, among the people who ambushed you on the highway before,

There are mafia members, I would like to ask, is the sudden midnight fire related to you? "

Ye Tian looked at the media reporters who were asking questions not far away, then smiled and said loudly:

"Ladies and gentlemen, friends from the media, I am Steven, I am very happy to meet you here, the weather is very good today, I hope you enjoy this beautiful day.

The rumors about the upcoming cooperation between our brave exploration company and the Vatican are not groundless, but true, otherwise we would not have come to the Vatican and lived here.

However, it is not convenient to disclose the specific content of this cooperation now. Don’t worry, we will hold a joint press conference to disclose the content of this cooperation in a short time.”

Hearing this, the scene immediately became agitated again, and the reporters' eyes lit up with excitement, and they were ready to ask questions.

However, before they could ask questions, Ye Tian stretched out his hands and pressed down gently, signaling to everyone to be safe and not to be impatient.

At the same time, his voice suddenly rose, directly suppressing the voices of many media reporters.

"As for the fire at midnight, it can only be said to be a coincidence. We arrived at the Vatican that night, and it happened that the fire was ignited in Rome at midnight that day, and a lot of scum was burned to death.

Including the Roman police and the antiquities gendarme, as well as the Vatican police and several prelates, and many others know that none of us left the Vatican that night.

Obviously, that sudden fire had nothing to do with me, but I am happy to see the result of that fire. All the people burned to death at midnight that night were scum, which should be a good thing! "

Hearing his answer, except for Betty and Anderson, almost everyone at the scene rolled their eyes in unison, complaining secretly!

You bastard is really tongue-in-cheek! The midnight fire in Rome had nothing to do with you? Go ahead and lie to ghosts, I guess ghosts won't believe it!

How can there be such a coincidence in the world, the mafia family that ambushed you on the highway during the day, suffered heavy losses at night, and all the people in the Rome branch were burned to death and turned into coke!

Anyone with a bit of a brain can understand that the midnight fire that lit up half of the night sky in Rome is absolutely inseparable from you bastard, and even set it by your own hands!

Because this is too much like your bastard's usual style of acting, ruthless, vengeful, and killed, and the revenge does not last overnight!

Next, Ye Tian answered the questions of several media reporters, and then took Betty to a Cavalier XV civilian armored vehicle, preparing to leave here by car.

At this moment, an angry voice suddenly sounded at the scene, the voice was very loud, reaching the ears of everyone at the scene.

"Steven, should you explain the series of shootings** that happened yesterday in Barcelona, ​​Spain? Were those incidents related to you?"

Before the words fell, two echoing voices rang out at the same scene, also implying anger.

"And Marseille, France, Steven. From yesterday morning to night, there was a series of firefights in Marseille, and it was very intense, with heavy casualties. Should you also explain it?"

"The same is true in Belgrade. A series of crazy fights took place. Yesterday's Belgrade was simply a battlefield full of bullets. Steven, we need your explanation."

Not surprisingly, the scene completely exploded.

Everyone turned to look at the menacing diplomats in suits and leather shoes, their eyes were full of curiosity and excitement!

Immediately afterwards, people quickly turned their heads and looked at Ye Tian to see what kind of reaction he would give.

At the same time, a look of horror flashed in the eyes of almost everyone at the scene, and they were secretly terrified.

The series of gun battles that took place yesterday in Barcelona, ​​Marseille and Belgrade, which turned these three cities into battlefields, could it be that Steven was really instigated by this guy?

If this is true, is it crazy? But this is also in line with the usual style of the bastard Steven, there is nothing he dare not do at all!

Ye Tian stopped in his tracks, looked at the diplomats from the three countries in suits and leather shoes outside the cordon, and said loudly with a sneer:

"Gentlemen, the series of gun battles and firefights you mentioned just now, I also heard about it from Chief Enrique of the Rome Police Department yesterday, but I didn't understand it thoroughly.

For the three famous cities of Barcelona, ​​Marseille, and Belgrade, I express my deepest sympathy, and hope that those three cities did not suffer too much damage from those shootouts yesterday.

I just said that since arriving in the Vatican, we have not left here, and we have not taken a step. Obviously, the gun battles you are talking about have nothing to do with me!

As far as I know, those guys who died in the shootout were gangsters who did all kinds of crimes. In my opinion, it's a good thing for scum like this to die.

I think you should examine yourself better. In those beautiful cities, why are there such evil gangsters? Instead of coming here to question me"

After finishing speaking, Ye Tian immediately took two steps forward and stretched out his hand to open the car door, and took Betty directly into the Cavalier XV in front of him, not bothering to talk to those diplomats.

Looking at those diplomats in suits and leather shoes, they were all stunned in place, all of them were speechless by Ye Tian's words, their eyes were full of anger, but they were helpless!

When they reacted and were about to speak out to refute, Ye Tian had already gotten into the car and disappeared from their sight. He had no goal in trying to refute.

Immediately after Ye Tian, ​​Anderson, Cole and many security personnel got into the car one after another, handing over the scene to the Roman police.

Soon, this heavy convoy started with a bang, drove away from St. Peter's Square, and headed towards Castel Sant'Angelo not far away, preparing to cross the river from there and head straight for the Pantheon!

As soon as the convoy left the scene, the Roman police and the Vatican police who maintained order at the scene surrounded the group of media reporters, one by one holding their guns, as if they were facing an enemy!

The target of these police officers is those two guys posing as media reporters!

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