Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1751 Roman Gods

The Pantheon, also known as the Pantheon and the Pantheon Temple, is the only Roman Empire building that is completely preserved in the world.

This world-famous temple was built from 27 to 25 BC by Agrippa, the son-in-law of Octavian, the first emperor of the Roman Empire. It is a classic building of the Augustan period.

The original purpose of the Roman Empire to build this temple was to worship the gods on Mount Olympia, and the sculptures of the Roman gods were displayed inside.

But later, this temple also began to enshrine human beings, such as Caesar and other legendary figures and great commanders in Roman history.

In 80 A.D., a fire destroyed most of the temple, leaving only a rectangular colonnade with sixteen 12.5-meter-high granite pillars.

Later, this part became the reconstructed portico of the Pantheon. The top of the portico is engraved with commemorative texts from the initial construction period. The original architectural scale of the Pantheon can still be seen from the eight huge columns on the front of the portico.

The Pantheon, built in 27 BC and rebuilt in 120 AD, was once praised by Michelangelo, the top art master of the Renaissance, as "the design of an angel".

In the history of architecture, the Pantheon can be regarded as a model of ancient Roman architecture and has a very important historical position.

And it is also a very important work of art, faithfully reflecting the exquisite architectural technology and architectural art of ancient Rome!

Today, the Pantheon has become one of the symbols of the "Eternal City" Rome, and one of the must-see attractions when visiting Rome, attracting countless tourists from all over the world every day.

Ye Tian and the others were no exception. Since they came to Rome, they naturally couldn't miss the famous Pantheon, otherwise it would be too regrettable.

At around 3:15 in the afternoon, Ye Tian and his convoy came from a distance and came to a relatively wide street on the west side of the Pantheon.

Because the parking spaces around the Pantheon are limited and already full of vehicles, Cole and the others can only park on this street on the west side of the Pantheon, park the car here, and then walk to the Pantheon.

When the convoy stopped on the street, Cole led a group of security personnel to get out of the car first, quickly checked the situation on the scene, and only after confirming that it was safe, informed Ye Tian and Betty to get out of the car.

Afterwards, Ye Tian stretched out his hand to open the car door, took Betty out of the car, and landed on this ancient street.

As soon as they appeared, they immediately attracted a lot of attention and caused a commotion.

"I'll go! It's that guy Steven. No wonder it's such a big scene. This guy's appearance is always so high-profile and ostentatious! But it's also very enviable!"

"Don't ask, this guy Steven is here to visit the Pantheon, this is not good news, but wherever this guy appears, there must be constant disturbances!

For my own safety, my buddy decided to withdraw, not to visit the Pantheon for the time being, and go to other places first, and I will come to the Pantheon again when Steven this guy leaves! "

While people were discussing, Ye Tian quickly scanned the street, and thoroughly examined the pedestrians and tourists on the street, as well as the buildings on both sides of the street.

Except for seven or eight thieves and swindlers, he didn't find any danger on this street. There were no hidden gunmen in the crowd of people on the street or in the ancient buildings on both sides.

Of course, there are quite a few guys with guns here too.

These guys were either Roman policemen on patrol, or Ye Tian's own security guards who disguised themselves as tourists and mixed in the crowd.

In a blink of an eye, he knew the situation on this street like the back of his hand.

Immediately afterwards,

With a smile on his face, he nodded lightly to the pedestrians and tourists around him, which was regarded as a greeting, and he behaved very appropriately.

Afterwards, he looked at the ancient Renaissance-style buildings on both sides of the street with admiring eyes, and explained to Betty and the others in a low voice.

Because the rows of ancient buildings on the east side of the street block it, standing on this street, you can't see the Pantheon that is close at hand.

Even if the Pantheon is only a street away from here, it is only a few tens of meters away!

Soon, all the vehicles were parked, Cole also made proper arrangements, except for the security personnel who stayed here to guard the vehicles, the rest came around Ye Tian and Betty.

When everyone got together, Ye Tian and the others walked out, laughing and chatting, admiring the historical buildings built in different eras on both sides of the street, and strolled towards the Pantheon not far away.

Around them, many security personnel spread out and occupied their respective positions, building two solid lines of defense inside and outside to protect Ye Tian and the others.

In the surrounding crowd, there are still many security personnel pretending to be tourists, keeping a close eye on the situation in the crowd, ready to issue an early warning or provide support at any time.

The Roman police and the cultural relics gendarme followed closely, scattered around, staring at Ye Tian and the others and the surrounding situation, always in a state of high vigilance.

Of course, there are also those media reporters who are afraid that the world will not be chaotic, and they follow closely behind, their eyes are shining with excitement, and they are always looking forward to something big happening.

After walking a few steps forward, after turning left into an east-west street, the Pantheon Square appeared not far ahead.

Looking over the roofs of many ancient buildings on the right side of the street, you can already see a corner of the famous dome of the Pantheon and the cross on the top of the obelisk above the square in front of the temple.

Seeing this scene, a hint of excitement flashed across Ye Tian and the others' faces, and everyone's footsteps became much lighter.

While talking, everyone has walked through this ancient east-west street and arrived at the edge of the Pantheon Square.

The moment you walked out of the street, the obelisk fountain in the center of the square broke into everyone's vision.

What then broke into everyone's field of vision was the tall, majestic, simple and solemn Pantheon, which has stood upright in the wind and rain for more than two thousand years.

Of course, there are also tourists from all over the world densely packed on the square, as well as the historical buildings of different styles and built in various eras around the square.

As before, the appearance of Ye Tian and the others immediately attracted countless attentions, and soon caused a commotion, followed by buzzing discussions.

Ye Tian turned a blind eye to all of this.

After he stood at the street corner and admired the obelisk fountain in the center of the square and the Pantheon in the distance, he smiled and said to the people around him:

"Let's go, guys, let's visit the residences of the Roman gods, visit the statue of Julius Caesar, and the tomb of Raphael, and have a conversation with these great historical figures!"

After finishing speaking, he stepped out with Betty and walked towards the obelisk fountain in the center of the square.

Anderson and the others followed closely behind. Everyone was extremely excited and full of expectations.

Seeing them approaching, many tourists on the square immediately dodged to both sides, giving way to a straight passage, especially those thieves entrenched in this square, dodging faster than anyone else!

They were afraid that their movements would be slow, and it would be too uneconomical to be beaten up by these vicious guys!

Now everyone knows that the kings of Rome's underground world, the Casamonica family, are no match for these American bastards, let alone thieves who can't get on the table.

In just a moment, Ye Tian and the others had arrived in front of the obelisk fountain and began to admire the annex of the Pantheon.

The location of this obelisk is the original vestibule of the Pantheon. After the Pantheon suffered a fire in 80 AD, the vestibule here was completely burned down!

Since then, it has become part of the square.

The later Roman rulers transported a tall obelisk from Egypt and built a fountain here, which also became a scene of Rome.

On the base of this obelisk fountain, there are scenes of ancient Roman mythology carved. The carving skills are very exquisite, and it is a top-level artwork from the hands of ancient master sculptors!

While admiring the obelisk fountain, Ye Tian was also explaining to Betty and the others so that they could better appreciate this group of sculptures.

"Everyone look here, this is Jupiter, corresponding to Zeus in ancient Greek mythology, the king of the gods in Roman mythology who governs the realm of the gods and the mortal world, the ancient god of the sky and the god of light and law.

Jupiter is the head of the twelve main gods of Rome. In ancient Rome, he was revered as the patron saint of the Latin Union. There is a statue of Jupiter in the Pantheon, but it is a later sculpture..."

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