Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1752 Sunshine from the Sky

"Honey, what does that line of ancient Latin above the porch mean? Although I know every letter, I can't understand the meaning of this line of words at all when they are combined."

At the entrance of the Pantheon, Betty raised her head and asked, pointing to the line of Latin above the porch, her eyes full of curiosity.

Ye Tian also looked up at the line of text, and when he heard Betty's question, he immediately explained with a smile:

"I don't know those lines of ancient Latin, but I know what they mean, specifically, 'Marcus Agrippa, son of Lycius and three-time consul, built this temple'.

The literal meaning is very clear. The person who left this line of ancient Latin is Agrippa, who was in charge of building the Pantheon. He was the son-in-law of Octavian, the first emperor of the Roman Empire.

Like the sixteen massive granite pillars below, this line of ancient Latin comes from the original Pantheon, and unmistakably states the builders of the Pantheon, very important"

While explaining, Ye Tian also secretly turned on the perspective, thoroughly seeing through the porch of the Pantheon, which has existed for more than two thousand years.

In his eyes, this porch radiates dazzling blue light, like a crystal clear sapphire, extremely beautiful and intoxicating!

But the material that makes up this magnificent porch is incomparably solid granite. Under perspective, you can see dense stones everywhere!

Except for some smoky traces and carving traces, he did not find any hidden secrets on this porch.

Of course, on this historic porch, there are also many inscriptions and words left by tourists, such as xxx came here for a visit, I love xx and so on.

On this point, Chinese people and foreigners throughout the ages are the same, they all like to do this kind of thing.

After standing at the door and admiring the majestic porch for a while, Ye Tian and the others stepped out, climbed the steps, passed under the porch, and walked into the Pantheon.

The interior of the Pantheon is a huge cylinder with the same diameter and height, covered by a semi-circular roof, with a round hole in the center of the roof, through which natural light shines directly into the interior of the temple.

Inside the Pantheon, there are many colonnades along the circular wall, supporting this ancient building, but there is no pillar in the center of the pantheon, which is wide and empty, which can be called an architectural miracle.

On the circular wall inside the temple, there is a tall niche at intervals, which display statues of Roman gods or statues of famous historical figures.

In addition, there are also some tombs of historical celebrities, such as Raphael, one of the three masters of Renaissance art, who was buried in the Pantheon after his death.

As soon as they entered the Pantheon, everyone was completely attracted by the simple, majestic and breathtaking architecture and sculptures inside the temple, and they all stopped and began to appreciate it.

After standing at the door and admiring it for a while, Ye Tian began to explain.

"The main building of the Pantheon we see now was built by the Roman emperor Hadrian around 120 AD. When it was built, the Roman gods were enshrined here.

In 609 AD, the Roman Empire donated this historic building to the Pope, and the Pantheon was immediately converted into a church. The Holy See preserved many holy bones in it and renamed it Santa Maria Church.

At the end of the 1920s, after the signing of the Lateran Agreement, the Italian government designated the Pantheon as the Italian National Church and opened it to the public, allowing visitors to visit.

The Pantheon is a masterpiece of ancient Roman architectural art. Its foundation, walls and dome are all poured with concrete made of volcanic ash. It can be called a miracle in the history of architecture.

Especially the semicircular dome above, even though it has been built for nearly two thousand years,

The Pantheon Dome remains the largest unreinforced concrete dome in the world, unrivaled..."

While explaining, Ye Tian didn't forget to look through the entire Pantheon and the situation deep underground to see if he could find something.

The bottom of the base of the Pantheon is more than seven meters wide, the walls and the bottom of the dome are six meters thick, and the top of the dome is one meter and five meters thick, which is very exaggerated.

But on these walls and dome, Ye Tian didn't find any secret compartment or secret room, there are solid walls everywhere, extremely strong! Perhaps this is the reason why the Pantheon can stand for two thousand years.

But deep underground in the Pantheon, he had a surprising discovery.

When the line of sight penetrated the stones, volcanic ash concrete and soil on the ground of the Pantheon, and came to a depth of five or six meters, a dazzling blue flashed suddenly in Ye Tian's eyes, which was extremely beautiful.

It was the remains of several ancient Roman sculptures, some rusty weapons, and other ancient items, most of which were incomplete.

Especially for those remains of marble sculptures, Ye Tian could tell at a glance that each one was made by a master sculptor, besides the dazzling blue light, there were nearly twenty layers of charming halos.

Although they are incomplete, missing arms and legs, even without a head, and only a torso remains, each piece of sculpture remains is a priceless treasure, and once it is unearthed, it will definitely cause quite a stir.

The exquisiteness of some of the sculpture remains and the superb carving skills are not inferior to the many ancient Roman sculptures collected by the Vatican Museum.

From the shape of the wreckage of those sculptures and the intensity of the blue light emitted by them, Ye Tian made an extremely accurate judgment in an instant.

Without exception, these sculpture wrecks all come from the sculptures of Roman gods that were once displayed in the Pantheon, and almost every piece of wreckage can see traces of burning fire!

With the partial features of some sculpture remains, Ye Tian can even conclude that they come from the sculptures of the Roman gods, whether they are Jupiter, Apollo, or other gods.

It is conceivable that when the Pantheon was rebuilt, the Roman Emperor Hadrian did not order the remains of these sculptures to be smashed, but buried them deep in the ground and completely integrated with the new Pantheon.

The same must have been the case with the rusty and variously shaped Roman weapons, and all sorts of other ancient objects.

They are the sacrificial offerings of the old Pantheon and the cornerstones of the new Pantheon.

It's a pity that they can only be buried deep in the ground, and they will never have the chance to see the sun again.

Unless one day the Pantheon completely collapses, they may be excavated and shine again, bringing a surprise to the world!

But this chance is very slim and almost impossible. Under the condition of modern technology, people can find countless ways to make this famous historical building stand here forever!

Of course, sudden accidents are not included.

For example, wars, man-made and natural disasters such as major earthquakes, may also destroy the Pantheon.

For Ye Tian, ​​these priceless treasures buried deep in the ground are all out of reach. He will never be able to take these treasures as his own, and can only sigh and envy himself!

Unless one day the Italian government is too poor to open the pot, or its brain is kicked by a donkey, or it is flooded, and it plans to sell the Pantheon for money, then he has a chance!

After appreciating the priceless treasures buried deep underground again, Ye Tian retracted his gaze and ended the perspective.

Next, he accompanied Betty and the others to enjoy the panorama of the Pantheon for a while, and continued to explain it, and then walked to the center of the Pantheon with Betty and the others.

When they came to the center of the Pantheon, the few of them stopped again, then raised their heads, and looked at the sky eye above their heads, in the center of the dome of the Pantheon, and looked at the sky outside through the sky eye.

At this time, it was already afternoon, and a beam of sunlight projected from the west, penetrated the sky eye located in the center of the dome, directly shone into the Pantheon, and projected it on the wall of the temple.

Standing inside the Pantheon and looking up, the beam of sunlight seemed to come from the sky, instantly illuminating the entire Pantheon and bringing light to the world, which is quite sacred.

And this is the original intention of the designers of the Pantheon. The circular opening with a diameter of 8.7 meters in the center of the dome symbolizes the connection between the pantheon and the Roman gods.

Architecturally, that opening would attract and redistribute the enormous tension of the dome, making the enormous dome stronger and more ingeniously designed.

In the past, whenever it rained, the rainwater would fall from that hole, onto the floor inside the temple, and then drain quickly through twenty-two small holes that were barely visible in the marble floor.

After entering modern times, the Italians installed high-strength tempered glass on the sky eye to prevent rainwater from falling into the Pantheon, but it also lost a bit of fun.

After looking up at the Sky Eye on the dome and the majestic dome for a while, Ye Tian and the others retracted their gaze and looked forward.

Not far directly in front of them, there are two tall and solemn alcoves, each with a statue inside.

One of them displays the statue of Mars, the god of war among the Roman gods, and the statue of Julius Caesar is displayed in the other niche.

[UU Reading 00kxs] Mars, the god of war, was one of the original three main gods of Rome. He was the god of land and kingship. With the expansion of the Roman Empire, he also became a symbol of war.

Mars had two sons. According to legend, one of the sons, Romulus, founded Rome, so the Romans also claimed to be the son of Mars.

Throughout the ages, Mars has held a high status in Rome. Like Jupiter, he is the most revered god. He is the patron saint of warriors and the patron saint of Rome.

In ancient Rome, Mars, the god of war, was the most important god among the gods worshiped by the Roman legions, second only to Jupiter, the head of the gods.

Reflected in some sculptures in the ancient Roman period, the image of Mars is a brave general of the Roman Empire with a helmet on and a sword in his hand!

As for Julius Caesar, let alone.

That is the greatest hero, one of the greatest military strategists and statesmen in the hearts of all Romans and all Italians, and his status is extremely high!

Looking at the two tall sculptures from a distance, Ye Tian and the others stepped out and walked towards the two marble sculptures!

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