Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1753 Good News from Milan

At around 4:30 in the afternoon, after visiting the Pantheon, Ye Tian and the others walked out of this magnificent ancient building and came to the square outside the temple.

It was afternoon, the sun was still high in the sky, and there were still several hours before the sun set and evening approached.

Seeing that there was still plenty of time and no sign of danger, Ye Tian decided to continue to visit Rome and not rush back to the Vatican.

The next place he chose to visit was another symbol of Rome, the famous Colosseum, also known as the Colosseum, just a few blocks away to the southeast of Piazza Venezia.

The Colosseum, like the Pantheon, is very famous and a landmark of Rome, but they are all historical relics of the ancient Roman Empire. Unlike museums, it doesn’t take much time to visit them all.

Moreover, the opening hours of the Colosseum are relatively long, until an hour before sunset, so Ye Tian will choose where to visit.

After visiting the Colosseum at that time, you can find a restaurant nearby and have dinner.

When night falls and the lights come on, everyone can enjoy the night view of the Colosseum.

Every night, all the landscape lights inside and outside the Colosseum will be turned on, which is another view, a beautiful night view that has long been famous in Rome, and it is definitely worth seeing.

After making the decision, Ye Tian told Betty and Anderson, and Cole immediately started to make arrangements.

Immediately afterwards, everyone strolled outside the Pantheon Square, preparing to return to the parking lot along the street when they came, and take a car to the Colosseum not far away.

Seeing Ye Tian and the others leave, the Italian police on duty in the square, countless tourists from all over the world, as well as many thieves, and other people of all kinds, all secretly let out a sigh of relief and relaxed!

Thank goodness! Steven and his gang of dangerous bastards have finally left, and everyone can finally visit the Pantheon without worrying about it!

Unlike when we came, everyone returned to the parking lot very quickly.

After everyone got into the car, the heavy convoy started off with a bang, driving along the ancient streets in the city of Rome to the Colosseum not far away.

Almost at the same time as the convoy left the parking lot, Ye Tian's cell phone rang suddenly, it was a call from David.

Seeing the display on the phone screen, Ye Tian immediately burst into a smile, and his eyes were full of anticipation.

The phone was connected, and David's voice came over immediately.

"Good afternoon, Steven, today's negotiations went very smoothly, we met with the owners of the target properties on Via Vincenzo Monte in Milan, and formally made a request to acquire those properties.

Facing the quotation which was nearly 10% higher than the market price, the owners of those properties had no resistance and could not stand the temptation at all. They nodded in agreement and signed a preliminary agreement with us.

If nothing else happens, within two days at the most, we will be able to successfully take down those target properties and turn those historical buildings into the property of your company, and you can start follow-up actions in a legitimate manner.

As for the merchants who rent those properties for business, or the people who live in those buildings, it is not a problem. Before completing the real estate transaction, we will properly solve these problems without leaving any trouble.

For the sake of confidentiality, neither Jason nor I showed up during the negotiation. One of the people who came forward for the negotiation was an employee of your company, the other was my assistant lawyer, and there was also a lawyer from Milan."

Hearing the situation reported by David, Ye Tian immediately waved his fist excitedly and almost cheered.

"Great job! David, hurry up and try to get those target properties as soon as possible,

To avoid long nights and dreams, as long as you sign the real estate transaction contract, you and Jason can come to Rome.

There are more important negotiations on the Roman side. As for the remaining matters on the Milan side, I will leave it to my company employees and your assistant lawyer to handle it, which will be more secretive."

"Understood, Steven, leave the matter of Milan to us, there will be no problems, we will try to get those properties as soon as possible, and then go to Rome"

David responded with confidence and excitement in his words.

After chatting for a while, Ye Tian ended the call and hung up the phone.

Immediately afterwards, he called Anderson's cell phone and began to arrange the next step.

"Anderson, you call Maria, Berlusconi, France's Bernard and other super rich, top collectors, and related top art dealers.

You tell them that if they're interested in Da Vinci's Lisa Gherardini and want to own that priceless piece, they can come to the Vatican in three days.

In three days' time, I will hold a small private auction, by invitation only, in the Vatican, safe and sound, in the Vatican.

There is only one item in this auction, and that is Da Vinci's masterpiece, "Lisa Gherardini". At that time, all buyers can compete in the same field, and the highest bidder wins, which is very fair."

After the words fell, Anderson immediately responded excitedly:

"Okay, Steven, I will inform those super rich, top collectors, and many top art dealers. It is entirely conceivable that those guys will be completely crazy when they hear this news."

Afterwards, Ye Tian gave Anderson a few more instructions before ending the call.

Afterwards, Ye Tian and Betty chatted, laughed and chatted, while admiring the Roman street scene flashing past the car window, very comfortable.

In another Cavalier XV civilian armored vehicle, Anderson had already started to make calls and deliver messages.

Soon, the relevant super rich and top collectors received the news, and the field of antique art collection in Italy and even the whole of Europe also set off a huge wave.

Also receiving the news, are the Italian Prime Minister's Office, the Italian Ministry of Culture, and the Italian Cultural Relics Gendarmerie and other relevant departments and related people.

Without exception, every Italian who received this news was itchy with hatred, wishing to tear up Ye Tian and feed them to the dogs, and vent their anger!

However, they were like a dog biting a hedgehog, they had nothing to do with Ye Tian, ​​they could only stand aside and watch, helplessly!

While speaking, Ye Tian and his convoy had already driven near the Colosseum, and the dilapidated and towering ancient stands at the ruins of the Colosseum also broke into everyone's field of vision.

At the same time, the arrival of this heavy convoy also caused quite a commotion around the Colosseum. People all looked towards this side, and there was fear in everyone's eyes.

After the rapid spread and fermentation of social media, most people in Rome have learned that this heavy-duty convoy belongs to Ye Tian, ​​and every car in the convoy is a bulletproof SUV!

Coupled with the incidents that Ye Tian has caused one after another in Italy during this period of time, how could people not feel frightened when they saw this heavy convoy coming!

"Fack! That extremely dangerous bastard Steven is here. I want to leave the Colosseum and visit here again another day, otherwise I might die here!"

"I'll go! This bastard is here to visit Rome, he is here to fight, okay? Do I need to bring armored vehicles for sightseeing? Do I need to bring an army?"

Under the terrified eyes of the people and amidst the discussions, Ye Tian and his convoy drove straight into the parking lot next to the Colosseum and stopped one after another.

Immediately afterwards, Cole led many security personnel to get out of the car first, and quickly pulled up a line of defense, watching the surrounding situation vigilantly, ready to respond at any time.

Seeing their well-trained actions, as well as their sturdy temperament and body shape, the pedestrians and tourists around couldn't help but gasped, secretly terrified!

The next moment, Ye Tian stretched out his hand to open the car door, took Betty out of the Cavalier XV armored car, landed on the parking lot, and appeared in people's sight.

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