Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1755 Secrets of Ancient Rome

After leaving the Colosseum, it was around six o'clock in the afternoon, and there was still more than an hour before sunset.

In other words, if you want to enjoy the beautiful night view of the Colosseum and the fascinating light show in Rome, you will have to wait for more than an hour to do so.

Rome is an ancient city full of ruins. If you walk around in the city, you will come across one historical site after another, and it may be a famous ancient Roman site.

In Rome, Ye Tian and the others naturally wouldn't waste such an opportunity, waiting here for the night to fall, and then enjoying the charming night view of the Colosseum.

After a short discussion, everyone made a decision to walk to the nearby ancient Roman city square for a visit.

After selecting the target, everyone laughed and chatted while walking towards the ancient Roman city square. Everyone was very relaxed and looked like ordinary tourists who came to Rome for sightseeing.

Of course, this does not include Cole and the others. They are always on high alert, keeping an eye on the pedestrians and tourists around them, ready to respond at any time.

In fact, the ancient Roman city square is just opposite the Colosseum, and there is a green street garden between the two, and you can go around the street garden.

While talking, Ye Tian and the others had already walked to the south side of the garden in the middle of the street, stopped here, and began to admire a famous historical building standing here.

This is a triumphal arch that has stood for more than a thousand years. It was built in 315 AD. It is the oldest of the three existing triumphal arches in the city of Rome, also known as the Arch of Constantine.

In 312 AD, after the victory of the Battle of Milvi Bridge, the famous Arc de Triomphe was built to celebrate Constantine the Great's victory over Maxenty and the unification of the Roman Empire.

Around this famous Arc de Triomphe, there is a circle of tall and strong iron fences to prevent tourists from approaching the Arc de Triomphe, mainly to prevent some tourists from deliberately destroying it.

Therefore, when Ye Tian and the others came here, they could only stand outside the iron fence, visit and appreciate this famous triumphal arch.

As before, Ye Tian started to explain after quietly appreciating for a while.

"The Arch of Constantine was built in 315 to commemorate the victory of Constantine the Great over Emperor Maxentius and the successful unification of the Roman Empire.

The relief panels on the top of the triumphal arch were directly taken from other buildings in Rome at that time, and the main content is the life achievements of the emperors of the past dynasties, such as Antony and Hadrian.

The relief panel below is the battle scene of Constantine the Great to highlight his outstanding and great military career, as well as his lofty status in the history of ancient Rome and even the West.

Among the three existing triumphal arches in Rome, the Arch of Constantine was built the latest, but the shadow of early Roman art can still be seen, and it is relatively well preserved, so it is worth seeing.

This is a triumphal arch with three arches, 21 meters high, 25.7 meters wide, and 7.4 meters deep. Due to the adjustment of the ratio of height and width, it spans the center of the road and looks huge.

The inside and outside of Constantine's Arc de Triomphe are full of various reliefs. From the surface, although the huge Arc de Triomphe and colorful reliefs are magnificent, they lack a sense of integrity.

The reason is that the various parts of the Arch of Constantine were not created uniformly, and most of the relief components were dismantled from some famous buildings in the past and pieced together.

Nevertheless, it is still a magnificent triumphal arch, especially the sculptures of various important periods of the Roman Empire preserved on it, which is a vivid history of Roman sculpture.

The Arc de Triomphe of Constantine is very similar to the Arc de Triomphe in Paris, because the Arc de Triomphe in Paris is based on it, but it is bigger, and the relief content and commemorative meaning are different.


While introducing this famous Arc de Triomphe, Ye Tian took Betty and the others for a stroll around the Arch of Constantine.

After going around in a circle and visiting this tall triumphal arch, Ye Tian just happened to finish his explanation.

Afterwards, they left here and continued to walk forward, preparing to enter the ancient Roman city square along the holy path to experience the glory of ancient Rome.

After walking a few steps, Ye Tian's cell phone rang suddenly, and it was Kenny who was far away in New York.

Ye Tian took out his phone and glanced at it to display it, then gently slid to unlock the screen lock, and Kenny's voice came over immediately.

"Good afternoon, Steven, the agents of Blackwater and IZO have arrived in Rome and are staying in the Paul VI Hotel next to the Vatican, very close to you.

As for their identities, the intelligence personnel of Raytheon Security Company have already verified them, and there should be no problem. I will send you the contact information later, and you can just meet up when you choose the opportunity."

After the words fell, Ye Tian immediately smiled and said in a low voice:

"Understood, Kenny, I will have someone verify the identities of those guys again, as for meeting those guys, forget it, there are countless pairs of eyes around me now.

Once their [UUReading 00kxs] identities are confirmed, the rest of the matter will be very easy, I will give tips at the right time, let them earn a fortune in a completely legal form"

These guys staying at the Paul VI Hotel are the agents of the mercenaries who appeared yesterday in Barcelona, ​​Spain, Marseille, France, and Belgrade, Serbia.

Those mercenaries are all special elites who have survived many battles, and they come from the notorious Blackwater Company and another famous mercenary company, Israel's IZO Mercenary Company.

They took over and successfully completed the hunting bounty issued by Ye Tian, ​​and killed all the key members of the three gangsters. They sent agents to Rome to receive the reward.

The way Ye Tian paid the remuneration was as agreed, providing three chances to pick up the leak, so that those guys can get a fortune that can be seen in the light, and complete the deal.

After chatting with Kenny for a few words, Ye Tian ended the call and hung up the phone.

While speaking, Ye Tian and the others had stepped into the holy way and officially entered the ancient Roman city square.

In ancient Rome, major cities generally had squares, large or small.

At first, these squares were used as markets and public gathering places, and later they were also used to issue announcements, conduct trials, celebrate festivals, and even hold gladiatorial fights, mostly rectangular

In the spontaneously formed ancient Roman cities, the location of the squares varied from city to city. In the planned walled cities, the squares were mostly located at the intersections in the center of the city.

The Roman Forum is the city center of the ancient Roman era, and there are still some ruins of important buildings in the ancient Roman era.

The important buildings standing here include the Arch of Titus, the Arch of Constantine, the Arch of Severus, the Temple of Caesar, the Temple of Vesta, the Temple of Venus and Rome, etc.

Here are the ruins of many famous buildings in ancient Rome, such as politics, religion, commerce, and entertainment, so it is also called "ancient Roman ruins".

Because of the great historical significance of the "Ancient Roman Ruins", successive Roman governments have deliberately preserved this piece of ruins since their discovery in the 18th century, leaving a precious cultural heritage for all mankind.

This "ancient Roman ruins" is like a huge open-air museum, which not only attracts tourists from all over the world to find out, but also attracts many archaeologists and historians.

They came here one after another to explore the life of ancient Rome at that time, which is of great archaeological value!

Of course, it also attracts many professional treasure hunters to come here to explore treasures and find various treasures left over from the ancient Roman period.

As a top professional treasure hunter, Ye Tian naturally would not miss such an opportunity.

As soon as he walked into the holy way of the ancient Roman Forum, he secretly opened the perspective, and began to explore the ruins of the ancient buildings on both sides of the holy way, as well as the situation deep underground, to see if he could find something!

In Ye Tian's view, this was the core area of ​​the ancient Roman Empire, where countless very important buildings gathered, and there must be many secrets and even huge treasures hidden there.

Even though the Romans have cleaned it up more than once, it is impossible to clean it all up. There must be many secrets waiting to be discovered!

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