Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1756 Emperor Saber

Under the perspective, Ye Tian immediately saw through the ruins on the right side of the holy path. Those ruins with a long history of one or two thousand years have no secrets in his eyes.

In fact, there were no secrets in that ruined wall.

What Ye Tian sees through perspective is only rocks and soil, as well as concrete and some other ancient building materials, which have no value other than the significance of historical sites.

There are some discoveries deep underground, but they are just some rubble, rusty ancient weapons, and some building components, which are not of much value.

In the blink of an eye, Ye Tian had a thorough perspective on the area on the right side of the holy path, and found nothing surprising, but also did not reveal any flaws.

Very naturally, he turned his head to look at the area on the left side of the holy path, and continued to explore through perspective.

The area on the left side of the holy way is also a piece of broken walls, the highest wall is less than two meters, and there are only one basic part left in more ruins, which is completely in ruins.

On those walls and foundations of varying heights, Ye Tian didn't find anything, it was full of rocks and mud, as well as various other ancient building materials.

This situation couldn't be more normal, and he didn't feel surprised at all.

Since the ancient Roman Forum was discovered in the 18th century, God knows how many times it has been cleared and excavated, and how many archaeologists and historians have visited here, and the estimated number is countless.

There are also countless antique dealers, professional treasure hunters, thieves, tomb robbers, etc. who have heard the news. The ground has been cleaned up, and there is not a single hair left!

If you want to discover something here, you can only hope for a miracle deep underground.

Only there is it possible to escape people's repeated searches in the past two hundred years and leave something behind.

Ye Tian's line of sight easily penetrated the ground without any hindrance, and he directly saw the situation deep underground.

As far as the eye can see, there are still rocks and mud, rusty and dilapidated ancient weapons, and the remains of buildings left by generations of Romans, which are not of much value.

During the perspective process, Ye Tian's footsteps did not stop, and he continued to walk with Betty and the others.

His sharp eyesight, which can see through everything, naturally keeps moving forward,

Like a state-of-the-art scanner, it scans the ancient ruins on both sides of the holy path.

Suddenly, a dazzling blue light flashed in his eyes, which was so beautiful that it immediately lifted his spirits, and a color of joy flashed quickly in his eyes.

as expected!

Deep underground in the ruins of the ancient Roman city square, there are indeed many secrets hidden, perhaps quite a few!

The object emitting a dazzling blue light is the arm of a sculpture of a figure. The rest of the sculpture has long since disappeared, perhaps moved to another place, or smashed to pieces.

Although it is only a sculpture wreck, its carving skills are very superb, as evidenced by the charming halo of seventeen or eighteen layers on the marble arm.

Obviously, this sculpture wreck must have come from a famous sculptor in ancient Rome, and it has a long history of more than two thousand years, so it has high market value and artistic value.

It's a pity that it is buried deep underground at this time, and no one knows about it except Ye Tian.

Even Ye Tian could only look at it greedily, but couldn't keep it in his pocket.

Unless he intends to be a gentleman once again, and come here in the dark and in the middle of the night to dig up the remains of this sculpture and take it as his own.

But such a thing, he didn't bother to do it.

For him, there are treasures and top antique works of art everywhere in the world, and there is no need to give up his principles for a sculpture wreck.

Even if it is a complete ancient Greek or Roman sculpture, even a priceless treasure like "Laocoon", it is impossible for him to come here with a shovel and be a gentleman.

Reluctantly looking at the unusually beautiful marble arm, Ye Tian looked away, looked at other areas, and continued to explore the ancient Roman ruins.

Next, he made another discovery.

They were dozens of ancient Roman gold coins buried deep in the ground, packed in a black pottery pot, golden and extremely dazzling, and radiated dazzling blue light, indicating that they came from more than 2,000 years ago.

Undoubtedly, these are a batch of valuable antique gold coins, which are of great reference value and research significance for the study of coins and economic history of the ancient Roman Empire.

But they can only continue to be buried deep in the ground, quietly waiting for the moment when they will see the sun again, maybe there will never be such a day.

In this way, Ye Tian secretly examined the ruins on both sides of the holy path, while explaining to Betty and the others, and kept moving forward, continuing to walk deeper into ancient Rome.

While talking, everyone has already walked through this section of the sacred path that is about two to three hundred meters long and slopes upwards, and came to another triumphal arch in the ancient Roman Forum, the Arch of Titus.

Passing through this ancient triumphal arch, you can really enter the core area of ​​the ancient Roman Forum. The scenery inside is even more spectacular. Walking in it, everyone can feel the strength and glory of the ancient Roman Empire.

When they came to the Arc de Triomphe of Titus, everyone stopped again, raised their heads and looked up, and began to admire this ancient building that had gone through many vicissitudes.

At the same time, Ye Tian's professional and wonderful explanation started again.

His clear voice came out immediately, reaching the ears of Betty and the others, as well as some other tourists nearby.

"The Arch of Titus is one of the three most typical triumphal arches left in Rome. It is smaller than the Arch of Constantine I just saw. It is more than 14 meters high, 13 meters wide, and 6 meters deep.

This triumphal arch was built in AD 81 for Emperor Titus in the early period of the empire, and the one who ordered the construction of this triumphal arch was the younger brother of Emperor Titus, the successor Emperor Domitian..."

While explaining, Ye Tian has turned on perspective again, looked at this ancient triumphal arch, and explored the secrets hidden behind this triumphal arch.

As far as the eye can see, this triumphal arch with a history of nearly two thousand years, all the details inside and outside, are clearly presented in Ye Tian's eyes, without missing a single thing.

On the marble-clad walls on both sides of the Arc de Triomphe, Ye Tian saw many holes of different sizes, which were made by the Frangipani family, the Roman rulers in the twelfth century.

In order to control Rome, this family built many military fortresses on the Roman Forum, followed by massive destruction, and the Arch of Titus was not spared.

But these have nothing to do with Ye Tian, ​​and they are all old things that cannot be changed.

When his eyes passed through those holes and the mottled wall surface, two small dark spaces immediately appeared in his eyes, one on the left and one on the left, the same size.

However, the inside of these two hidden compartments is empty and there is nothing.

The things that were originally hidden in the secret compartment had already been taken away.

Those who took them away may have been Roman soldiers in the twelfth century, craftsmen who restored the Arc de Triomphe during the Renaissance, or Romans in the eighteenth century or now.

Seeing these two empty dark compartments, Ye Tian couldn't help but a look of disappointment flashed in his eyes.

After seeing through the Arc de Triomphe, he turned his gaze to the ground and began to explore the situation deep underground.

When the line of sight penetrated the rocks and soil on the ground and penetrated into the ground more than four meters deep, a sealed long and narrow stone box suddenly broke into his field of vision.

Seeing this scene, Ye Tian suddenly lifted his spirits, and lightly squeezed his fist excitedly.

The perspective continued, the sealed stone box that had been buried deep underground for nearly two thousand years was instantly seen by Ye Tian, ​​and the things contained in the stone box were also revealed!

Inside the stone box was a Roman dagger, shining with blue light. The scabbard and hilt were carved with exquisite patterns, as well as ancient Latin characters, as well as a coat of arms, inlaid with precious stones.

I don't know how this Roman short sword was preserved, and what kind of special anti-rust process was used.

Although it has gone through a long time of nearly 2,000 years and was buried deep in the ground, this Roman dagger is still shining coldly and unmatchedly sharp, as if exuding a fierce murderous aura!

The moment Ye Tian saw this Roman dagger, he was stunned for a moment, as if he couldn't believe his eyes, and wondered if he was dazzled!

Immediately afterwards, he screamed wildly in the depths of his heart, and almost jumped up with excitement, jumping three feet high.

This is the portable sword of Emperor Titus in the early period of the ancient Roman Empire. The Latin and emperor's emblem on the hilt are enough to explain everything.

Based on these two points alone, it can be confirmed that there is no doubt about the origin of this Roman dagger, and it is absolutely priceless.

More importantly, this Roman dagger is likely to be the saber used by Emperor Titus when he conquered and suppressed the Jews, which was the most boastful feat of Emperor Titus in his life.

The Arch of Titus was built to commemorate the victory over the Jews.

That being the case, it is very reasonable for Emperor Domitian to bury this Roman dagger, a symbol of victory, under the Arc de Triomphe to highlight the great achievements of his brother!

For all Romans, this sword of Emperor Titus symbolizes the supreme glory, symbolizing the glory and strength of the ancient Roman Empire!

But for the Jews, this is a sword of death, stained with Jewish blood!

It is entirely conceivable that if this Roman short sword is seen again, what kind of sensation it will cause, and all the Jews in the world will probably be crazy about it!

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