Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1760 Slaughtering the Two Big Families of the Mafia

Unlike other European cities I have visited before, the highest achievement of Roman art is mainly reflected in the public buildings all over the city, rather than the antique works of art collected in museums.

Therefore, when a new day came, Ye Tian did not take Betty and the others to the major museums in the city, but planned to continue to visit various places in Rome, to experience and feel the charm of this ancient city.

Of course, he has another ulterior purpose, which is to explore the secrets and treasures hidden everywhere in the city of Rome, and then take them as his own and make a fortune.

After having breakfast in the morning and resting for a while, Ye Tian and the others were about to leave the Vatican and continue to visit the city of Rome.

At this moment, Leonardo and the Bishop of Kent suddenly visited together, bringing news that surprised Ye Tian slightly.

After entering the guest room and exchanging greetings, the Bishop of Kent got down to business.

"Steven, yesterday you announced in public on the edge of St. Peter's Square that you will cooperate with us in the Vatican to jointly explore a certain treasure. Once the news came out, it immediately caused a huge sensation!

Two of your mafia enemies in Italy, the Casamonica family in Rome and the Bernano family in Palermo, both received the news and reacted quickly.

They reached out to us through the Mafia Eleven, the bishops of Rome and Palermo, and the anti-mafia unit of the Italian police, expressing their willingness to reconcile.

In short, they hope to shake hands with you and make peace. Don't expand the war. It will not benefit both parties. You belong to different industries, and there is no need to fight to the death.

The leaders of these two families have reached a consensus to advance and retreat together, and they have privately communicated through the bishops of the two cities, and within a reasonable range, they can make some compensation.

I don't know what you want? Steven, in order to jointly explore the treasure of the Knights Templar to proceed smoothly and reduce some unnecessary disturbances, I think it is best for the two of you to reconcile"

The Bishop of Kent had just finished speaking, and before Ye Tian could respond, Leonardo immediately continued:

"This is Italy, the home of the mafia. Their power is deeply rooted and has penetrated into every aspect of the country. Even the Vatican is very afraid of the mafia.

Because of the huge influence of the Vatican and its sacred status in the hearts of the Italian people, the Mafia did not dare to openly oppose the Vatican and disrupt this joint exploration operation.

That's why they hope that the two sides will reconcile. Although they took the initiative to attack, you have not suffered any substantial harm. On the contrary, the two major mafia families paid a huge price.

Steven, if you are willing to reconcile with the two major mafia families, then we are willing to mediate and arrange a suitable time. You can negotiate in the Vatican and shake hands to make peace! "

After finishing speaking, Bishop of Kent and Leonardo stared closely at Ye Tian to see what kind of reaction he would give.

The living room fell completely silent, and everyone remained silent, all looking at Ye Tian, ​​waiting for him to make a final decision.

After pretending to think for a while, Ye Tian smiled and said:

"You are right, Bishop of Kent, we have nothing to do with the Italian mafia, there is no conflict of interest, there is no need to fight to the death, it will not benefit both parties.

In the previous conflicts, we did not suffer a loss. On the contrary, we killed a lot of mafia scum, and cleaned up some garbage for the world and for Italy. We are very honored! "


There was a burst of laughter at the scene, and Betty and the others all laughed.

The Bishop of Kent and Leonardo shook their heads lightly, dumbfounded, with helplessness on their faces.

After a short pause, Ye Tian continued to say:

"I'm not a war maniac, and I don't want to continue fighting with those mafia scumbags endlessly, especially in Italy, we are here to explore treasures, not to fight.

It is not impossible to shake hands with the two major mafia families. Director Enrique, the head of Rome's anti-mafia department, revealed this meaning yesterday morning, and they do not want to see the war continue.

Director Enrique proposed yesterday that he was willing to mediate between us and the two major mafia families. What I didn't expect was that those mafia scumbags would come to the Vatican again.

It can be seen that those scumbags in Italy really have powerful hands and eyes, and their power and influence cannot be underestimated. For the smooth progress of our joint exploration of the treasure of the Knights Templar, I am willing to reconcile.

But the Casamonicas and Benanos must pay for their stupidity, so they can feel the pain, and have a long memory, knowing that there are some people in this world who are not to be messed with! "

Hearing this, Leonardo and the Bishop of Kent couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, and the expressions on their faces relaxed a lot.

"Just as long as you are willing to reconcile, Steven, tell me, what price will the Casamonica family and the Benano family have to pay before you are willing to shake hands with them and end the war?"

The Bishop of Kent said with a sigh of relief, and showed an expression that really did.

Leonardo, who was sitting next to him, had the same expression.

Before they came here, they had expected that with Steven's ruthless and merciless style, he would never let this golden opportunity of extortion go, as expected!

Don't even think about it, the Casamonica family and the Benano family are going to be in bad luck, and they will definitely be slaughtered by Steven, which will make them feel heartbroken!

This is helpless, who made them so stupid, actually want to rob Steven, a crazy guy, this is the price of stupidity.

"Since the Casamonica family and the Benano family want to reconcile, they must show enough sincerity. As long as the price they pay is satisfactory to me, this war can end.

You all know my situation, the Bishop of Kent, Leonardo, I am a super rich man, and I have no shortage of money at all. Compensation in terms of money is meaningless to me, buddy is not rare.

At the same time, I am also a top professional treasure hunter and a top expert in antique art appraisal. Compared with money, I prefer antique art and treasures, and I enjoy the process of exploring treasures more.

Therefore, I do not ask the two major mafia families to compensate me for money. What I want more is detailed information about a certain treasure. The two major mafia families want to compensate me for information on two treasures.

And I also have requirements for treasure information, not just any inconspicuous treasure information can be used to make up for it, they must be accurate enough, and the value should not be less than 200 million US dollars.

If the relevant treasure information presented by the two major mafia families satisfies me and is confirmed by me, then I can shake hands with them and make peace with them.

Ye Tian said with a smile, finally showing his amazing appetite.

Hearing his words, Leonardo and the Bishop of Kent immediately exclaimed, they were all frightened by Ye Tian's amazing appetite.

"Hey! You guys are so ruthless and greedy. The first thing you say is two pieces of exact treasure information, and the value is no less than 200 million US dollars. Where can the two major mafia families find it?"

"Isn't it a little difficult for two famous Italian mafia families to find information about the treasure? For them, it's better to pay 200 million US dollars directly!"

"The Casamonica family and the Benano family are the most famous mafia families in Italy, and Italy is a place with many ruins and treasures, and they may have relevant treasure information in their hands.

If they don't have it, then it doesn't matter if they send someone out to inquire, or buy it with money, or just take advantage of the weak to snatch it.

As long as the treasure information they finally handed over to me is completely legal, will not cause me trouble, and satisfies me, the deal can be completed, and the two of us can shake hands and make peace."

"Okay, I will pass on your opinion to the Casamonica family and the Benano family, and what they do is beyond our control.

I have to say, Steven, you are so cruel and merciless to the extreme. It is really bad luck for eight lifetimes for two major mafia families to provoke you! "

"Hahaha, this is exaggerated, Bishop of Kent, you can tell the bosses of the two major mafia families to negotiate with me with the treasure information that meets the requirements, and I will wait for the good news!"

Ye Tian said with a triumphant smile, as if he was determined by the two major mafia families.

Next, Leonardo and the Bishop of Kent said something else, and then they got up to leave and went out to get busy.

When the time came to nine o'clock in the morning, Ye Tian immediately got up and said to the people around him:

"Guys, let's go and visit Trajan's Square, which is one of the most spectacular areas in Rome. There may be surprises waiting for us, definitely not to be missed!"

After the words fell, everyone got up one after another, preparing to leave here and visit Trajan's Square, and everyone was full of expectations.

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