Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1761 Mercenary Squad

Same as yesterday, Ye Tian and the others did not go to the parking lot, they still walked through St. Peter's Square, left the Vatican, and entered Rome.

When they walked to the exit of the square and were about to leave the Vatican, Ye Tian saw a few people standing by the colonnade on the right side of the square, looking at them and nodding their heads.

It was a few tall men dressed as tourists, each carrying a backpack, including white men, black men, and an Asian, and they all wore hats, including baseball caps and fisherman hats.

Without exception, these guys are quite strong in stature, but not bloated. They stand upright, have a sturdy temperament, and faintly reveal a fierce aura. Standing there, they are like standing out from the crowd, very conspicuous.

The Vatican police and several members of the Swiss Guard maintaining order in St. Peter's Square, as well as the Roman police outside the border, have long noticed these guys and are watching them closely, very vigilant.

Seeing those guys nodding to him, Ye Tian also nodded with a smile, as a greeting.

At the same time, he also secretly turned on the clairvoyance, saw those guys clearly in an instant, and quickly grasped the identities of those guys, but whether they are true or not is another matter.

"Steven, those guys are all from the notorious Blackwater Security Company. They are a special operations team with a total of five people. They just came to Rome from Spain last night.

These guys are obviously not at ease with the agent who arrived in Rome first. They are afraid that the agent will swallow up their own wealth, so they all come to Rome to supervise.

I've met with these guys and their agents last night, verified on the spot, no problems, two of them fought with us.

In addition to this mercenary team, another mercenary team from the Blackwater Company also sent two guys to Rome to supervise their agents, and their identities were also no problem.

The special operations team of the Israeli mercenary company IZO did not send anyone other than the agent who came before, and I also verified the identity of the agent."

Cole's voice came from the invisible headset, and he introduced the identities of those guys not far away in a very timely manner, so as not to cause misunderstanding.

As soon as his words fell, Ye Tian immediately smiled and said in a low voice:

"I guess it's those guys who lick blood on the tip of their knives. Except for the elites who have survived a hundred battles, it is impossible for ordinary people to have that kind of fierce aura, as if they are ready to fight at any time!


Give those guys a break, let them visit the city of Rome first, and wait for the notice. When we go to the antique market in Rome, we will notify you in time and let them accompany you.

When I go to the antique market, I will give tips at the right time, let them try something new, make a big leak in the antique market in Rome, and earn a clean sum of money that can see the sun.

It is inconvenient to disclose the specific reminder method for the time being. We will inform them after we arrive at the antique market, so as to be safe, so as not to accidentally leak the information and be targeted or intercepted by the cultural relics gendarmes.

In addition, you have to tell them that each team only has one chance, so don't waste it. As for whether they will have internal conflicts afterwards, I don't care, they'd better solve it by themselves.

If it is possible, let those guys stay in Rome for a few more days, maybe there is a chance to use them, then they can earn another handsome commission, I don’t think anyone will refuse”

"Understood, Steven, I will notify those guys later"

Cole responded in a low voice, before ending the call.

While speaking, Ye Tian and the others had already walked out of St. Peter's Square and boarded the convoy waiting on the Roman side of the border.

Same as before, before getting into the car, Ye Tian turned on the X-ray again and quickly checked all the vehicles in the convoy for safety.

After making sure that all the vehicles were safe and without any problems, he took Betty into the car.

Soon, the vehicles in this heavy convoy started one after another, and drove away from St. Peter's Square, heading straight for the old city of Rome.

Seeing the heavy convoy gradually going away, the guys standing at the entrance of the colonnade on the right side of St. Peter's Square couldn't help feeling jealous.

"Steven, this bastard's handwriting is really too big and too ostentatious. Look at that heavy-duty convoy, it's so jealous. Those guys who follow Steven are really lucky!"

"I don't think about anything else right now, and I don't envy those guys who follow Steven. Now I just want that guy, Steven, to fulfill his promise as soon as possible and let us make a lot of money.

With that clean money, I can go back to Denver to buy a house and get married, and I don’t have to worry about those bloody vampires from the IRS coming to investigate.”

"Don't worry about this, everyone. Cole said last night that Steven always walks the talk and never breaks his word. Since we have accepted the order and successfully completed the task, he will fulfill his promise. Just wait and see! "

While these Blackwater mercenaries were talking in low voices, Ye Tian and his convoy galloped along Concord Avenue, and quickly disappeared from the sight of these guys.

Trajan's Square is located in the center of Rome, next to Venice Square, on the east side of Imperial Square Avenue, not far from the Colosseum and the Roman Forum, and you can see it when you look up.

This is the last imperial forum in Rome. It was built in 107 AD to commemorate the victory of Trajan's expedition to Romania.

There are two huge libraries, two magnificent halls, Trajan's Column that still stands on the ruins of the square, and rows of exquisite statues on the square.

Once Trajan's Square was built, it caused a huge sensation and became the most spectacular area in Rome at that time.

Today, Trajan's Square is still one of the most famous and spectacular attractions in Rome, attracting countless tourists from all over the world to visit here every year.

At around 9:30 in the morning, not long after Trajan's Square opened, Ye Tian and his group strolled over to Trajan's Square and began to visit.

Just like when he visited the Colosseum and the Roman Forum before, Ye Tian once again assumed the role of a guide, explaining to Betty and the others while visiting the historical sites in this famous square.

"To understand Trajan's Forum, one must first understand Emperor Trajan. He is one of the five famous emperors of the Roman Empire, ranking second, and a very accomplished Roman emperor.

During Trajan's reign, he consolidated the economic and social system internally, launched wars externally, expanded the territory of the Roman Empire to the largest extent in history, and turned the Mediterranean Sea into the inland sea of ​​Rome.

He can be said to be Rome's largest and most successful expander and invader after Caesar. Due to his outstanding achievements, Trajan won the title of "Best Head of State" issued by the Senate.

In order to commemorate the conquest of the Dacians, Emperor Trajan ordered the construction of this square, which began in 107 AD and was not completed until 112 AD. It took five years to complete it,..."

While explaining and introducing, Ye Tian's eyes were also like top-level scanners, scanning every ruins, ruins, and the situation deep underground.

During this period, his eyes flashed with excitement several times in succession, but they were so fleeting that no one noticed.

Obviously, in Trajan's Square, he made another surprising discovery!

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