Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1762 I believe you are a ghost

In the evening, when Ye Tian and the others returned to the Vatican after a day of sightseeing, they also received surprising good news from Milan, hundreds of kilometers away.

Just after returning to the guest room, before he had time to wash up, Ye Tian's cell phone rang, and it was David calling.

When the phone was connected, David's voice came over immediately.

"Good evening, Steven, I have good news for you. Just now, fifteen minutes ago, we won the last target property on Via Vincenzo Monte in Milan and signed a real estate transaction contract.

Next, as long as you successfully complete a series of relevant procedures, get the certificate of property rights, and pay the final payment, you can completely own those historical buildings, and you can return to Milan at any time to start follow-up explorations.

The tenants who live in those buildings and the merchants who rent those properties for business have reached relevant agreements with us. Some choose to accept compensation and move out as soon as possible, while others continue to lease and pay you rent.

During the negotiation process and the signing of the real estate transaction contract, Jason and I did not show up. That is to say, no one except us knows that you bought those historical buildings! "

Hearing David's words, Ye Tian immediately waved his fist excitedly.

Done! The secret, or treasure, related to Da Vinci in the underground of Via Vincenzo Monte in Milan belongs to my buddies from now on, and no one else can get involved!

Milan! In the near future, you just wait to be shocked by your buddies again!

After secretly cheering, Ye Tian suppressed his emotions a little, and then said:

"Great job! David, leave the follow-up matters of the real estate transaction to my company's employees, your paralegal, and the lawyer in Milan.

You and Jason pack up and fly to Rome tomorrow with those real estate transaction contracts. When you arrive in Rome, we can start negotiations with the Vatican."

"Okay, Steven, Jason and I have nothing to pack up, we can just pick up the suitcase and go. To be honest, I can't wait to go to Rome and the Vatican."

"I will let a private jet go to Milan to pick you up, so as to avoid most people's eyes and ears, and facilitate future operations. At the same time, you should try to keep a low profile.

In Rome, I have also discovered in the past two days that I need that kid Jason to start operations here, repeat the same tricks, and continue to acquire real estate in the name of that real estate company."


The Italians are so unlucky to be targeted by you, this is good, Rome must be the same as Milan and Florence, and cannot escape the tragic fate of being ransacked by madness."

David laughed and said, looking like he was gloating, but also very excited.

After that, the two chatted for a few more words before Ye Tian hung up the phone and ended the call.

Afterwards, he told Betty about these things, shared the joy of harvest, and then called the crew of the private jet, asking them to set off overnight and fly to Milan to pick up David and Jason.

When it was time for dinner, Ye Tian and Betty left the guest room again, joined Anderson and the others, and went to the restaurant downstairs for dinner.

As soon as the group of them entered the restaurant, they saw the Bishop of Kent, Leonardo, and two other senior priests waiting here.

We are all old friends, we are very familiar with each other, so we don't have so many formalities, just exchanged a few words, and sat down at a few adjacent tables, ready to have dinner.

After sitting down, Bishop of Kent, who was sitting opposite Ye Tian and Betty's table, immediately lowered his voice and said:

"Steven, I have already informed the two bishops of Rome and Palermo about the terms of the peace talks you proposed and your willingness to reconcile, and they immediately notified the two major mafia families.

Around 6:00 p.m., the Casamonica family and the Benano family responded one after another. They are willing to start negotiations with you and negotiate reconciliation terms. The leaders of the two families will come to the Vatican tomorrow.

For the safety of both of you and for the sake of confidentiality, the negotiations will be held in the Vatican, so that you can avoid the attention of the news media, which is beneficial to both of you.

In addition to you, the heads of the two major families, and several important leaders under them, Leonardo and I, as well as two representatives of the Mafia Committee of Eleven, participated in this settlement negotiation.

As the mediating party, the head of the anti-mafia department of the Italian police, that is, Director Enrique and his subordinates, will also appear in the conference room of the negotiation to supervise the negotiation between you two.

The security of the negotiation site will be in charge of the Swiss Guard, and there will be no problems. I believe that with the huge influence of the Vatican, neither the two major mafia families nor the police dare to make trouble here.

Now it depends on your attitude. If you are willing to start negotiations with the two families, then we can determine the time and place of the negotiations, make some corresponding arrangements, and then notify the relevant parties."

"Hey! This scene doesn't sound too small. If that's the case, then fine. I'm willing to start negotiations with the Casamonica family and the Benano family to see their sincerity.

To be honest, I also really want to meet the two mafia bosses. We have fought several times, but I haven't seen what they look like in person. Are they as vicious as in the legend.

Bishop of Kent, please arrange the time and place of the negotiation, as long as it is within the scope of the Vatican. Another point is that my people must participate in the security of the site.

Although this is the Vatican, it is very safe, but it is just a wall away from Rome, so it can be said that it is very close at hand. The home of the Casamonica family is in Rome, so we must be careful.

My subordinates can be mixed with members of the Swiss Guard to supervise each other and ensure everyone’s safety. As long as the two major mafia families don’t mess with each other, there will be no problem,”

Ye Tian said with a smile, basically accepting Bishop of Kent's proposal.

After the voice fell, the scene immediately fell silent.

After thinking in silence for a while, the Bishop of Kent nodded and said:

"Okay, Steven, it's great that you can accept this proposal, so that this unnecessary war can be ended, and we can start joint exploration operations with confidence.

You asked your subordinates to participate in security matters, which is also reasonable. After all, this is Italy, the lair of the Mafia. It is normal for you to have security concerns, although it is unnecessary.

I will feed back your ideas to all relevant parties. With your reputation of doing what you say and never breaking your word, and our endorsement from the Vatican, the two major mafia families should be able to accept it.”

"Well, I'll just wait for the good news, Bishop of Kent, you have confirmed the time and place, just let us know. I am very much looking forward to this meeting, maybe I can get two surprises!"

Ye Tian nodded with a smile and said, looking confident.

After chatting for a few more words, Ye Tian changed the subject.

"Bishop of Kent, Leonardo, prepare yourself. David and the others will arrive at the Vatican tomorrow. When they arrive, we can start negotiations and negotiate a joint exploration of the treasure of the Knights Templar."

"That's great. We've been waiting for this day for hundreds of years. I hope we can successfully reach a cooperation agreement and then start a joint exploration operation.

Then, it would be perfect to find the Knights Templar treasure, unravel the many mysteries surrounding it, and find those legendary Christian relics! "

The bishop of Kent said excitedly, his eyes were extremely burning, full of anticipation.

The same goes for Leonardo sitting next to him, as well as several other senior priests, all of them have bright eyes like searchlights.

Ye Tian glanced at these guys, and then said confidently:

"Bishop of Kent, as long as the information you have is accurate, then I am very confident that I will be able to find the treasure of the Knights Templar based on the clues you provided. If the information is wrong, then it is useless to say anything."

Seeing his confident appearance, the Bishop of Kent and Leonardo immediately became more excited, wishing for the joint exploration operation to start immediately.

While talking, delicious food and wine have been served on the table one after another, and it is time to feast on it.

Just when Ye Tian picked up the knife and fork and was about to start enjoying this sumptuous dinner, Leonardo on the opposite side suddenly asked seemingly casually:

"Steven, did you recruit those guys from the Blackwater Security Company in the Paul VI Hotel next door? Those guys are all registered with the intelligence agencies of various countries, and none of them are good.

As soon as they appeared, they immediately attracted the attention of many people, including the Vatican police, the Swiss Guard, the Roman police, the two major mafia families, and intelligence personnel from several embassies.

Especially those embassy intelligence personnel, they are keeping a close eye on those guys. According to my guess, the series of shooting incidents that happened in Barcelona and Marseille were done by those guys!

After the Casamonica family and the Benano family received news from the police, they raised their alert levels one after another, and it was those guys who prompted the two families to start peace talks immediately."

Ye Tian looked up at Leonardo, then shook his head with a smile and said:

"Leonardo, if I'm not mistaken, you should be talking about those guys who appeared next to the colonnade on the right side of St. Peter's Square in the morning, right? Those guys really look tough and unusual, not like ordinary people.

I really didn't expect that those guys came from the notorious Blackwater Security Company, they turned out to be a group of mercenaries with blood on their hands, but unfortunately, I don't know those guys who lick blood on their knife edge.

Yes, I did give those guys a nod and hello in the morning, but it was just a friendly response, and it's the same with anyone else, and I'm going to say that it has nothing to do with those guys, don't know if you believe it? "

Hearing this, Leonardo and the Bishop of Kent couldn't help but rolled their eyes angrily, complaining secretly.

You guys don't have anything to do with those Blackwater bastards? I believe you ghost ah!

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