Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1763 Sweeping Rome

Just after 8 o'clock the next morning, David and Jason flew to Rome on the Bombardier Global Express 8000, and then drove to the Vatican, avoiding the eyes of the Roman police and media reporters.

After entering the Vatican and putting down their suitcases in the guest room, the two guys came to Ye Tian and Betty's room, ready to report on the situation in Milan.

As soon as these two guys entered the room, Ye Tian stepped forward to greet them.

"Good morning, David, Jason, welcome to Rome, welcome to the Vatican, you did a great job in Milan and helped me successfully win those target properties"

Saying that, Ye Tian bumped fists with them one by one.

"Good morning, Steven, we didn't expect it to be so smooth, but the power of money is huge. The owners of those historic buildings couldn't resist your asking price, and all chose to sell their properties.

Because of this, the acquisition of the target property in Via Vincenzo Monte went so smoothly, I believe it won’t be long before you can return to Milan and start exploring as an owner.”

Jason said excitedly, his face full of pride.

David standing next to him was relatively reserved. After all, he was a top well-known lawyer from Wall Street, and he had a stronger ability to control his emotions.

After a few pleasantries, Ye Tian took the two guys into the living room and sat down on the sofa.

Immediately afterwards, everyone entered the topic.

"Jason, David, tell me about the situation in Milan and the process of winning those target properties. I am very interested in this"

"Okay, Steven, but first look at these real estate transaction contracts, other related documents, and the first payment certificate, and then we will describe the details"

As he said that, David picked up a black suitcase he brought, put it on the coffee table and opened it, then took out dozens of documents from it, and pushed them in front of Ye Tian.

Next, Ye Tian, ​​Betty, and Anderson began to check and review these real estate transaction documents and related documents one by one, looking very carefully.

It took about 20 minutes for them to review the real estate transaction documents. All the documents were fine, very rigorous, and there were no legal loopholes.

Immediately afterwards, Jason and David began to introduce the process of acquiring these target properties.

By the time they finished their introduction, it was almost a quarter past nine in the morning.

Afterwards, Ye Tian took out an already prepared envelope from his pocket and handed it to Jason.

"Jason, take a day off today, visit the buildings of the Vatican, St. Peter's Basilica, and many top antique artworks in the Vatican Museum to adjust your state.

Wait until tomorrow, just like when you were in Milan, you need to get busy, learn about the conditions of these historical buildings in the envelope, and then prepare to acquire them in the name of a real estate company.

Three of these historical buildings are located near Venice Square, and three are located near Trajan's Square. They all have a long history and are rare antique works of art in themselves.

When we visited Trajan's Square and Piazza Venezia before, by chance, I found these historical buildings nearby and saw some unique places.

There may be some secrets hidden in these ancient historical buildings, so I plan to collect them without anyone noticing, to verify whether my judgment is correct.

Since it is my guess, it may be wrong. Those historical buildings may be empty and there is nothing, but it doesn't matter. It is not a loss to buy those historical buildings.

During the course of action, you must remember one thing, the lower the profile, the better. Try not to let people discover your identity. In that case, some people may try to figure it out and get in touch with me.

The acquisition is likely to fall short because of this, and we may have to pay a huge price if we want to take down those historical buildings, and what is even more likely is that we will completely lose our chance!

After you investigate the situation clearly, you can let the guys from Milan come over and repeat the same trick. Let them come forward to make the acquisition, and you can just hide behind and direct it. I believe it will succeed!

And the most important point is to keep it secret. Only a few of us know about this matter. I don't want it to be heard by others. Needless to say, everyone understands the truth! "

After the voice fell, everyone at the scene nodded, everyone was extremely excited and full of expectations.

Especially Jason, who patted his chest and swore:

"Don't worry, Steven, just leave this matter to me, and there will be absolutely no problems. Just like in Milan, we will be able to figure out the situation of these target properties in no time and get them smoothly!"

"I hope so. I'm waiting for the good news from your kid. Let's open champagne to celebrate then, and then go and see what secrets are hidden in those historical buildings!"

Ye Tian smiled and nodded, and bumped fists with Jason.

After chatting for a while, Ye Tian ended the topic, and said jokingly:

"Get ready everyone, later today, I will start negotiations with two famous Italian mafia families, the Casamonica family in Rome and the Benano family in Palermo!

This is a heaven-sent opportunity, let's brainstorm and discuss together to see how to deal with these two famous mafia families, and take a big blow from those scumbags."


There was laughter in the living room, and Betty and the others all laughed.

After the laughter subsided, David immediately continued:

"Steven, you guys are so brave and bad. You actually want to blackmail the Italian mafia. It's unheard of. When did the mafia become so easy to bully?"

"What's wrong with the Italian Mafia? Aren't they just like ordinary people, with two arms and one head, and they're not three-headed and six-armed? Is there any need to be afraid?"

Ye Tian said with a sneer, eyes full of disdain.

Next, the few of them began to discuss how to deal with the two major Italian mafia families and try their best to maximize their interests!

In the past few fights with the mafia, although they all won very simply and severely damaged the two major mafia families, Ye Tian did not underestimate the enemy because of this, and thus neglected to take precautions.

'Strategically despise the enemy, tactically attach importance to the enemy'

These two sentences of the chairman are absolutely wise and incomparably correct, and Ye Tian also understands the truth of them very well.

The mafia originated in Sicily and Corsica in the Middle Ages. It has grown rapidly in the past 100 years and has become the most famous and largest gang organization in the world. It is frightening, but it is not for nothing.

At the same time, facing the two major mafia families in Italy, even Ye Tian had to deal with it carefully and step by step. If he made a mistake, he might be killed by someone, and he would die in a foreign country. How dare you not be careful!

In the blink of an eye, the morning has passed.

It was close to two o'clock in the afternoon, and Ye Tian and the others, who had just finished lunch, were sitting in the living room chatting. Suddenly, Cole's voice came from the invisible earphone.

"Steven, the two leaders of the Casamonica family and the Benano family have arrived in the Vatican. They each brought three subordinates, one is a military adviser, and the other two are important leaders of the family.

They all had firearms on them, but they were removed and handed over to the Swiss Guard for safekeeping. We just conducted a body search and found no other weapons on them, so there should be no threat.

Outside the Vatican, the two major mafia families have deployed a lot of manpower to take care of their bosses. We have already formulated a coping strategy, as do the Vatican and the Roman police.

In addition to these two mafia bosses, two representatives of the Mafia Eleven Committee have also arrived at the Vatican. Those two are also very famous mafia bosses, and their seniority is very high.

In addition, the head of the anti-mafia department of the Italian police, Commissioner Enrique, has just walked into St. Peter's Square with a few of his men, and will be here soon to participate in negotiations,..."

Listening to Cole's introduction, a bright smile suddenly appeared on Ye Tian's face, and he stood up from the sofa.

A wonderful show is about to be staged, it is worth looking forward to!

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