Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1764 Negotiating with the Mafia

"Honey, just stay in the guest room. Taylor and Lisa will protect you. I'll be back soon. Don't worry about my safety."

Ye Tian turned his head and said softly to Betty, making some arrangements.

"Okay honey, I'll wait for you here"

Betty nodded slightly and said without any worries.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Tian turned his head and said to the people around him:

"David, Anderson, let's go, let's meet those Italian mafia bosses and see if they have three heads and six arms, which are very different from ordinary people.

Jason, you kid, don’t show up, you can stay here or go out for a visit, and you will stay in Rome for a while, so it’s not appropriate to show up at this time.”

"Understood, Steven"

David and the others responded in unison, but Jason was a little bit regretful.

Afterwards, Ye Tian and the others left the luxury suite, and under the protection of several armed security personnel, they walked towards the place where the negotiations were held.

It is a small building located in the gardens of the Vatican, with a beautiful environment, independent of the main buildings of the Vatican, and tourists are not allowed to enter, it is the most suitable place for negotiation.

At the same time as Ye Tian and the others went to the negotiation site, the tourists who visited St. Peter's Square and its surroundings, as well as the many media reporters who had been staying here for the past few days, already noticed that something was wrong.

People found that on the Roman side of the edge of St. Peter's Square, there were suddenly many more vehicles parked on the side of the road, occupying all the parking spaces on the roadside, and many vehicles even parked illegally.

Although those vehicles were parked on the side of the road, the people in the vehicles did not leave. Inside or outside each vehicle, there were sitting or standing a few guys with hostile faces and angry eyes. It doesn't look like a good person.

Without exception, those guys were all looking at St. Peter's Square in the Vatican, but no one crossed the border and entered St. Peter's Square. Their behavior was very strange and puzzling.

In addition to those big-bodied guys, there are many more Vatican policemen, members of the Swiss Guard, Roman policemen, and armed special police officers on the edge of St. Peter's Square.

They stood on both sides of the border between the Vatican and Italy, maintaining a high level of alert, staring at the big guys not far away,

Always be ready to respond.

However, the Roman police turned a blind eye to those guys' parking violations, as if they couldn't see it. This kind of situation was almost impossible to happen in the past, but it happened now.

Seeing this scene, anyone with a discerning eye will find that something is wrong. Something must have happened in the Vatican today, and it is a major event.

Among them, some tourists and media reporters with quick brains immediately thought of Ye Tian and the others who had been living in the Vatican during this period of time, acting in a high-profile manner, but did not show up today.

Therefore, these guys speculated whether what happened today had something to do with Ye Tian, ​​and this possibility seemed very high.

But they can only guess secretly, but they have no way to prove it, and they are always at a loss.

While speaking, Ye Tian and the others had already left the Renaissance-style historical building where they lived, and walked towards the negotiation site in the Vatican garden. Everyone walked briskly and relaxed.

"Steven, the two leaders of the Casamonica family and the Benano family, their entourage, and the two representatives of the Eleven Mafia Committee have all entered the conference room where the negotiations are held.

Before entering the meeting room, everyone underwent a joint body search with us and the Swiss Guard. All the firearms they carried were handed over, temporarily kept by the Swiss Guard, and returned when they left.

There are also our buddies and members of the Swiss Guard in the meeting room, who are always watching those guys, and we have searched all places inside and outside the meeting room, and those guys can't play any tricks.

In addition, we and the Swiss Guard have carefully searched around this independent building and every corner of the Vatican Gardens, and have deployed personnel in some key positions. Safety is not an issue.

In St. Peter's Square, there are also many of our guys who disguise themselves as tourists and mix in the crowds, secretly observing the situation on the square. Once they find that something is wrong, they will react immediately! "

Cole's voice came from the invisible headset again, announcing the latest situation, and everything was under control.

After listening to the briefing, Ye Tian immediately smiled and said in a low voice:

"Good job, Cole, notify all the guys, let everyone be vigilant, don't be negligent, so as not to be taken by others, we will arrive at the negotiation site soon"

"Understood, Steven"

Cole responded and ended the call.

After walking forward for a short distance, after turning around a fountain sculpture, Ye Tian and the others saw the independent small building used for negotiations, and many security personnel guarding the small building.

Among the heavily armed and highly alert armed security personnel were Ye Tian's own subordinates, members of the Swiss Guard and the Vatican police.

Of course, there are more members of the Swiss Guard and the Vatican police, this is their home field after all.

At the same time, Leonardo led the head of the anti-mafia department of the Roman police, Director Enrique and several of his men, and they also came from another road.

Seeing those guys, Ye Tian and the others stopped immediately and stood beside the fountain sculpture waiting for those old friends.

Soon, Leonardo and Enrique came to the front and joined Ye Tian and the others.

After a few greetings, Director Enrique said solemnly:

"Steven, I sincerely hope that you can shake hands with the Casamonica family and the Benano family today. This will benefit both of you. The series of crazy killings before will never be allowed to happen again!"

"Enrique, I hope so too, otherwise there would be no negotiation today. As I said before, the success of the negotiation depends on the sincerity shown by the two mafia families!"

Ye Tian said with a light smile, as if he was determined by the two major mafia families.

Hearing these words, Enrique and the others couldn't help but rolled their eyes angrily, but there was nothing they could do.

After adjusting his mood a little, Enrique whispered again:

"One more thing, Steven, please tell those guys staying at the Paul VI Hotel to be honest, don't make trouble in Rome, don't make trouble in Italy, otherwise we won't be polite.

This is Rome, the great "Eternal City", not Syria, not Iraq and Afghanistan, not to mention the unlucky Barcelona and Marseille, or Belgrade, definitely not the battlefield where they fight! "

"Hahaha, Enrique, are you overreacting? I only found out last night that a group of guys from the Blackwater Company came to Rome and lived in the nearby Paul VI Hotel.

I want to say that I don't know those guys who lick blood on the knife edge all the year round, do you believe it? Besides, those guys may have come to Rome for a visit, and they have no malicious intentions! "

Ye Tian joked that even he himself didn't believe what he said.

"Trust me! Those bloody and notorious Blackwater mercenaries, if they have nothing to do with you bastard, I am willing to cut off their heads and use them as chamber pots for you bastard!"

Enrique and the others were secretly complaining crazily, and they didn't believe a word of Ye Tian's words.

After chatting for a few words, Leonardo took Ye Tian and the others, and Enrique and the others to the small independent building not far ahead.

When they came to the front of the building, Ye Tian and Leonardo nodded to their subordinates respectively, and then walked into the small building.

Soon, the group of them arrived at the door of the meeting room on the second floor.

At this time, at the door of the conference room, there were six armed security personnel with live ammunition, three of them were Ye Tian's subordinates, led by Cole himself, and the other three were members of the Swiss Guard.

Seeing them coming to the door of the meeting room, Cole immediately greeted them, and whispered to Ye Tian:

"Steven, those guys from the mafia are in the conference room. The Bishop of Kent just brought people in, not counting the two security guards. There are now a total of twelve people inside, and there is no danger."

"Understood, Cole, don't say there are only twelve people, even if there are one hundred and twenty people, buddies are not afraid!"

Ye Tian smiled and said in a low voice, his tone was extremely confident and firm.

In fact, he knows better than anyone else what is going on in the medium-sized conference room in front of him, whether there is any danger, whether there are hidden gunmen, and whether there are hidden firearms, including Cole and the others.

Just downstairs, before entering this independent small building, he secretly turned on the perspective, thoroughly seeing through the small building, not letting go of any corner.

He also took a quick look at the surrounding area of ​​this independent small building, and only after confirming that there was no ambush or any danger, he entered this small building.

"Mr. Steven, for a routine body search, please cooperate and take out all the guns and other weapons you carry with you, and we will lock them up.

When the negotiation is over and you leave here, we will return all the original weapons. No matter what the final negotiation result is, there will be no exchange of fire in the Vatican! "

The leader of the Swiss Guard stepped forward and said that he was going to conduct a body search.

"No problem, buddy, but I'll do it myself!"

With that said, Ye Tian stretched out his hand to untie the custom-made cashmere coat on his body, took out a G36C short assault rifle and a few full magazines from underneath, and put them in the basket in front of him.

Immediately afterwards, he took out two M9 pistols and matching magazines from the underarms on both sides, a CZ83 and ammunition from the back waist, and a German army knife from the calf, and put them in the basket one after another.


There was a sound of gasping for air.

Except for David and Cole, everyone else was frightened by the scene in front of them and terrified.

"I'm going! The bastard Steven is a walking arsenal, so crazy!"

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