The door opened, and Ye Tian and his group entered the medium-sized conference room one after another.

The noisy conference room immediately fell silent.

The mafia scum in the conference room who were talking or arguing in low voices, as well as the Bishop of Kent who arrived here first, all turned their heads to look at the door.

Except for the Bishop of Kent and the two white men in their 60s and 70s, everyone in the meeting room without exception, all looked at Ye Tian with gritted teeth, everyone's eyes were full of anger and their expressions were ferocious.

Needless to say, these guys are members of the two major mafia families, the Casamonica family and the Benano family. Although each of them is dressed like a dog, they are full of hostility and are obviously not good people.

In the blink of an eye, the medium-sized conference room was filled with the choking smell of gunpowder, as long as a single spark was dropped, the scene would be detonated immediately, triggering a series of bloody fights.

Unlike those mafia scumbags, Ye Tian always had a bright smile on his face.

He quickly glanced at the situation in the conference room, then said with a smile:

"Gentlemen, good afternoon. Let me introduce myself. I'm Steven. It's a pleasure to meet you and meet you in the Vatican. I hope we can get along happily in the future!"

As he spoke, he nodded lightly to the leaders of the Casamonica family and the Benano family, as well as the two representatives of the Mafia Eleven-member Committee, as a greeting.

Although it was his first time meeting these Italian mafia heavyweights, he had already seen their photos and knew these old scumbags, so he nodded to them.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Steven, I'm Vittorio of the Casamonica family, welcome to Rome, I'm glad to meet you too, we've heard about your name for a long time, and I finally met you in person today "

The boss of the Casamonica family said with a smile, but he couldn't hide the deep hatred deep in his eyes.

A powerful outlying legion under him, nearly thirty family members, were all scooped up by this bastard in front of him and sent to the depths of hell. Can you not gnash your teeth with hatred?

"Vittorio, didn't we meet today, this is called not knowing each other without fighting"

Ye Tian said with a smile, but his eyes were full of disdain.

While saying this,

He has already stepped forward and extended his right hand to the boss of the mafia family, ready to shake hands with him!

And he still had a bright smile on his face, as if meeting an old friend he hadn't seen for many years, and he was very enthusiastic.

However, everyone in this conference room knew very well what the relationship between these two guys who were about to shake hands was!

At least so far, Steven is still the life and death enemy of the Casamonica family. Every member of the Casamonica family hates him to the bone and wishes to swallow him alive.

Vice versa, as long as there is a chance, Steven, a ruthless guy, will never be soft when he kills members of the Casamonica family, just like cutting melons and vegetables.

Seeing Ye Tian's actions, a mafia scum standing next to Vittorio was angrily ready to step forward to stop him, but was stopped by Vittorio's words.

Afterwards, the boss of the mafia family known as the 'King of Rome' also stretched out his right hand with a smile on his face, and shook hands with Ye Tian's strong and powerful hand.

At the same time, the Bishop of Kent and Leonardo also came to their senses. They hurriedly stepped forward to smooth things over and introduced the two sides so that the scene would not get out of control.

After the introduction and a few false polite words, everyone sat down at the huge long conference table, ready to start negotiations.

Out of safety and confidentiality considerations, the two security personnel immediately exited the meeting room, leaving only the parties involved and the mediators.

After sitting down, Ye Tian quickly scanned the scene.

The eight scumbags from the Casamonica family and the Benano family sat right across from them, the leaders of the two mafia families sat in the center, and the rest of the scumbags lined up on both sides.

The two representatives of the Eleven-member Mafia Committee, which mediates in the middle, and Director Enrique, who represents the Anti-Mafia Department of the Italian Police, and his subordinates sat at both ends of the conference table.

As for the Bishop of Kent and Leonardo, they sat on the right of Ye Tian and the others, mediating in the middle to fight for peace, and they were also their Italian translators.

After everyone sat down at the conference table, as the host, the Bishop of Kent spoke out first, kicking off the negotiation.

"Good afternoon, gentlemen, I came to the Vatican with a drink. The purpose of our gathering here today is to resolve an unnecessary conflict and to avoid the continuation of the war. There is no benefit in that..."

Next, the Bishop of Kent said a lot, as if he were preaching.

After he finished speaking, Vittorio immediately continued:

"Before the negotiations start, I have one more question, Steven, should you explain the massacre in Florence on a rainy night and the fire that followed?"

"Ah! That rainy night massacre in Florence? Didn't the police come to a conclusion? It was a vendetta between two different gangsters, and the subsequent fire started because of it. What does it have to do with me?

I also heard afterwards that some of the people who died in that ancient building were members of the Florentine Legion of your Casamonica family. I deeply sympathize with their misfortune! "

Ye Tian pretended to be surprised and said, and then showed a heartbroken expression, which can be described as extremely deserving of a beating.

Even if everyone in the world guesses or even affirms that he did the massacre on a rainy night in Florence and set the fire by himself, as long as there is no evidence, Ye Tian will not admit it.

In fact, it is impossible for anyone to find relevant evidence, even if God comes down.

Hearing his words, David and Anderson immediately flashed a knowing smile, while the Bishop of Kent, Leonardo, and a few others rolled their eyes angrily, and were very helpless.

As for Vittorio and the rest of the Casamonica family, they all gritted their teeth angrily, their eyes full of anger, wishing they could just rush over to kill Ye Tian, ​​tear him up and feed them to the dogs.

But each of them knew that this was impossible, and confronting the bastard Steven with bare hands would be tantamount to asking for death.

They can only forcibly suppress their anger and the urge to lift the table, and continue to sit here aggrieved and negotiate!

If not, then there is only war.

Regardless of the final outcome of the war, whoever loses wins, his family will definitely pay a very huge price, causing countless casualties!

And what's more likely is that his family couldn't withstand the crazy and bloody revenge of Steven, the bastard. Most of them were killed, and then the whole family fell apart, and was taken over by other mafia families.

As far as the current situation is concerned, it seems that there is no other choice but peace talks.

Next, the negotiations officially started.

In the blink of an eye, more than two hours have passed.

Near five o'clock in the afternoon, the door of the meeting room opened again, and the two leaders of the Casamonica family and the Benano family walked out of the meeting room first with their respective subordinates.

It can be seen that the complexion of each of these mafia scumbags is extremely ugly, as dark as the bottom of a pot, just like a dead father, everyone's eyes are full of anger and unwillingness!

Under the watchful eye of many armed security personnel, these mafia scumbags quickly retrieved their belongings and weapons, and then left the small building and the Vatican without looking back.

They were followed by two representatives of the Mafia Council of Eleven.

The two people who walked out of the conference room felt a little lingering fear. Fortunately, it was not their own family who provoked that bastard Steven, otherwise it would be their own family who were unlucky this time. Life would be worse than death!

The next ones to leave were representatives of the anti-mafia department of the Italian police, Commissioner Enrique and his staff.

The last ones to walk out of the medium-sized conference room were Ye Tian and David, who were full of smiles and complacent, as well as the Bishop of Kent and Leonardo!

Coming outside the meeting room, seeing the two major mafia families leaving like bereaved dogs, the Bishop of Kent couldn't help saying with emotion:

"Steven, you guys are so ruthless and greedy. I'm sure that Vittorio and the others want to die now! When they fulfill their promises, you guys can make a lot of money again!"

Hearing this, Ye Tian immediately burst out laughing.

"It's what they asked for. No one can blame them. From the very beginning, they shouldn't have provoked me, and shouldn't have set my mind on it. There are causes and effects!"

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