Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1766 Crazy Preview

"Da Vinci's masterpiece, the auction preview of "Lisa Gherardini" will start tomorrow, and for this day only, the preview location: Vatican Museum"

As this brief news appeared on the Internet and was quickly reprinted by other news media, it spread like wind throughout the world and immediately attracted countless attention.

Especially in the field of antique art collections and art auctions, this news is like a tsunami, sweeping almost everywhere madly, making everyone crazy about it.

When the sun rises again and a new day comes, the Vatican Museums also ushered in an extremely lively day.

Numerous antique art appraisal experts, art lovers, critics, top collectors, art brokers, auction house professionals, and high-level people from many famous museums, etc.

Of course, there are many news media reporters who love to join in the fun.

All these people came from all over the world overnight, flocking to Rome and the Vatican like a tide, and there is a steady stream, and more people are on their way to Rome.

Leonardo da Vinci's "Lisa Gherardini" is said to be a masterpiece whose artistic quality is not inferior to that of "Mona Lisa". Its birth has also solved many mysteries in the history of art.

This is the first time that "Lisa Gherardini" has been exhibited publicly, and it is only a one-day auction preview. God knows who will eventually get this priceless treasure, and whether it will be exhibited publicly in the future.

For the vast majority of people, this auction preview is likely to be the only opportunity in their life to appreciate "Lisa Gherardini" up close, and it is definitely not to be missed.

It was close to nine o'clock in the morning, and the Vatican Museum hadn't opened yet, but the front of the museum and St. Peter's Square were already full of people and bustling.

Tourists waiting at the entrance of the museum have already lined up in several lines, extending from the entrance of the museum, passing through St. Peter's Square, and even extending to Rome.

Without exception, the center of topic for everyone in these teams was "Lisa Gherardini", the masterpiece of Da Vinci, which was about to meet with the public and exhibited publicly for the first time.

"My God! There are too many people waiting in line to enter the museum, but the Vatican Museum is only open until 1:30 noon. Can it be our turn to visit "Lisa Gherardini"? It would be great if the opening hours can be extended! "

"It's probably not going to happen. I just heard that the Vatican Museum will not extend the opening hours. The afternoon is the viewing time for the super rich and top collectors.

Not open to the public.

That is to say, if we want to appreciate "Lisa Gradini" up close, we can only pray to God to bless us so that we can enter the Vatican Museum as soon as possible."

Amidst the people's discussions, nine o'clock in the morning has quietly arrived.

The Vatican Museums open on time and start accepting visitors.

The first wave of tourists who entered the museum after checking their tickets, as soon as they entered the museum, immediately looked like a group of wild horses. According to the signs in the museum, they spread their legs and went straight to the second floor one by one. The scene was spectacular!

There is no other reason for this situation, because the preview exhibition hall of "Lisa Gherardini" is on the second floor.

It was a temporary independent exhibition hall, and there was only one painting "Lisa Gherardini" in the exhibition hall.

Seeing these nearly crazy and running wild visitors, the staff of the Vatican Museum were startled and stunned.

Even Ye Tian and the others, who had just completed the exhibition and were still staying in the museum, were shocked, quite an eye-opener.

When many visitors rushed to the entrance of the exhibition hall on the second floor of the museum, they were stopped by the security personnel at the entrance and had to line up again to enter the exhibition hall in batches and orderly.

When they finally entered the exhibition hall, they found that there were more security personnel than visitors in the exhibition hall, and "Lisa Gherardini" was covered with a strong and unusual bulletproof glass cover, so they couldn't get too close.

But at least they can appreciate this masterpiece of Leonardo da Vinci at close range, so these visitors have no time to care about it, and hurried forward to start admiring this "Lisa Gherardini".

At the same time, Ye Tian and his group walked into other exhibition halls to appreciate the antique artworks displayed in those exhibition halls.

Time passed quickly, and it was already one o'clock in the blink of an eye, and it was less than ten minutes before the Vatican Museum closed.

However, the entrance of the preview exhibition hall is still full of tourists waiting to enter and visit, including many professionals, collectors and art lovers who came here from all over the world.

Seeing that the closing time was approaching, and they had traveled thousands of miles to the Vatican, but it was very likely that the trip would be in vain, and they would not be able to see "Lisa Gherardini". These people couldn't help but feel a little anxious.

Compared with before, the entrance of the exhibition hall has become much more noisy. People are full of anxiety and disappointment in their eyes, and there are constant discussions on the spot!

Seeing this situation, the management staff of the Vatican Museum felt a little headache, and their expressions became more serious. For a while, they didn't know how to deal with it.

At this moment, Ye Tian brought Betty and the others suddenly appeared from the stairs in front, and walked towards the exhibition hall.

The moment they saw Ye Tian and the others, the eyes of many people at the entrance of the exhibition hall lit up, and hope was rekindled in their eyes.

Immediately afterwards, someone at the scene said loudly:

"Steven, it's already half past one, and it's the closing time of the Vatican Museum. Can you ask the museum to extend the preview time so that everyone can go in and enjoy "Lisa Gherardini"

I came from Los Angeles overnight, just for "Lisa Gherardini". I believe that there must be many tourists like me. We can't let everyone make a trip for nothing, right? That's too unkind! "

The speaker was a collector from Los Angeles, USA. Ye Tian had met this guy during the Spring Auction season in New York before, so it was a chance encounter.

As soon as this person finished speaking, other tourists on the scene immediately responded.

Everyone has the same appeal, they all want to enjoy the masterpiece of Leonardo da Vinci, "Lisa Gherardini", in the exhibition hall, and no one wants to make a trip in vain.

Especially those visitors who came all the way to the Vatican just to appreciate this oil painting felt even more urgent to enter the exhibition hall.

Ye Tian didn't respond immediately, but stopped, and glanced at the tourists who were lined up at the entrance of the exhibition hall, waiting to enter and looking at him with anticipation.

Immediately afterwards, he raised his hands and pressed down gently, motioning for everyone to be quiet.

When the noise at the scene subsided, he immediately smiled and said loudly:

"Ladies and gentlemen, good afternoon. I'm Steven. It's a pleasure to see you here. It's a great honor for you to come to visit the preview of this auction and appreciate "Lisa Gherardini."

I understand everyone's feelings very well, but today's preview must end at 1:30 noon, and the auction will be held in the evening. I want to allow enough time for the bidders to appreciate the auction.

Although I can't meet everyone's requirements for entering the exhibition hall to appreciate "Lisa Gherardini", I can make some changes to meet everyone's requirements and not disappoint everyone.

At tonight's auction, I will ask the successful bidder to appropriately extend the public exhibition if the situation permits, so as to satisfy everyone's desire to appreciate this oil painting.

Regardless of the super rich man or the top collector who wins the auction tonight, I believe he will not refuse this proposal, and as for the Vatican Museum, he will definitely not refuse such a good thing."

Before the words fell, there was warm applause at the scene.

"clap clap"

Everyone at the scene, whether they like Ye Tian or not, gave him their own applause at this moment.

Accompanied by enthusiastic applause, there were bursts of cheers and applause.

"Steven, well done, we look forward to hearing from you!"

"Great! Steven, this trip is not in vain"

Amidst the cheers, Ye Tian smiled and nodded to everyone present, and then led Betty and the others into the exhibition hall.

Outside the museum, a luxury convoy drove quickly along Avenue de la Concorde and stopped firmly at the edge of St. Peter's Square.

As the doors of the luxury cars in the convoy opened, some super-rich and top collectors, who are very familiar to Italians and even all Europeans, got out of those luxury cars one after another and stood on the edge of the square.

In the next moment, there was a commotion in St. Peter's Square. All the tourists on the side of the border turned their heads to look at the entrance of the square, and discussed enthusiastically.

"Look! That's Maria, the richest man in Italy and one of the richest women in the world. The Rolls-Royce behind her is Berlusconi, the former prime minister of Italy and the richest man in the world!"

"There are also Bernard, the richest man in France, Fried, the top collector in Germany, and Dimitris, the top collector in Greece. My God! What kind of private auction is this? The lineup is too exaggerated!"

Amidst the exclamations one after another, the super rich and top collectors who had just got off their cars entered St. Peter's Square one after another under the protection of bodyguards and Vatican police.

At this time, although they were all very polite, they exchanged pleasantries and greeted each other with smiles, as if they were old friends meeting each other.

However, in the eyes of each of them, the flames of fighting are burning, and there is an aura of giving up.

"Steven, Maria and Berlusconi have arrived, they have just entered St. Peter's Square and are walking towards the museum"

Cole's voice came from the earphones, announcing the situation outside.

Hearing the notification, Ye Tian immediately burst into a bright smile.

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