"Oh my god! Steven, you are ten times more greedy than the legend says. The starting price is too exaggerated. Why don't you grab it!"

"Today is an eye-opener for me. Even if "Lisa Gherardini" is a masterpiece of Leonardo da Vinci, its price shouldn't be so exaggerated!"

Amidst the exclamation, more people at the scene showed expressions of frustration and disappointment, as well as some indignation.

Needless to say, these super rich and top collectors have also been eliminated, and they didn't even get the chance to participate in the bidding. Can you not feel depressed?

"Ladies and gentlemen, this is "Lisa Gherardini". Its value cannot be measured by money. In time, when the popularity of this painting is close to that of "Mona Lisa", its value will soar greatly."

Ye Tian said loudly with a smile, but his tone was firm.

Everyone at the scene agreed with his words, but it was still difficult for everyone to accept the starting price of 1.8 billion euros, which was too shocking!

No one's money came from the strong wind. Who wouldn't feel heart-piercing pain and who would be reconciled to being ransacked like this by Steven, a bastard!

Of course, Ye Tian knew what everyone in the audience was thinking, but he just shrugged with a smile on his face, looking helpless.

When the noise at the scene decreased slightly, he immediately continued to say:

"It is undeniable that this is a very exaggerated starting price, which has never appeared in the history of art auctions. It sounds a bit scary, but it is the most valuable investment with huge returns!

Think about it, everyone, how many tourists the "Mona Lisa" attracts to the Louvre every year, and what huge revenue it creates, at least hundreds of millions of dollars. If you count peripheral products, it will definitely exceed one billion dollars.

"Lisa Gherardini" also has the same potential. Regarding this point, it can be seen from the preview of today's unprecedented auction and from those art lovers and ordinary tourists who are full of expectations.

In the foreseeable future, "Lisa Gherardini" will continue to bring huge benefits to its owner, and its value will continue to appreciate, and it may not take a few years to fully recover the cost."

Hearing this, everyone at the scene couldn't help but nodded slightly, and no one refuted.

Everyone in the field of antique art collections knows that the "Mona Lisa" has supported half of the Louvre, and these people at the scene are no exception!

With this jewel in front of it, anyone with a discerning eye can see the infinite possibilities of "Lisa Gherardini". This is definitely a veritable and untapped gold mine, which is enough to make people crazy!

Without the slightest pause, Ye Tianqing's clear voice continued to echo in the exhibition hall.

"Don't look at the high and daunting starting price of this painting, but compared with its value, 1.8 billion euros is not worth mentioning at all. Considering this, do you still think the starting price is high?

I must remind everyone that this painting has an auction reserve price. If the final bid does not reach the auction reserve price, I am very sorry. This masterpiece of Da Vinci still belongs to me.

During the bidding process, the minimum increase is 10 million euros, and after exceeding 2.5 billion euros, the minimum increase cannot be less than 20 million euros. Bidders who take the initiative to raise their bids had better announce your price loudly.

Ladies and gentlemen, the auction is now open, and everyone is welcome to bid enthusiastically. The starting price of this masterpiece of Leonardo da Vinci, "Lisa Gherardini", is 1.8 billion euros. Which lady or gentleman should bid? "

The auction started, but the exhibition hall became quiet.

In the huge exhibition hall, only Ye Tian's voice echoed in the air, full of passion, lingering in everyone's ears.

While shouting the starting price loudly, Ye Tian's eyes were also like eagle eyes, quickly scanning the audience to see who would be the first to raise their hands to bid.

This is a small private auction, the number of bidders is limited, and telephone bidding is not accepted. Ye Tian has a clear overview of the situation on site, and does not need assistance from others at all.

Everyone at the scene looked at Ye Tian on the auction stage and at "Lisa Gherardini" hanging on the wall. Everyone's eyes were extremely hot, and they wished they could immediately take that priceless treasure into their arms and hold it in their arms. For yourself!

However, no one fired the first shot and raised their hands to answer the price.

The super rich and top collectors who are capable of participating in the competition all chose to wait and see. They are going to watch other people's actions first, find out who their opponents are, and then follow up.

As for those guys who were eliminated from the auction before it started, let alone those who could only look at the ocean and sigh, standing aside and watching the excitement, just envious of themselves.

"The starting price is 1.8 billion euros, which buyer should bid? This is Da Vinci's masterpiece, the unique top art work, don't miss this god-given opportunity, otherwise you will regret it for life!"

Ye Tian announced the starting price loudly again, his voice was full of passion, and he tried his best to confuse many super rich people and top collectors in the audience.

The scene was still very quiet, and no one raised their hands to answer the price.

Some people's eyes flashed with enthusiasm, but they didn't want to be the first to raise their hands to bid and become the target of other competitors, and still maintained a wait-and-see attitude.

Seeing this situation, Ye Tian sneered secretly, and said decisively:

"Ladies and gentlemen, this is my last inquiry. If no one has raised their hands to respond, then today's private auction will come to an end. "Lisa Gherardini" still belongs to me.

Next, everyone can go to the reception. At the reception, you may find opportunities for cooperation. That would be great, at least this trip to the Vatican was not in vain."

While saying these words, his eyes quickly scanned the audience, with a warm smile on his face.

Hearing these words, everyone at the scene, without exception, changed their expressions.

Everyone understands that you can't wait and see, otherwise you will really miss this priceless treasure. With Steven, the bastard's behavior, it is absolutely impossible to lower the starting price even if the auction fails!

If you missed "Lisa Gherardini" because of waiting and watching, then you really regret it, why did you come here? Not to visit the Vatican.

Finally someone raised his hand to accept the price, and he was an old friend Ye Tian was very familiar with.

"Steven, the Italian Ministry of Culture has accepted this price. We hope to keep this masterpiece of Da Vinci in Italy. It is a national treasure of Italy and belongs to all Italians!"

Italian Minister of Culture Tiano among the audience raised his hand first, agreed to the starting price, and made a big show of his identity.

While raising his hand to answer the price, Tiano's facial muscles twitched slightly, obviously in pain.

Immediately afterwards, he and Giovanni turned their heads to look at the other bidders, especially those powerful super-rich and top collectors. They nodded and greeted those buyers, showing a very friendly manner.

Everyone at the scene knew their intention of doing this. It was nothing more than hoping that everyone would hold their hands high and not compete with them, so that they could successfully win "Lisa Gherardini" so that they could go back to work!

However, they obviously thought too much.

The people in this exhibition hall who are preparing to participate in the bidding are either super rich or top collectors, which one is the good one? Who cares about the Italian Ministry of Culture?

"OK! Someone finally made an offer. It's Mr. Tiano from the Italian Ministry of Culture. Thank you very much for your support, Mr. Minister. The current price is 1.81 billion euros. Which lady or gentleman should offer?"

Ye Tian raised his left hand to gesture to Tiano's position, and said loudly with passion, and then quoted a new price.

Before the voice fell, someone in the crowd on the left of the stage raised his right hand and accepted the price.

The one who raised his hand was a top collector, Dimitris from Greece. He was also Ye Tian's old friend. He had dealt with several times in the art auction market in New York before.

Seeing this old friend raise his hand to answer the price, Ye Tian immediately raised his hand to gesture over there, and nodded slightly at the other party.

Immediately afterwards, he quoted a new price, 1.82 billion euros.

In a blink of an eye, someone raised his hand to answer the price. He was a super rich man from Turin, Italy, and it was the first time he met Ye Tian!

As soon as the auction started, fierce competition had already begun.

One arm after another, full of self-confidence and the sound of asking for an offer, echoed in the exhibition hall and in everyone's ears.

As the competition unfolded, the atmosphere in the exhibition hall suddenly became hotter, and the smell of gunpowder in the air became more intense!

This is the beginning of an incomparably wonderful show, and this is exactly what Ye Tian wants to see the most!

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