Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1770 Crazy bidding

"Steven, two and a half billion euros"

Someone in the audience raised their hands and said loudly, with an air of giving up to me in their tone.

This is an active price increase. On the basis of Ye Tian's quotation, he raised 50 million euros at once, which is quite astonishing.

The one who took the initiative to raise the price was Fried, a top collector from Germany, and he was also Ye Tian's old friend. They had dealt with each other several times in New York and Paris before.

Several oil paintings by German artists in Ye Tian's hands, such as a representative work by the art master Dürer, were collected by this top collector.

Before Fried's words fell, the scene was boiling again, and everyone turned to look at the top German collector with shock on their faces.

"Wow! Two and a half billion euros is really an exaggeration. I didn't expect Fried's family to be so rich. It's a bit beyond my expectation!"

"A one-time price increase of 50 million euros is a big deal. Obviously, Fried wants to clear the field in this way, and show his determination to repel the rest of the competitors!"

In fact, Fried's bidding strategy did work, or partly worked.

Hearing his quotation and the momentum he showed, several competitors in the audience shook their heads one after another, with disappointment and frustration on their faces, and withdrew from this crazy competition.

However, several powerful super rich and top collectors were unmoved. They just nodded at Fried with a smile on their faces, still fighting high.

At this time, the private auction, which was destined to cause a sensation in the world and set a new record for artwork transactions, had already started for nearly 20 minutes.

After dozens of rounds of frenzied bidding, the price of "Lisa Gherardini" skyrocketed to 2.5 billion euros, such an astonishing price.

During this process, the super rich and top collectors continued to participate in the competition and raised their hands to respond to the price. There were also people who shook their heads in disappointment and quit the competition with endless regrets.

The first one to withdraw from the competition was Tiano, who was the first to raise his hand to bid on behalf of the Italian Ministry of Culture. The budget of the Italian Ministry of Culture was obviously very limited, and they were defeated in just a few rounds of competition.

Next, Tiano and Giovanni were completely reduced to spectators, standing in the middle of the crowd depressed, their eyes were red with envy and jealousy, and they were about to bleed out!

Two and a half billion euros! What an astonishing sky-high price this is, which has exceeded the psychological price of most competitors, and even far exceeded their imagination.

At this time, there are very few buyers remaining in the ranks of competitors, only five or six people left.

But these five or six people are all world-renowned super rich and famous top collectors. Everyone has a huge net worth and unfathomable strength!

So far, the competition surrounding "Lisa Gherardini" has not stopped, but has become more intense, and the smell of gunpowder in the air has become more intense!

Hearing the sky-high price of 2.5 billion euros quoted by Fried, Ye Tian's eyes immediately flashed with ecstasy, and he was so excited that he almost cheered.

Beyond this price, it means that "Lisa Gherardini" no longer belongs to him.

Once the auction is over and the auction hammer falls in his hand, this priceless treasure will officially change hands and become the spoils of the winner of the bidding.

There is no other reason, because 2.5 billion euros is the auction reserve price of "Lisa Gherardini".

After Fried voluntarily raised the price, Ye Tian paused for a moment, then pointed to this old friend from Germany, and said loudly and passionately:

"Wow! 2.5 billion euros, Fried offered 2.5 billion, I have to say, this is really a big deal,

"Lisa Gherardini" is currently quoted at 2.52 billion euros.

Which sir or madam should offer? Maria, Silvio, Bernardo, and Dimitris, do you make an offer? Don't miss this opportunity, don't miss out on this priceless item! "

While quoting loudly, he also named the names of several super rich and top collectors who were still in the competition, and continued to confuse these super predators!

As soon as the voice fell, someone in the audience responded immediately.

Maria, the richest man in Italy, raised her right hand to answer the price, and said loudly jokingly:

"Okay, Steven, I'm here to accept this offer. Obviously, whoever wins today will be ransacked by you guy. Anyway, I'm ready to go bankrupt!"


There was a burst of laughter at the scene, and everyone laughed.

And everyone nodded at the same time, apparently deeply agreeing, thinking that Maria's words made sense.

"Breakdown? How is that possible? Maria, you are the real richest man in Italy, with a net worth of tens of billions. Billions of euros are nothing to you!

What's more, this "Lisa Gherardini" is really worth the money, especially for your company, it can be used as a publicity sign, registered as a trademark, and developed a series of products.

If it works well, you can easily earn back even tens of billions of euros, let alone buying this oil painting, and the value of the painting will also maintain and increase in value, absolutely a huge profit! "

Ye Tian said with a smile, chatting with the richest man in Italy in the audience, he was not in a hurry to quote a new price.

Hearing his words, Maria's eyes immediately brightened and shone brightly.

It is no exaggeration to say that Ye Tian's words almost touched her heart.

The reason why she participated in this private auction is that she loves art, in order to collect "Lisa Gherardini" into her own collection, and treat it as an art investment to preserve and increase its value.

But the more important purpose is for family business considerations.

She saw the huge potential value of "Lisa Gherardini" at a glance, and wanted to make it a top brand, manufacture a series of products to market, and enhance the popularity of the family business, which can be said to serve multiple purposes!

Maria was not the only one who had the same purpose [UUReading 00ks] at the scene. The other super-rich people also had their own plans. Who wouldn't want to own a gold mine comparable to the "Mona Lisa"!

Those top collectors, on the other hand, are relatively simple-minded. Most of them participate in the auction because they love art and love art collections!

"Steven, you are so smart, why don't you stop being a professional treasure hunter and come to work in my company, and I will give you the highest salary in the industry!"

Maria said loudly, jokingly, her eyes full of admiration.

Ye Tian shook his head lightly, smiled and said loudly:

"Forget it, Maria, everyone knows that Ferrero is a family business, and your two sons, Pedro and Giovanni, are veritable business geniuses. Joining your company, there will be no bright future!

More importantly, I don't want to work for others, and I prefer antiques, treasures, and unknown secrets. It's enjoyable, but I still want to thank you for your invitation! "

Hearing this, Maria immediately shrugged her shoulders pretending to be regretful, but a smug look flashed in her eyes, obviously she was proud of her two sons.

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