Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1771 Records from ancient times to the present

After a brief interlude, Ye Tian returned to the main topic.

He pointed to Maria standing in the middle of the first row below the stage, and said loudly with passion:

"Ms. Maria's price is 2.52 billion euros. Thank you for your support. The current price is 2.54 billion euros, 2.54 billion euros. Ladies and gentlemen, who should give you the price?" ?”

As soon as the words fell, someone in the audience raised his right hand and accepted the offer.

It was none other than an old friend from France, Bernard, the richest man in France, who paid the price.

Ye Tianchong nodded slightly to his old friend, and then quoted a new price.

Someone in the audience raised their hands again to answer the price, this time it was Fried, a top collector from Germany.

Although Fried raised his hand to answer the price very quickly, Ye Tian could see it very clearly. At the moment of raising his hand, Fried's facial muscles twitched slightly.

Needless to say, the quotation of 2.54 billion euros is close to the price limit set by Fried. He can't hold on any longer, and he probably will lose soon!

as expected!

When the quotation for "Lisa Gherardini" soared to 2.66 billion euros, Fried shook his head helplessly, announcing his withdrawal from the competition in a voice full of regret and unwillingness.

Before him, the top collector Dimitris from Greece, Yi [UU Reading 00kxs] and another super rich man from Switzerland have all withdrawn from the competition.

So far, there are only three competitors left, but the battle has become more intense, and the smell of gunpowder in the exhibition hall has become stronger, as if an explosion may occur at any time.

"Steven, 2.7 billion euros"

Maria raised her hand again to answer the price, and directly hit the mark of 2.7 billion euros, a sky-high price that had never been seen in the history of antique art auctions.

Before her voice fell, the scene was once again fried.

Exclamations rang out crazily, one after another, and almost everyone on the scene was shocked by this shocking quotation.

But this is not the end. When Ye Tian once again quoted a new price of 2.72 billion euros, Silvio, who was standing in the first row on the right side of the stage, raised his right hand and accepted the price. .

After several rounds, the quotation for "Lisa Gherardini" has reached 2.8 billion euros.

Facing this jaw-dropping sky-high price, even super rich like Maria and Bernard became much more cautious.

They have been deliberating for a longer time, the speed of raising their hands to answer the price is far slower than before, and their expressions have become more and more serious.

Finally, someone reluctantly withdrew from the competition, with endless regrets.

It was Berlusconi, the former richest man and former prime minister of Italy, who withdrew from the competition this time. His price limit of 2.8 billion euros had already been exceeded, so he had no choice but to withdraw.

There are only two competitors left, Maria and Bernardo. One is the richest man in Italy and the other is the richest man in France. Both are worth tens of billions of euros!

In the blink of an eye, there were several rounds of bidding, and the quotation for "Lisa Gherardini" easily exceeded 2.9 billion euros, and was quickly approaching 3 billion euros.

"OK! Mr. Bernard made an offer. The current offer is 2.96 billion euros, 2.96 billion euros. Maria, do you agree?"

Ye Tian excitedly announced the new price loudly, and looked at Maria to see how she would respond.

Maria, who was standing in the first row under the stage, her eyes were a little red at this time, and she was also very emotional.

She first turned her head to look at Bernard not far away, and then looked at Ye Tian behind the auction stage, then bit her back molars and raised her right hand, and said loudly:

"Three billion euros,

Steven, today I must take this masterpiece of Leonardo da Vinci, "Lisa Gherardini", at any cost, because it is the signature of our next series of products! "


Everyone at the scene gasped, shocked, and couldn't even believe what they had just heard!

Three billion euros! Shouldn't it be Italian Lira? When did the euro become so worthless?

At the same time, everyone couldn't help but have the same idea in their minds.

Maria is completely insane and has lost her mind!

Even Bernard, the richest man in France, couldn't help shaking his head when he heard the offer, and even let out a chill down his back.

Like everyone else, he sighed inwardly, women who fell into madness are simply unreasonable, especially rich old women, they cannot be treated with common sense at all!

"Wow! Three billion euros, what an amazing offer, what a perfect night! Maria, I love you so much, you are definitely one of the most beautiful and sexy women in the world! "

Ye Tian said loudly with an exaggerated expression, and opened his arms, making a gesture of trying to hug Maria.


There was a burst of laughter in the exhibition hall, and everyone burst into laughter.

The party Maria also laughed, and waved to Ye Tian lightly, meaning to tell him to stop messing around.

The same goes for Betty and David, each of them laughed endlessly, leaned forward and back together in joy, and almost went crazy with excitement.

With the laughter, the atmosphere in the exhibition hall suddenly became much lighter. The choking smell of gunpowder that was in the air before seemed to be washed away by the laughter.

When the laughter subsided and the scene became quieter, Ye Tian's clear and magnetic voice immediately came out again and reached the ears of everyone present.

"Maria quoted 3 billion euros, and the current price is 3 billion 20 million euros, 3 billion 20 million euros, which gentleman should offer? Bernard, it's your turn to stand up!"

While declaring the new price loudly, Ye Tian also looked towards Bernard, expecting to see this old friend raise his right hand again!

But things backfired, he didn't see the picture he most wanted to see!

Bernard, the richest man in France, first looked at Maria, then nodded lightly at her as a compliment!

Immediately afterwards, he turned back to look at Ye Tian, ​​then shook his head slightly, and reluctantly announced his withdrawal from the competition, eyes full of regret and unwillingness.

Seeing this scene, Ye Tian immediately understood that this almost crazy art auction, which made everyone dumbfounded, finally came to an end, and the result was perfect!

Not only him, but everyone else also realized this, and the scene suddenly became noisy.

"Three billion and 20 million euros, is there anyone else to pay? This is the last chance, don't miss it, otherwise you will only regret it,..."

Ye Tian forcibly suppressed his excitement, and asked loudly twice.

This is a routine procedure, and we still have to go through it again.

Seeing that no one was raising their hands to answer the price, Ye Tian immediately raised the auction mallet in his hand high, then fell down and smashed it straight to the auction platform.


Accompanied by this extremely pleasant voice resounding through the entire exhibition hall, an unprecedented art auction record that is bound to cause a sensation in the whole world was born!

"Three billion euros, a deal! The final winner of this bidding is Maria. Congratulations, Maria. You have successfully won this masterpiece by Leonardo da Vinci, "Lisa Gherardini""

While announcing the deal loudly, Ye Tian also pointed to the excited Maria in the audience.

"clap clap"

Thunderous applause suddenly sounded, resounding through the entire exhibition hall, the entire Vatican Museum, and will soon resound throughout Italy and even the whole world!

Amid the applause, Ye Tian strode down from the auction stage.

In two or three steps, he walked up to Maria, and directly gave the richest man in Italy a warm hug!

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