Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1772 Refused to cooperate

When the auction is over, it's time for David to perform.

Together with Maria's personal lawyer, he quickly signed the auction confirmation letter and agreed on the time for the official delivery of "Lisa Gherardini", which is tomorrow morning.

Ye Tian chatted with Maria for a while, and then asked Betty to continue to accompany the super rich man, the richest man in Italy, while he walked over to Italian Minister of Culture Tiano and Giovanni.

When he came to the front and stood still, he immediately smiled and said:

"Tiano, Giovanni, I believe this kind of result is what you want to see the most, "Lisa Gherardini" stays in Italy, you don't have to worry about this priceless treasure leaking out, everyone is happy!

As long as the delivery is completed, this masterpiece of Leonardo da Vinci will become a signboard of Ferrero Company and Maria's private collection. As for how she handles this priceless treasure, it is none of my business! "

Hearing this, Tiano and Giovanni nodded at the same time, both of them felt relieved.

But their hearts are still somewhat sour, how perfect would it be if they were the ones who won "Lisa Gherardini"! That will be the most memorable moment in my life!

As for envy, jealousy and hatred, let alone, these two guys are so jealous that they are almost bloody, they are jealous of both Maria and Ye Tian.

On one side is the priceless treasure of "Lisa Gherardini", and on the other side is an astronomical three billion euros. Can you not make people crazy with envy!

"Congratulations, Steven, you guys have made a fortune again, who would have thought that "Lisa Gherardini" could fetch three billion euros at auction, such a shockingly sky-high price is really crazy!

Through this private auction of yours, we have been eye-opened, and at the same time, we have deeply realized how greedy you are, definitely more than ten times greedier than the legend! "

Tiano said with emotion, his eyes full of fear.

Giovanni, who was standing next to him, and several other guys around him nodded in unison, obviously feeling the same way.

"Hahaha, Tiano, just think that you are praising me. It's not that I'm greedy, but that "Lisa Gherardini" is really worth the money. The transaction price is even low, which doesn't fully reflect its true value. value"

Ye Tian said with a light smile, with a proud expression on his face.

Seeing his performance, everyone at the scene was very depressed, and they were almost crazy with envy.

Before Tiano could respond, Ye Tian changed the subject.

"Tiano, when I was in the Roman Forum, I once told Giovanni that I hope to cooperate with the Italian Ministry of Culture and the Historical Heritage Protection Committee to jointly explore various historical sites in the city of Rome.

I wonder if Giovanni has reported this matter to you? If it has been reported, what is the attitude of your Ministry of Culture and the Historical Heritage Protection Committee? Would you like to cooperate with me and explore Rome together? "

This is the real purpose of Ye Tian's coming here, otherwise, how could he care about Tiano and Giovanni, there are so many old friends and so many financial backers at the scene!

Following his words, there was a small commotion at the scene.

Everyone nearby looked at Ye Tian in surprise, their eyes full of disbelief, and they even wondered if they heard it wrong just now.

This guy, Steven, has his eyes on the historical sites all over Rome, and the treasures that may be buried deep in Rome. His greed is endless!

Could it be that Rome, like Paris, like Milan, like Florence, and almost every city that this bastard Steven has visited, cannot escape the fate of being ransacked by this bastard?

Next, Tiano's answer immediately made everyone at the scene understand,

I didn't hear wrong just now.

Tiano took a deep look at Ye Tian, ​​then said solemnly:

"Steven, did you find anything on the ruins of the Roman Forum, or elsewhere in Rome? Is it a treasure buried deep underground, or a top-notch antique work of art? Can you tell everyone?"

Ye Tian looked at this old friend, then glanced at the curious guys around him, then shook his head with a smile and said:

"You think too much, Tiano, I didn't find any treasures, Rome is an ancient city with a long history, and the city is full of ancient buildings and historical sites left over from various periods.

Moreover, there were frequent wars in the history of Rome. According to common sense, there must be many hidden treasures or antique works of art in the city of Rome. They are either hidden in buildings or buried deep underground.

Long before I set off to Italy, I had this idea, to cooperate with you to explore the treasures in the city of Rome, maybe you will find a priceless treasure like "Lisa Gherardini".

My terms of cooperation are very simple. I will bear all the exploration costs, and you will be responsible for coordinating various relationships. If you find treasures or antique works of art by chance, we will share them equally according to their value! "

"My God! Did I hear you right? This is too exaggerated!"

"Steven is going to sweep Rome, and his appetite is too amazing!"

There was a burst of exclamation at the scene, and everyone, without exception, was frightened by Ye Tian's words, and also frightened by his shocking appetite.

Of course, the eyes of many top collectors at the scene were bright, and they saw the opportunity to collect top antique artworks.

Tiano shook his head very firmly, and said with a sullen face:

"Steven, Giovanni has already reported to our Italian Ministry of Culture and the Historical Heritage Committee about your request to cooperate in exploring various ruins in the city of Rome, and it is impossible for us to agree.

It is absolutely impossible for you to want half of the items in the treasures you have found, not to mention us, any Italian would not agree to your wish, otherwise he would be a sinner of the nation.

If you want to cooperate with us to explore the treasures in Rome, there is only one way. Your Brave and Fearless Exploration Company accepts our invitation to carry out exploration operations under the strict supervision of our personnel.

If any treasures or antique works of art are found, everything belongs to Italy, and all you explore companies can get is the agreed remuneration and corresponding rewards.

Besides, there is no other way of cooperation, how about it? Steven, can you accept this kind of cooperation? If it is acceptable, then we can discuss the possibility of cooperation.”

This time it was Ye Tian's turn to shake his head, he shook his head with a smile and said:

"Accept your invitation to explore treasures in Rome? I can't accept this kind of cooperation. No matter at any time, I hope that I can take the initiative and never be controlled by others!

Besides, I prefer the gold and silver treasures and antique artworks in the treasure, and enjoy the fun of discovering the treasure. In comparison, money is not important to me, it is just a pile of paper! "

Hearing this, everyone at the scene rolled their eyes angrily and complained secretly.

Money is just a pile of paper to you? Who the hell believed it! Anyone who believes is a fool!

Who was standing on the auction stage just now, talking like a lotus flower, and doing everything possible to entice everyone to raise their hands and bid? If it's not you, don't we still fail?

Ye Tian saw all the reactions of the people at the scene, without missing a single one.

But he didn't see it, and continued to smile and said:

"Tiano, do you think about it again? Cooperate with us to explore the ruins in Rome, maybe we can discover a huge treasure and give the world a huge surprise!

For this, I am very confident. Of course, the basis of our cooperation is to lead the exploration action according to my conditions, and distribute the treasure according to the conditions I proposed!

If you refuse to cooperate, those unknown treasures in the city of Rome will probably continue to sleep, and some of them may never have the chance to see the light of day, that would be a pity! "

Tiano shook his head again, and said firmly:

"Then let them continue to sleep! Anyway, they are in Rome, and Rome will always belong to Italy. One day the Romans will discover those sleeping treasures and make them shine again!

Rome is an ancient city and will always stand on the soil of Italy. We are not in a hurry to discover and excavate all the sleeping treasures, so we might as well leave them to future generations!

Here I must remind, Steven, if you want to explore treasures in Rome, you must obtain official permission, otherwise it is illegal, and we will never sit idly by! "

"It seems that there is no possibility for us to cooperate. What a pity! This is the only bad news I heard tonight. It's disappointing!"

Ye Tian shrugged his shoulders and said with pretended regret.

While saying these words, a sharp light flashed in his eyes.

So you want to stop your buddies from exploring treasures in Rome, dream it! It won't take long, buddies will give you a series of big surprises!

After chatting for a few more words, Ye Tian turned around and left, walking towards Betty.

When he walked up to Betty, just as he stood still, David and the others also finished the auction confirmation letter and other related documents.

Afterwards, everyone left this exhibition hall, left the Vatican Museum, and went to another building in the Vatican Gardens to attend the reception.

For the next grand reception, no one wants to miss it.

In addition to the many super rich and top collectors invited to participate in the auction, many senior priests of the Vatican will also participate, and perhaps the Pope will also attend!

Who would want to miss such a high-level reception!

Of course, Ye Tian will pay for all the expenses of this reception!

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