Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1778 Tragic Fate

The open-air market of Porta Botse, the largest, oldest, and most famous open-air market in Rome, is known for its huge scale and complete variety. It is a world-famous antique flea market.

This antique flea market occupies several streets. Looking around, every street is full of various stalls, and white tents form a very spectacular scenery.

It is said that there are a total of 4,000 stalls in this antique flea market, which is even far more than the Saint-Ouen antique flea market in Paris.

In addition to the large number of antique stalls, there are also many antique shops and galleries of different sizes and styles on the streets where this open-air market is located, and it is also a good place for Taobao.

Here, there are everything from needles and threads to solid wood furniture, from ancient Greek and Roman sculptures, to the top antique artworks of the Renaissance, to the masterpieces of modern art masters.

Of course, it depends on your eyesight, luck, and whether God will favor you.

Only those guys with both strength and luck can find truly valuable antique works of art here, and everyone else just waits to pay the tuition fee, it is a good luck not to be tricked by others!

It's a sunny Sunday and another open-air day for the Botsemen open-air market.

Just after nine o'clock in the morning, the open-air market was already crowded with people, and it was very lively.

Tourists from all over the world, as well as many Roman locals, flocked from all over Rome and poured into this open-air antique flea market, preparing to shop for treasures here, or taste food, visit and play.

Of course, thieves from some cities in and around the city of Rome also heard the news and planned to steal a lot here and make a fortune. This is their weekly carnival!

Naturally, Ye Tian would not miss such a world-famous antique flea market.

He had already raided the antique market in Florence and the antique art market in Milan before. Wouldn’t it be a little bit unfair if he let Rome go?

Therefore, as soon as the open-air market in Botsaimen opened, Ye Tian and his group showed up on time, talking and laughing, walked into this antique flea market, and prepared to sweep it here.

As in the past, Cole and many security personnel spread out, pulling up a line of defense around Ye Tian and the others, separating all suspicious-looking pedestrians and tourists.

There are also several security personnel pretending to be tourists, mixing in the bustling crowd, observing the movement in the crowd, secretly protecting Ye Tian and the others.

In addition, Cole also arranged two sniper teams to come here in advance, hide on the two tallest buildings nearby, and control the entire open-air market of Botsaimen from a high position.

And as Ye Tian and the others kept moving in the market, the two sniper teams would also change positions in due course to ensure that Ye Tian and the others were always within their field of vision.

Not far behind Ye Tian and the others, there were a group of Roman policemen in plain clothes and Italian cultural relics gendarmes following them like shadows, and they were always on high alert.

But where do these guys know, there are people following them.

A little further behind, those guys from the Blackwater Company and their agents, as well as the agent from the Israeli IZO mercenary company, followed suit.

Half an hour before leaving the Vatican in the morning, Cole notified these guys to follow them to the open-air market in Porta Botsai to receive the rewards previously offered for hunting down several gangsters.

As for the method of receiving the reward, each of them is very clear, just keep an eye on Ye Tian's finger, and see when he gives hints and type Morse code!

When Ye Tian gives a hint, they can make a move.

Get the antique works of art designated by Ye Tian at a low price, then take them out of Italy, and then sell them through major auction houses to make a fortune!

For this unconventional payment method, these mercenaries who have been licking their blood all the year round are very welcome, and at the same time very curious, everyone is very excited, wishing to receive the corresponding Morse code immediately!

As long as everything goes well, this will be the most lucrative remuneration they have ever earned, and with the sunshine, no one will be able to grasp any tricks, and they can use it as they please. Can you not welcome it!

At the same time, Bowie, who was dressed as a tourist, was walking towards the entrance of the open-air market in Botsemen, mixed with the crowd at the moment.

During the march, his eyes hidden behind the sunglasses kept shining with excitement.

As early as two days ago, Bowie rushed to Rome, and he had been visiting various places before, just like ordinary tourists, without any surprises!

He didn't show up here until today when the open-air bazaar in Botsaimen opened.

As for the purpose of his coming here, do you still need to ask, of course it is the same as before.

Secretly cooperating with Ye Tian, ​​according to the received information, sweeping the entire open-air market of Botsaimen, sweeping through those neglected antique works of art and wealth!

As soon as they entered the open-air market in Botsemen, Ye Tian and the others attracted countless attentions and caused quite a commotion.

Especially those stall owners who set up stalls in this open-air market, as well as large and small antique dealers and gallery owners, everyone's complexion changed drastically, and there was a feeling that disaster was imminent.

"Damn it! Steven, an extremely greedy bastard, has come, so there is no doubt that many guys will be unlucky today, and will be ransacked by this bastard!"

"I'm going! Steven, the bastard, is just as in the legend. Everywhere he goes, he will crazily loot the local antique art market and cause countless bloody tragedies.

Today is the turn of the Botsemen open-air market again. It is entirely conceivable that when today is over, the Botsemen open-air market will have many more unlucky people who have been crazily ransacked and are in pain! "

Along with people's discussions, the news that Ye Tian came to Botsaimen open-air market has swept through the entire market like a hurricane, reaching the ears of almost everyone.

Hearing this news, many stall owners, antique dealers, and gallery owners who set up stalls and shops here couldn't help but feel terrified, lest they become the target of the crazy looting.

Some of them have even made up their minds not to do Ye Tian's business life or death, lest they be ransacked by him.

But how did these guys know that Ye Tian had already prepared a backhand, just to deal with this situation.

As long as there are valuable and neglected antiques in their stalls or stores, they will not escape the fate of being looted!

After entering the market, Ye Tian looked around first, then pointed to a stall on the street, smiled and said to the people around him:

"Let's go over there and have a look. The things at that booth look interesting, maybe there are surprises waiting for us there!"

As he spoke, he took Betty to the stall on the street.

David and the others followed closely behind, and everyone looked excited.

And the owner of the stall on the street, seeing Ye Tian walking towards him, suddenly felt flustered, his eyelids twitched, and he felt that something was wrong.

But today's market has just opened, and he hasn't opened yet, and he can't close the stall and evacuate immediately, so he can only bite the bullet and stay where he is, waiting for the judgment of fate!

In two or three steps, Ye Tian and Betty came to the booth first.

Ye Tian smiled and nodded at the stall owner, then looked at the goods on the stall.

This is a very ordinary antique stall. The stall is full of goods, and the variety is so diverse that it makes people feel a little dizzy!

From the suspected ancient Greek and Roman head sculptures, to the tempera paintings of the Middle Ages, the classical oil paintings and sculptures of the Renaissance, and modern sculptures and paintings, you can see them here.

In addition to these, there are rusty ancient swords and swords, bronze candlesticks, ceramics, clocks, tableware, as well as modern glass products and handicrafts, as well as some second-hand luxury accessories, etc., a dazzling array!

After quickly scanning the items on the booth, Ye Tian looked at the stall owner with a smile on his face, pointed to an egg tempera painting on the booth and said:

"Good morning buddy, I'm Steven, nice to meet you, can I get my hands on that tempera painting? It looks interesting!"

The stall owner in his forties took a deep look at Ye Tian, ​​then turned his head to look at the tempera painting suspiciously, then nodded and said:

"Good morning, Steven, I'm Philip, nice to meet you too, welcome to Rome, welcome to Porta Botsi, and of course you can see the tempera painting"

Next, Ye Tian reached out and took the egg tempera painting, pretending to appreciate it seriously.

This is a tempera painting that looks quite historic. It is not big, about the size of a magazine. The classic style frame looks quite old, and there are still some cracks on it.

In the painting is a half-length portrait of a medieval noblewoman, dressed in rich clothes, sitting on a chair, gazing out of the painting. The color of the picture is bright and has a sense of luster, which is the characteristic of egg tempera painting.

Following Ye Tian's movements, many people around couldn't help but cast their eyes on the tempera painting, everyone's eyes were full of curiosity and anticipation.

Some of them even began to secretly guess, is that tempera painting a valuable work of art, and how much is it worth?

Not far behind, those guys from Blackwater Company and IZO Company were even more excited.

Although they all pretended to be nonchalant and looked no different from ordinary tourists, their eyes were fixed on Ye Tian's fingers through the sunglasses to see if he could type Morse code.

It's a pity that they waited for a long time, but Ye Tian didn't move his fingers.

After looking at the tempera painting in his hand over and over again, Ye Tian put the painting back on the booth, and said with a smile:

"Philip, I don't quite understand this tempera painting, so I won't ask its price. Let's go to the booth in front and see you later!"

After finishing speaking, Ye Tian took Betty out and walked to the next booth a few meters away.


The stall owner Philip secretly let out a deep breath, and his tense nerves immediately relaxed a lot.

God bless! I finally escaped a catastrophe, not being ransacked by Steven, a bastard, and turned into another miserable unlucky guy!

While secretly rejoicing, he still felt somewhat lost and regretful deep in his heart.

Obviously, these things on his booth are almost like garbage in the eyes of Steven, they have no value at all, and they are not worth selling!

But how did he know that someone would visit his booth later and buy the two most valuable treasures that he ignored at a very low price!

In fact, he still couldn't escape the tragic fate of being ransacked by madness!

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