Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1779 I don't know the so-called painting

Soon, more than half an hour has passed.

Ye Tian and the others had already scanned more than a dozen stalls selling antiques and artworks. As for the stalls selling various other items, they only glanced at them when they passed by, and never stopped at all.

Within half an hour, Ye Tian successively found several valuable antique works of art, and took them down by various means, and the harvest was very good.

At this time, Anderson and the others already had a few more paintings in their hands, as well as a half-new metal trolley case.

The metal trolley case contained some other antique works of art, all of which Ye Tian swept from the antique and second-hand goods stalls he passed by before, and each piece was very valuable.

Bowie, who was following tens of meters away, had already started to act. According to the information sent by Ye Tian, ​​he secretly swept the open-air market of Botsemen, and gained even more.

Of course, his goals are different from Ye Tian's, they are those relatively low-value antique works of art, so don't feel too sorry even if you miss them.

Just like the previous operations, the cooperation between the two of them is still seamless, and they are becoming more and more proficient, and no one notices it at all!

Wherever the two of them passed by, all the neglected antique artworks worth more than 100,000 U.S. dollars were swept away, not a single hair was left.

It is entirely conceivable that when today is over, Rome, the most famous and largest open-air market, will be filled with grief and blood will flow like a river, and it will not be possible to relax for a long time to come.

While speaking, Ye Tian came to another booth, then stopped, and began to admire the goods on this booth.

This stall mainly sells various styles of paintings and art frames, and the quantity is quite large, filling the entire stall.

The stall owner guarding this stall is an Italian man in his thirties.

Seeing Ye Tian and the others coming to his booth, the guy's face couldn't help but change, and there was even a bit of fear in his eyes.

Although this is Rome, which is not far from the Mediterranean Sea, it is winter after all, and the weather is somewhat cold, but this buddy's forehead is constantly sweating, which shows how nervous he is deep inside.

Standing still in front of the booth, and after quickly scanning the many paintings on the booth, Ye Tian pointed to one of the paintings and asked:

"Good morning,

Man, can I get my hands on that painting? That painting looks like a spatialist work, but it is specious, which is interesting! "

Hearing this, the stall owner immediately turned his head to look at the painting that Ye Tian was pointing to, his eyes were full of suspicion, but he was more puzzled as to why Ye Tian was interested in that painting.

In his opinion, the unsigned painting is more like a graffiti work, which is not of much value. It has been on his booth for more than a year, and no one cares about it.

After thinking for a while, the buddy smiled and nodded and said:

"Good morning, Steven, welcome to my booth. Of course you can look at the painting. If you can, I hope you can explain it. I don't know much about that painting either!"

"No problem, buddy, if I can see something, I don't mind explaining it publicly, but I can't promise, and now I'm just as clueless as you are!"

As he said that, Ye Tian walked around the many art picture frames placed in front of the booth, walked in and picked up the painting, then retreated to the edge of the booth, and began to admire the painting with Betty.

Rather than saying that this is a painting, it is better to say that this is a casual graffiti.

In the center of this painting, there is a mess of lines drawn without any clues, and there is a gray-black smudge on the canvas, covering part of the lines, which is very conspicuous.

Apart from that, there is no other content on the canvas. There is a large blank area around the group of lines, without embellishment, author's signature, creation date and other information.

Looking at this unknown painting, Ye Tian couldn't help frowning.

From the eyes of other people around him, his expression couldn't be more obvious. Obviously, he couldn't understand this so-called painting.

But most of the onlookers didn't realize that while appreciating the painting, Ye Tian tapped the outside of the frame with his right index finger a dozen times, and then stopped!

This seemingly unconscious action did not attract people's attention at all.

If you don't understand the meaning, even if someone sees it, they won't think much about it.

However, there are some exceptions. For them, Ye Tian's series of small actions are like rain from the sky, which instantly plunged them into ecstasy.

When those guys from Blackwater Company and Israel IZO Company saw this scene, their excited eyes lit up like searchlights.

Fortunately, these guys were all wearing hats, sunglasses, and some camouflage, so they didn't show their feet and attract others' attention.

The reason why they were so excited and excited was because Ye Tian finally typed out the Morse code, and indicated the target and the price range of the acquisition target.

The target Ye Tian pointed out was the painting he held in his hand, and the purchase price range he gave was within five hundred euros.

As for the real value of that painting, he didn't say it via Morse code.

This matter is not in a hurry, and it will not be too late to give the painting a valuation when I return to the Vatican at night, or when I return to New York!

Because of Italy's heavy art tax burden, those guys from Blackwater Company and IZO Company will never be able to sell their antique works of art in Italy, and they will be looted by the Italians for nothing!

They will definitely bring the antique artworks they have obtained to New York and sell them in the New York antique art market, so that they can save 22% of the value-added tax on artworks. Idiots will not do it!

After receiving the Morse code given by Ye Tian, ​​the guys from Blackwater Company and IZO Company began to approach slowly, getting closer to the booth and the incomparably attractive wealth!

When Ye Tian and the others left the booth, these tough guys were ready to step forward and take down that seemingly unknown painting at the price of cabbage!

Before coming to the open-air bazaar in Botsemen in the morning, these guys from Blackwater Company and IZO Company had already made an agreement that everyone would act together and leave together after taking down three antique works of art!

After returning to the Paul VI Hotel, the three parties will make distributions, which can not only ensure safety, but also avoid unnecessary disputes, thereby destroying good things.

Pretending to seriously appreciate the painting in his hand for a while, Ye Tian shook his head slightly and said:

"Man, to be honest, I can't understand this painting either. It looks like a spatialist work, but it's specious. I really don't understand what the artist wants to express, and of course I can't explain it!"

After saying that, Ye Tian walked into the booth and put the unknown painting back to its original position, without seeming to miss it at all!

Hearing his words and seeing his actions, the stall owner couldn't help but a look of disappointment flashed in his eyes, as well as a bit of regret.

However, this result was already in his expectation, not unexpected, so his mood calmed down in a blink of an eye, and he continued to look at Ye Tian.

Next, Ye Tian quickly glanced at the other paintings in this booth, then said goodbye and left, leading Betty and the others to the next booth not far away.

A few minutes after they left, a tourist who was also from the United States came to the booth again, picked up the painting that Ye Tian had just seen, and pretended to admire it.

From the stall owner's point of view, this tall, thick, and sturdy guy in front of him is just arty, and he doesn't understand what art is or what spatialism is.

But it was this sleazy guy who finally bought the unknown painting at a price of 260 euros and helped the stall owner solve a heart problem.

But how did this stall owner know what he just lost!

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