Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1781 Incomplete Ancient Greek Sculpture

In a blink of an eye, it was around two thirty in the afternoon.

The open-air market of Porta Porta Porta in Rome has fallen into an unprecedented panic. All the stall owners, antique shop owners, and gallery owners who deal in antiques and second-hand goods here are in panic all day long!

And it was Ye Tian who frantically swept up the open-air market in Botsemen that created this panic.

At this time, he had swept through three streets, and brought Betty and the others to the last and longest street of the Botsemen open-air market. He had been shopping on this street for a while, and gained a lot!

Just now, five or six minutes ago, the two medium-sized helicopters in charge of transporting the loot took off again, and flew towards the Vatican with a large number of valuable antiques and artworks.

Seeing the two medium-sized helicopters whizzing away, the faces of many antique dealers in the open-air market in Botsaimen were as black as the bottom of a pot, and they almost fainted from distress.

For Ye Tian, ​​each of them hated Ye Tian so much, but they were afraid to the bottom of their bones, and they admired him very much.

As people in the industry, they all know in their hearts that what they are fighting for in this industry is vision, knowledge, and funds!

Steven, that greedy bastard, not only has extremely sharp eyesight, but also seems to know everything, and more importantly, he has inexhaustible dollars in his pocket, which is too scary!

Facing such a guy, anyone would feel extremely frustrated, and would not even have the will to resist. They could only watch that bastard crazily looting the open-air market in Botsaimen.

Not in the open-air market in Porta Porte, but always paying attention to the many professionals in the field of Italian antique art collection here, everyone is gasping for air-conditioning, and their hearts are bleeding!

Some guys have even started to take action in order to stop Ye Tian's crazy act of looting the open-air market in Porta Botse as soon as possible, and keep some treasures for Rome, even one!

At the same time, Ye Tian and the others walked into a medium-sized antique shop on the side of the street, and began to admire the many antique artworks displayed in this antique shop with great interest.

The owner of this antique shop is an Italian man in his fifties. He is thin and has long gray hair tied into a ponytail. He looks quite artistic and free and easy!

However, when he saw Ye Tian walk into his antique shop, that air of ease and ease immediately disappeared without a trace.


On the other hand, he had an unusually dignified expression, and his eyes were full of fear, even a little frightened!

But the owner of the antique shop is an old fritter after all, he quickly collected his emotions, put on a smile that was uglier than crying, and quickly walked up to Ye Tian and the others.

After meeting and getting acquainted with each other, the antique shop owner accompanied Ye Tian and the others to start the tour with fear, and took the initiative to introduce the many antique artworks displayed in the shop.

"Steven, these cubist paintings in front of me are all works of the same artist. This artist is a rising star in art. His paintings are admired by many people. You might as well think about it!"

Following the introduction of the owner of the antique shop, Ye Tian and the others stopped in their tracks and looked at the several cubist paintings hanging on the display wall in front of them.

Pretending to appreciate it seriously for a moment, Ye Tian smiled and nodded and said:

"These paintings are really good. The author's painting techniques are very skilled and thoughtful. Unfortunately, I am not a collector and I am not very interested in Cubism, so I have no intention of collecting these paintings."

Hearing this, the owner of the antique shop immediately had a look of disappointment in his eyes, which was fleeting.

After admiring it for a while, Ye Tian and the others moved forward and looked at other antique works of art in the store, or suspected antique works of art.

Next, they successively admired some antique artworks on display, and gradually walked into the depths of the antique shop.

During this process, Ye Tian always had a bright smile on his face, and nodded frequently, as if he was very interested in every piece of antique art in this store.

However, he did not take any action, not even asking about the price.

Seeing his performance, the owner of the antique shop couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief secretly, and relaxed a lot, but he was also a little bit upset!

Could it be that my antique shop doesn't even have a single good thing, and all the antique works of art can't catch your eyes, can't it!

Just as the antique shop owner was complaining secretly, Ye Tian suddenly stopped and looked at a severely damaged statue and a pile of broken marble blocks of different sizes on the ground.

In fact, this severely mutilated marble statue was barely pieced together. Only the right half of the torso and the half of the right arm that was broken at the elbow remained in the whole statue.

Moreover, the whole body of this statue is covered with terrifying cracks of different sizes and lengths. Some cracks are so wide that fingers can even be inserted. It seems that it may fall apart at any time!

If it wasn't supported by a white plaster frame, it would have been impossible for this incomplete statue to stand up, and it had already been scattered on the ground.

Apart from those horrible cracks, the surface of this mutilated statue is also mottled.

The right half of the torso and half of the right arm are full of bumps and holes, as if they have been hit countless times with a hammer, densely packed, like a honeycomb, and there are many stains of different colors.

Judging from these two points alone, it is basically certain that this statue is an unearthed antique cultural relic. It has been buried deep in the ground for an unknown number of years. The unearthed time is not too long, it should not exceed a hundred years!

Moreover, this statue has obviously experienced countless hardships, and there may be many unknown stories hidden behind it, and those horrible scars are the best proof.

Even though the statue is so severely damaged that it is impossible to tell who the figure is, the soft curves of the torso and right arm of the statue can still confirm that it is a sculpture of a female human body.

As for the rest of the statue, such as the head, the left half of the torso and left arm, the front half of the right arm, and the legs and base of the statue, among other parts, are no longer in place.

Needless to say, these parts of the statue must have been shattered into pieces of marble of varying sizes.

The pile of marble fragments next to the statue should be part of it, but judging from the body proportions of the statue, there are still many marble fragments from this statue that are not here.

If it is as expected, those marble fragments have probably been lost, and it may be possible to find them, but it is more likely that they will never be found.

After standing in front of the statue and admiring it for a while, Ye Tian turned to look at the owner of the antique shop, and said with a smile:

"Rossini, tell me about this marble sculpture. How did it break into pieces? Why didn't you put the marble pieces back together? Where did the rest of the marble pieces go?

One more thing, what is the subject of this marble sculpture? Who is the figure in the sculpture? Clearly there is a lot of story behind this marble sculpture, and I would love to find out! "

The owner of the antique shop, Rossini, did not respond immediately. He first took a deep look at Ye Tian, ​​and then looked suspiciously at the incomplete marble sculpture and the stones piled on the ground.

After pondering for a while, Rossini nodded and said:

"I don't know much about this incomplete marble sculpture. I bought it from the open-air market outside the door this summer, from a guy who has been setting up a stall here all year round.

When I received this sculpture, it was just a pile of marble fragments of different sizes and shapes. Only the half of the right arm was still intact, and the rest of the sculpture could not be distinguished at all.

Later, several friends and I spent a lot of time and effort to piece together the sculpture into what it is now, fix it with a plaster frame, and stand it up.

But this is already the limit. The marble fragments piled up on the ground, we tried our best but failed to splice them together, and we didn't even know which part of the sculpture they belonged to.

The reason is mainly because the sculpture is too badly damaged, and many marble fragments from this sculpture have been lost, and it is impossible to completely restore it.”

"Indeed, the original shape of these marble fragments on the ground is basically invisible, and it is also difficult to distinguish which part of the statue they belong to. The fragmentation is too severe!"

Ye Tian nodded slightly and echoed, with a bit of regret in his tone.

After a short pause, Rossini continued:

"In desperation, we can only let go, put this incomplete sculpture and those marble fragments here, and see if we can meet someone who likes them and is interested in them.

Although it is impossible to restore this marble sculpture to its original state, it can be seen from the patchwork of this part of the body that the artistic level of this sculpture is very high, and the carving techniques are also quite superb.

From this sculpture, it seems to be able to see a taste of ancient Greek idealism, just like the famous sculpture "Remnant Body" in the Vatican Museum, but it is more damaged.

The guy who sold the pile of marble fragments once said that the marble statue seemed to come from the Greek region and was transported to Catania, Italy in the early 1950s.

After many twists and turns, the pile of marble fragments finally fell into his hands, and he sold them to me. In the meantime, many fragments must have been lost in various places, and it is difficult to find them again.

This statement also verified my inference. It is likely to be an ancient Greek sculpture. Unfortunately, the damage is so serious that it is almost impossible to restore it to its original state.

As for what the theme of this sculpture is, who is the figure in the sculpture, and whether there are other stories hidden behind it, I don’t know, it may be an eternal mystery! "

Hearing this, Ye Tian couldn't help flashing a smile deep in his eyes.

"The mystery of the ages! That's for you, and for me, this marble sculpture is a priceless treasure, and it's even more obvious at a glance which sculptor it came from!"

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