Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1782 Strange threat of terrorist attack

After listening to Rossini's introduction, Ye Tian squatted down again, looked at the fragments of statues piled on the floor seriously, and stroked the marble surface with his hands.

Immediately afterwards, he fell into deep thought, as if thinking about something.

Seeing his appearance, Rossini couldn't help feeling very surprised, and looked suspiciously at the incomplete sculpture and the statue fragments piled on the ground again.

But unfortunately, he didn't see anything. The sculpture and the marble fragments were exactly the same as before. There was nothing surprising about it, and naturally there was no possibility of any changes!

After squatting on the ground and pondering for a while, Ye Tian stood up and said with a smile:

"Rossini, tell me the price of this incomplete sculpture. I am a little interested in this unknown sculpture. I want to accept this sculpture and take it back to study it carefully."

Hearing this, Rossini was obviously stunned for a moment, and many thoughts flashed through his brain in an instant.

Is this marble statue a valuable antique work of art? That's why Steven is ready to take down this ancient Greek sculpture!

This is unlikely, even though this ancient Greek sculpture was made by a famous artist and has extraordinary artistic value, it has been broken into such pieces and cannot be put together again, so what is the artistic value of it?

The famous ancient Greek sculpture in the Vatican Museum, "Remnant Body", although it is also incomplete, the torso of the body is intact, and the upper part of the legs is also preserved.

The beauty embodied in the "Remnant Body" is enough to shock everyone and make them fall in love with it, but the incomplete sculpture in front of them gives people the feeling of endless regret.

No matter how sharp the vision of this bastard Steven is, no matter how profound his professional knowledge is, it is impossible to see anything from this incomplete sculpture and fragments, let alone determine the creator of this sculpture.

Thinking of this, Rossini immediately had an idea and made a quick decision.

"Steven, this incomplete ancient Greek sculpture has changed hands several times, and it is not cheap in my hands, and we have spent a lot of time and energy in stitching this sculpture together.

Combining these factors, I am asking 60,000 euros for this ancient Greek sculpture and these marble fragments. If you can accept this price, then you can take this sculpture away.

In addition, I have another request,

Once this art transaction is completed, I hope you can explain this sculpture and tell me your views on this sculpture, so as to solve my doubts! "

After finishing speaking, Rossini stared at Ye Tian closely, eyes full of anticipation, expecting him to give the best answer!

Without the slightest hesitation, Ye Tian immediately nodded with a smile and said:

"There is no problem with the price of 60,000 euros, Rossini, I can transfer the money immediately to complete the art transaction, but I am afraid I can't explain this incomplete sculpture, because I am still confused!"

"Okay, deal, Steven, as long as the bank transfer is completed, this incomplete ancient Greek sculpture and its fragments will belong to you!"

Rossini was also very happy, and stretched out his right hand to Ye Tian as he spoke.

At the same time, the buddy's eyes were also flickering with excitement, which could not be concealed at all.

For him, this is tantamount to getting rid of a huge burden, and he can make a lot of money, can't he be happy!

"Deal, Rossini, I will transfer 60,000 euros to you immediately, but you must issue a supporting document, so that I can leave Italy with this incomplete sculpture and its fragments!"

Ye Tian shook hands with the other party and finalized the art deal.

The moment he shook hands, there was a burst of ecstasy in his heart, and he wished to give Rossini the warmest hug directly, so as to express his extremely excited mood.

"Okay, Steven, I will write you a proof document so that you can pass the customs with this sculpture and its fragments."

Rossini nodded excitedly and said, that old face almost died of laughter.

At this moment, all he had in his eyes was the colorful 60,000 euros, so he didn't know what he had lost.

The next thing is very simple.

A few minutes later, Ye Tian completed the bank transfer and got the certification document written by Rossini himself, truly taking the incomplete ancient Greek sculpture as his own and taking it into his pocket.

Although the transaction was successfully completed, Ye Tian and the others did not leave immediately.

Compared with other antique works of art, this incomplete marble sculpture is obviously much heavier, and its size is not small. Coupled with the fragments of the statue piled up on the ground, it is also a troublesome thing to pack up.

After receiving the account information from the bank, Rossini immediately ordered his clerk to fetch a few solid wooden crates from the warehouse behind to hold the incomplete sculpture and the fragments of the statue!

Ye Tian used the invisible earphones to notify his security personnel to have one of the bulletproof SUVs drive to the back door of this antique shop, preparing to take away this priceless treasure and transport them back to the Vatican.

Afterwards, Ye Tian called Rossini to his side and began to learn more and more detailed information about this sculpture, so as to prepare for the next action.

When everyone was busy, the bazaar outside the antique shop suddenly became extremely noisy, and there was also the sound of stern sirens, as if something had happened.

Hearing the noise, everyone immediately turned their heads to look at the door of the antique shop, everyone was a little curious.

Immediately afterwards, the door of the antique shop was pushed open from the outside, and Cole walked into the shop with his old friend Pizarro, walking straight towards Ye Tian and the others.

It can be seen that Pizarro's expression is quite awkward, and he looks a little embarrassed, but Cole has a dismissive expression on his face, but he doesn't say anything.

When he came close, Pizarro immediately whispered:

"Steven, the Rome Police Department has just received news that someone on the Internet has issued a terrorist attack threat, threatening to attack the open-air market of Porta Porta in Rome.

For the sake of safety, the Roman police decided to close the open-air market of Porta Botse in advance to avoid unnecessary casualties. Everyone should leave here! "

While saying these words, Pizarro's eyes flickered all the time, and he didn't even dare to look at Ye Tian, ​​obviously a little guilty!

Hearing these words, combined with the completely different performances of Pizarro and Cole, Ye Tian didn't know what happened.

Needless to say, some people are completely impatient to see themselves looting the open-air market of Porta Porta Porta in Rome and sweeping away valuable antique works of art, and most of these people are insiders!

They want to stop their actions, but they can't find a reasonable excuse. They can only use the lame reason of a terrorist attack to stop themselves and prevent them from looting the open-air market in Botsaimen!

"Terrorist attack threat? It's a coincidence that this threat came, it's really interesting!"

Ye Tian said with a soft smile, his words were full of disdain, anyone could hear it.


David and they all laughed, and everyone understood what was going on.

Looking at Pizarro again, his expression became even more embarrassing, his face turning blue and white.

After everyone's laughter fell, Ye Tian immediately went on to say:

"Since someone threatened a terrorist attack and the Luo police decided to close the open-air market at Botse Gate in advance, what can we say? We can only leave here, after all, safety is more important!

Fortunately, we have already visited three quarters of this famous antique flea market, and the harvest is also very good. As for the remaining quarter, we will visit it again when we have a chance in the future.

Anderson, you take two guys to clean up this incomplete sculpture, then load it into the car through the back door of the antique shop, and then join the convoy. We leave through the front door and go to the parking lot first! "

"No problem, Steven, leave the matter here to us"

Anderson immediately nodded in response, and took two steps forward, walking to the side of the incomplete sculpture.

Afterwards, Cole called in two more security personnel from the outside, asking them to cooperate with Anderson and protect Anderson and the marble sculpture.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Tian and the others bid farewell and left, and walked out of the antique shop together, bringing the certificate issued by Rossini.

At this time, the open-air market outside was already in a mess, it was extremely noisy, and there was a sense of panic in the air.

Unlike Ye Tian and the others, most people in the market did not know the real situation.

After hearing the police report, the people immediately put down the things they were holding, and walked towards several exits of the market one after another, with hurried steps and panicked expressions on their faces.

Like other cities in Europe, Italians are like frightened birds. They have long been frightened by terrorist attacks, lest misfortune will happen to them and take their own lives!

When everyone heard that someone had threatened a terrorist attack, they didn't tell the truth from the truth. Everyone's first reaction was to leave this open-air market and stay away from danger!

The vendors who set up stalls in the open-air market in Botsaimen also closed their stalls helplessly, and then left in a hurry after a large number of tourists.

Except for Ye Tian and the others, only a few people guessed the truth of the matter, but they were not stupid enough to tell the truth, but chose to remain silent!

Coming outside the antique shop, Ye Tian quickly scanned the situation on the street, and then took Betty and the others, under the protection of many armed security personnel, walked to the exit of the market with the flow of people!

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