Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1785 My Town Hall Treasure

Ye Tian continued talking happily, introducing to Betty and the others the dilapidated statue of Athena in front of them, and the creator of the statue, Phidias, the god of classical sculpture.

"..., one of the representative works of Phidias, "The Statue of Athena at the Parthenon Temple", is recognized as a model of the glorious period of ancient Greece, representing the highest peak of ancient Greek sculpture art.

Although the incomplete statue of Athena in front of me is not "The Statue of Athena of the Parthenon", it is in the same line as that statue, and its artistic value is almost the same. It is a truly priceless treasure.

All information about this statue of Athena must be kept strictly confidential. If the Italians know that this is an outstanding work of Phidias, those greedy guys will go crazy in an instant.

At that time, we will never even think about leaving Rome, leaving Italy, or even leaving the Vatican with this statue of Athena. The Italian cultural relics gendarme will completely surround the Vatican.

In addition to the Italians, we also need to be careful of the Vatican, especially those guys in the Vatican Museum. We must not let them know the relevant news, otherwise there will be accidents.

Compared with this statue of Athena, the treasures of the Vatican Museum, "Statue of Laocoon and Sons", "Remnant Body", and "Apollo on the Watchtower" are not worth mentioning at all !

In addition, be careful of the Greeks. Athena is the patron saint of Athens, Greece, and the statue of Athena carved by Phidias is the most outstanding and famous of all the statues of Athena throughout the ages.

It is entirely conceivable that once the Greeks know that I found a statue of Athena of Phidias, the whole of Greece will be a sensation, and all the Greeks will be crazy about it, so we have to be careful! "

Speaking of this, Ye Tian's expression suddenly became much more dignified, and his tone became extremely serious.

Hearing his words, David and Anderson nodded slightly.

"Understood, Steven, we know what to do, but don't worry, we will never disclose any information about this statue of Athena!"

Betty also nodded at Ye Tian, ​​and held his right hand, but didn't say much.

Immediately afterwards, David asked curiously:

"Steven, since this statue of Athena is so important, what are you going to do with it? Obviously, it can no longer be placed in the Vatican, nor can it be placed in Rome. It is dangerous to stay here for a second!"

Ye Tian nodded lightly,

Then he smiled and said:

"I plan to collect this statue of Athena myself. In the future, I will set up my own private museum. When my private museum is established, this statue of Athena will become the treasure of the sculpture hall!

As far as sculpture is concerned, with this statue of Athena of Phidias sitting on the throne, whether it is the Vatican Museum, the British Museum, or the Louvre in France, my private museum is not inferior to it.

Anderson, get ready later, take some security guards to escort the statue of Athena and the Chinese antiques you bought today to Beijing, and leave early tomorrow morning to avoid long nights and dreams.

Later, I will contact Air China to charter a large passenger plane to transport these treasures directly to Beijing. After arriving at Beijing Airport, someone will greet you at the airport and receive these treasures! "

After the words fell, Anderson immediately nodded and responded:

"Okay, Steven, I can go anytime"

"Steven, why Beijing and not New York? After all, this statue of Athena is a Western artwork. It seems more appropriate to transport it to New York for collection and exhibition, right?"

David asked in surprise, he didn't quite understand Ye Tian's decision.

Except for Betty, the rest of the people were the same, and everyone was a little puzzled.

Ye Tian smiled softly, and then gave the answer.

"The reason is very simple, my private museum will be located in the center of Beijing, it will be a comprehensive museum covering Eastern and Western art, with countless top antiques.

As we all know, compared with the famous museums in the West, the collection of antiques in Chinese museums is relatively simple, and the collections are basically Chinese antiques, including the Forbidden City.

There is a big gap in the collection of Western antiques in Chinese museums. I intend to fill this gap and make my museum a bridge connecting Eastern and Western art and culture.

More importantly, China's economy continues to develop rapidly, people are getting richer and their living conditions are getting better, and people's pursuit of spiritual life is becoming more and more colorful!

Moreover, China has a population of 1.4 billion, and Beijing is the political, economic and cultural center of China. Countless people flock to Beijing every year. This is an extremely huge market, and I don't want to miss it.

New York is different. If my private museum is opened in New York, even if there is a statue of Athena, because of the serious homogeneity, it will inevitably divert many audiences from museums such as the Metropolitan and MOMA.”

"Wow! Your ambition is really too big. This is to build a world-class private museum!"

"This is really an amazing concept. I have to say, Steven, you guys are really smart to the extreme! It's amazing!"

There was a sound of exclamation in the living room, David and the others were all frightened by Ye Tian's shocking plan.

After chatting for a few words, Ye Tian returned to the topic.

"When Anderson and the others leave Rome with this statue of Athena and arrive in Beijing safely, I will offer a reward in Italy, Greece, and even the world to collect the rest of the statue.

There must be a brave man under the reward. I believe that once the reward is put out, it will definitely receive very good results, and it will definitely recover some statue fragments. Of course, the more the better.

At that time, depending on the size, location, and importance of the statue fragments recovered, I will give different rewards, ranging from a few thousand dollars to millions of dollars.

I will make a list indicating which places this statue of Athena has passed through, and then announce it to the public. I will mobilize all the people in these places to find fragments of the statue for me.

As for whether the fragments of the statue that people have recovered come from this statue of Athena, I have my own way to make an accurate judgment, and no one can hide it from my eyes and fish in troubled waters! "

"That's right, Steven, there must be a brave man under the reward. Once the reward is announced, it will definitely cause a sensation. Many people will take the initiative to help you find the statue fragments. This is a very good way!"

David nodded in agreement, and several others also nodded.

Next, while chatting, everyone admired the dilapidated statue of Athena and the many fragments of the statue, and discussed in a low voice where those fragments should be spliced ​​together.

Unfortunately, no progress has been made, and the scattered statue fragments cannot be spliced ​​onto the statue.

After appreciating for about ten minutes, everyone was still unsatisfied.

Afterwards, Ye Tian wrapped the fragments of the statues with the prepared cotton cloth and sponge, carefully packed them into those solid wood crates, and sealed the boxes.

After doing this, he took out his mobile phone and started contacting Air China, planning to charter a large passenger plane to fly directly to Beijing.

Naturally, Air China attached great importance to such a big customer like him who chartered flights every now and then. They quickly identified the large passenger plane responsible for the delivery task and began to prepare the flight plan.

Next, Ye Tian went into the bedroom and called his sister-in-law who was far away in Beijing and several old gentlemen from the Forbidden City one by one, asking them to send someone to pick up the goods at the airport.

When talking to my sister-in-law, he didn't hide anything. He directly explained the importance of this statue of Athena and asked her to protect this incomplete statue no matter what. This is a priceless treasure!

After listening to his introduction, my sister-in-law screamed on the phone, almost crazy!

My sister also knows the god of classical sculpture Phidias, and also knows how precious the statue of Athena he carved is the only one in the world, and it is a priceless treasure! Can you not be crazy about it?

As for the old gentlemen in the Forbidden City, they don't know the existence of this priceless treasure.

Ye Tian only told them that there was a batch of outflowing Chinese antique artworks that he had taken into his pocket and was about to be transported back to the country, and asked them to arrange the pick-up at the airport to ensure the safety of those antique artworks.

Hearing his words, those old gentlemen were very excited, and praised Ye Tian like a flower on the phone one by one, which made him a little embarrassed to hear it!

After chatting with these few people for a while, and bragging for a while, Ye Tian hung up the phone and came out of the bedroom.

Came to the living room again, before he could sit down on the sofa, Cole knocked on the door suddenly and walked in.

"Steven, those guys who live in the Paul VI Hotel next door are here, bringing two paintings and a sculpture, I hope you can help them identify them.

I put those guys in the meeting room, and searched each of them thoroughly. Those guys didn't carry weapons, and they didn't have wiretapping equipment! "

Hearing this, Ye Tian immediately laughed softly.

"Obviously, those guys can't wait any longer. They really want to know how much the antique works of art in their hands are worth. Let's go meet those guys and give them some reassurance!"

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