Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1786 Amazing skills

About ten minutes later, Ye Tian and the others arrived at the door of the meeting room.

Before entering the meeting room, Ye Tian secretly turned on the perspective, thoroughly seeing through this small meeting room and the guys from Blackwater Company and Israel IZO Company inside.

Of course, he didn't miss the things those guys brought, the three very familiar antique artworks, and other things.

The reason why Ye Tian did this was not that he didn't trust Cole and the others, but for the sake of safety, and also to guard against any tricks played by the Vatican. After all, this is their territory.

Next, what happened in this meeting room must not leave any substantive evidence, such as videos, recordings, etc., otherwise it will give people a reason and cause a lot of unnecessary trouble.

As far as the line of sight is concerned, the situation in the conference room is immediately and clearly presented, with a clear view!

Those guys from Blackwater Company and Israel IZO Company were sitting at the conference table, looking at the door of the conference room with great excitement and anticipation.

On the long conference table in front of them, there were three antique works of art, entrusting each of them with their yearning for a better life and their pursuit of wealth!

As Cole said, they did not carry weapons or bugs on them, and there were no such things in the meeting room, which was very safe.

After confirming this point, Ye Tian immediately withdrew his gaze and ended the perspective.

At the same time, Cole had already pushed open the door of the conference room, and brought Ye Tian, ​​David, and several other security personnel into the conference room.

As soon as they came in, the guys from Blackwater and IZO stood up, ready to say hello and introduce themselves!

However, Ye Tian rushed ahead of them and interrupted their conversation.

"Good evening, gentlemen. I'm Steven. Nice to meet you here. You don't need to introduce yourself. It's better that I don't know your names. Let's get straight to the point!"

Hearing his words, those guys couldn't help being stunned.

How could they have imagined that they would encounter such a situation? Steven's behavior was too unexpected and too cautious. He is really an extremely cunning fox, and he is invulnerable!

Thinking of this,

These guys couldn't help but a look of fear flashed in their eyes, and they made up their minds that they must never provoke Steven this guy in the future, that would be tantamount to asking for their own death!

Before these guys could respond, Ye Tian had already looked at the three antique artworks on the conference table, and pretended to be surprised and said:

"I heard from Cole that you want me to help identify three antique works of art. If I read correctly, the three antique works of art on the conference table are all from the open-air market of Porta Porta in Rome.

This morning, I also went to the open-air market of Botsemen, and I personally saw these three antique works of art, so I know them. Now it seems that I may have missed it in the morning! "


There was a lot of laughter at the scene, and everyone in the conference room laughed heartily, but no one said anything.

This is talking nonsense with your eyes open! The acting skills are really outstanding, vivid and vivid, definitely worthy of an Oscar statuette!

You should be acting instead of being a professional treasure hunter and an expert in antique art appraisal. What a waste of such a good acting!

After secretly complaining a few words, a guy from the opposite Blackwater Company said:

"That's right, Steven, we bought these two paintings and this classic sculpture from the open-air market in Botsemen this morning, but we don't know how to identify them.

Fortunately, we know that you are in the Vatican, and Cole and I have fought side by side in Afghanistan, so through Cole, I would like to ask you to help identify them and see how much they are worth! "

Obviously, this burly man is also a good storyteller. Either he has prepared a draft long ago, or he is adapting to the situation, and he speaks so eloquently!

Hearing his words, everyone at the scene couldn't help laughing again, including Ye Tian.

Ye Tian looked at this buddy appreciatively, then nodded with a smile and said:

"Respect is worse than obedience! Since you are Cole's friend, you are also my friend. It's just a matter of lifting your hands to help you identify things. Let's start now!"

After saying that, Ye Tian stepped forward, took out a magnifying glass from his coat pocket, and pretended to conduct an appraisal, which looked like that.

Looking at the guys from Heishui Company and IZO Company, they all stared wide-eyed, staring at Ye Tian's movements and the three antique artworks on the conference table, their eyes were extremely hot and full of anticipation.

About fifteen minutes later, Ye Tian just finished the performance, looked up at these guys from Blackwater Company and IZO Company, and said excitedly:

"Gentlemen, here I would like to congratulate you, you have been very fortunate to have discovered three valuable antique works of art, which is really a good thing to celebrate.

But for me, this is not good news, it hurts to think that I lost them when I held them in my hands and admired them! "


There was laughter again at the scene, David and the others all laughed.

And those guys from Blackwater Company and IZO Company were all excited and celebrated directly.

After a short celebration, the good storyteller asked hastily:

"Steven, thank you very much for your identification. Can you explain these three antique works of art? And give an approximate valuation, so that we can also be confident!"

"No problem, buddy, let's do it one by one!"

Ye Tian smiled and nodded in response, and pointed to the spatialist painting.

“Let’s talk about this painting first, it’s a spatialist work, to be precise, it’s a ‘pre-spatialist’ painting, it’s by the famous modern Italian painter Fontana.

Fontana is the founder and most important painter of Spatialism. This is a work in the middle of his artistic career, which indicates that his painting style is transitioning from Pre-Spatialism to Spatialism, which is of special significance.

In the antique art market in recent decades, Fontana's works have been extremely popular, and have been enthusiastically sought after by countless collectors, and have successively created a series of very good auction prices.

Based on my understanding of the market conditions of Fontana's paintings, combined with the particularity and artistic value of this painting, I estimate the value of this pre-spatialist painting at 5 million to 8 million US dollars.

There is a gray-black stain on this painting. Although it affects the view, it does not affect the value of this painting. You can find a professional organization to remove this stain very easily! "

"Wow! $5 million to $8 million, amazing!"

There was an envious exclamation from David and Cole.

As for the guys from the Blackwater Company and the IZO Company, they were so excited that they were going crazy. They stared at the pre-spatialist painting with their eyes wide open, not wanting to look away for a moment!

Fortunately, their emotional control ability is not bad, they didn't explode immediately, and celebrated wildly.

Ye Tian glanced at these guys, then pointed to another painting, smiled and said:

"This is a surrealist painting by René Magritte, a representative of surrealism and a famous Belgian painter. It was created by him in the mid-1930s.

During that period, it was the heyday of Magritte’s creation and the peak of his art. He created many famous surrealist works, and the painting in front of him should be among them.

Like Fontana, René Magritte's paintings are also extremely popular and sought after by countless collectors. He is a modern painter who is very popular with major auction houses, and his results are very good.

Combining the market price of René Magritte's paintings, and the performance of this painting itself, I value this surreal painting at $5-8 million, the same as the previous one! "

Unsurprisingly, there was another burst of exclamation at the scene.

Not to mention those guys from Blackwater Company and IZO Company, they all became more excited, and everyone's eyes glowed red, looking quite scary.

After a short pause, Ye Tian pointed to the half-meter-high classical sculpture, and said with a smile:

"This is a classicist sculpture. It is a sculpture by Donatello, a famous sculptor in the early Renaissance. I don't need to introduce more about Donatello. I believe everyone knows about it.

Let's get straight to the point and talk about the market value of this marble sculpture. There are very few small sculptures by Donatello, and even fewer appear in the antique art market. Every time one appears, it will cause a sensation.

Although this sculpture is an early work of Donatello's artistic career, it is also valuable. According to my understanding of the current art auction market, the value of this sculpture is also between 5 million and 8 million US dollars! "

"Wow! The value of the three antique works of art is basically equal, which is too exaggerated!"

"Another top-notch work of art and a sculpture by Donatello, incredible!"

The scene became noisy again, and every voice was full of envy, even jealousy.

While being amazed, everyone also admired Ye Tian's vision for identifying antique works of art.

In the antique and second-hand goods market in the open-air market of Botsiemen, he actually found three top-level works of art that were basically equal in value and were neglected by people. This vision is amazing!

Looking at those guys from Blackwater Company and IZO Company, they were completely dumbfounded. Everyone was stunned, staring at the three top artworks on the table, their eyes were red!

Ye Tian glanced at these guys, and then continued:

"Gentlemen, congratulations again. You have harvested three top artworks and three huge surprises. As a professional, I would like to give you some reasonable suggestions.

If you are going to sell these three top works of art, it is best not to do so in Italy. The value-added tax on art in Italy is as high as 22%. I believe you cannot accept it.

There is no value-added tax on artworks in New York. You can bring these three top artworks to New York and entrust them to top auction houses for public auction, so as to maximize your profits.

If you rush to New York now, you may be able to catch up with the New Year's auction. If you can't, then wait for next year's New York spring auction season. By then, top collectors from all over the world will gather in New York.

When conducting a public auction, in order to ensure that your interests are not infringed, and those buyers will not jointly calculate, you'd better set a reserve price for the auction, I suggest it is 4 million US dollars!

In case these three top works of art fail to sell, you don’t have to feel frustrated. When I return to New York, if they have not been sold, I am willing to buy them at a price of 4 million US dollars each.”

Hearing his words, those guys from Blackwater Company and IZO Company immediately woke up, and each of them had a look of gratitude in their eyes.

"Steven, thank you very much for your suggestion. We will set off tomorrow and rush to New York with these three top works of art. There is a 22% value-added tax on works of art. Italians are really crazy about money!"

The guy who made up the story before nodded and said, his voice trembling with excitement.

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