Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1788 The Most Brilliant Meteor

At around ten o'clock in the morning, Ye Tian and the others left the Vatican again, and drove straight to Coronari Avenue in the old city of Rome.

This is one of the most famous antique streets in the city of Rome. It has a long history of dealing in antique art. It is one of the main goals of Ye Tian's trip to Rome. Of course, you can't miss it!

Compared with the bustling and noisy open-air market of Botsemen, Coronari Street is much quieter, and the scenery is more beautiful and full of artistic atmosphere.

Coronari Street is an ancient street with a history of at least one or two thousand years. According to legend, it was once a pilgrimage path for St. Peter.

On both sides of this street, there are Renaissance-style and Baroque-style historical buildings, one after another, row upon row, and each building is very beautiful and worth seeing.

On the side facing the street on the ground floor of these historic buildings, there are various shops, including restaurants, bars, clothing stores, cafes, etc.

But the most shops here are the antique shops and galleries that can be seen everywhere, and there are many old antique shops that have gone through several generations and have been passed down for more than a hundred years.

Perhaps it is precisely because of the existence of these antique shops and galleries that the historical buildings on this street are obviously much better preserved than other places in the city of Rome. Despite hundreds of years of wind and rain, they still look bright and beautiful.

For every art lover who travels to Rome, this is a must-see street. It is a good place to buy antique works of art, and it is also the place that best embodies the charm of the city of art in Rome.

Every antique shop opened on Coronari Street is like a small museum, covering everything, including ceramics, sculptures, paintings, furniture and other collections!

If you have a sharp eye and are lucky, you might be able to find some valuable antique art in one of the antique shops or galleries on this street, and make a fortune.

Of course, if you have poor eyesight, bad luck, and no self-knowledge, by the time you leave the street, you may have lost everything and got nothing but a pile of worthless garbage!

Just after 10:30 in the morning, Ye Tian and his convoy arrived at the entrance of Coronari Street and stopped by the side of the road.

As soon as the convoy stopped, Cole and the others quickly got out of the car, and then spread out to build a solid line of defense. Everyone was on high alert, watching the surrounding buildings and crowds vigilantly.

After confirming the safety of the site,

Only then did Ye Tian get out of the car with Betty, landed on the ground, and took a quick look at the surrounding situation.

In the process, he also secretly turned on the perspective, thoroughly seeing through the several historical buildings within the line of sight, as well as the pedestrians and tourists on the street, for safety!

There are no gunmen ambushing in these surrounding buildings, and there are no potential dangers on the streets. Instead, there are many antique artworks shining with beautiful light, which are displayed in different antique shops and galleries.

In the blink of an eye, Ye Tian had a clear understanding of the situation on the scene, and he was relieved a lot, and then ended the perspective.

At the same time, David and the others rushed over and joined everyone.

Afterwards, Ye Tian and the others walked into this winding ancient street about 500 meters long, preparing to sweep up this famous antique street, sweeping away all the valuable and neglected antique artworks.

The arrival of Ye Tian and the others inevitably caused a commotion on Coronary Street.

The Italian cultural relics gendarmes who followed all the way looked at the backs of Ye Tian and the others as they strolled, all of them were itching with hatred, but there was nothing they could do.

All they can do is pray in secret.

God bless the antique dealers on Coronary Street and keep them safe from being ransacked by that bastard Steven.

Don't be like those unlucky bastards in the open-air market in Botsaimen, who become the protagonists of tragedies and can only cry secretly and slowly lick the bloody wounds!

As for the owners of the antique shops and galleries on Coronary Street, when they heard that Ye Tian had come here, their faces changed drastically, and they all felt like a catastrophe was imminent.

Although they had expected this kind of thing to happen, when Ye Tian really came here, they still felt a kind of fear from the bottom of their hearts.

Even if they are afraid, they can't close the door to thank customers, block Ye Tian outside, and refuse to do his business, that will undoubtedly smash the signboard of their antique shop!

They could only grit their teeth and keep praying in a low voice, hoping that they would not become the targets of being ransacked by madness!

The many tourists who were visiting on Coronari Street naturally saw Ye Tian and the others.

Like the reaction of most people, these guys looked at Ye Tian and the others, all of them were full of curiosity and a little bit of fear.

Of course, there are also some guys who don't think it's a big deal to watch the excitement, and they seem quite excited.

"I'm going! The bastard Steven has come to Coronari Street. It is conceivable that this famous antique street will be doomed and will be ransacked by this guy Steven."

"That's right! Yesterday's open-air bazaar in Botsemen was ransacked crazily by that bastard Steven. If it wasn't for the threat of a strange terrorist attack later, all the antique dealers in the market would have been doomed!"

In the midst of people's discussions, Ye Tian and the others pushed open the door of an antique shop on the street, walked into the antique shop, and disappeared from the street.

In another antique shop tens of meters away, Bowie, who had changed his personal image again, was admiring a landscape painting hanging on the display wall, looking very intently.

Time passed quickly, and it was almost noon in a blink of an eye.

In the past two or three hours, Ye Tian and the others have swept across half of Coronari Street, visiting no less than twenty antique shops and galleries of different sizes and quality.

Compared with those stall owners, antique shop owners, and gallery owners in the open-air market in Botsemen, the level of antique dealers operating antique art business on Coronari Street is obviously much higher.

Most of these guys have been working in this industry for decades, and some are even family businesses that have been in business for hundreds of years. Almost everyone can be called an expert in antique art appraisal, with a sharp eye!

These guys basically know everything about the antique artworks displayed in their stores or galleries, and there is very little chance of stealing the treasure.

Logically, it is much more difficult for Ye Tian to pick up leaks on this famous antique street than before.

Even so, after two or three hours, he still gained a lot.

The hands of David and the others were full of the trophies that Ye Tian had won, and Taylor had an extra metal trolley case that was old and not old, which was full of valuable antique works of art.

As for Bowie, who followed behind and secretly cooperated with Ye Tian in sweeping up the antique street, he also gained a lot, but he didn't attract anyone's attention!

At this time, Ye Tianzheng was in an antique shop on the street, holding an oil painting on canvas in his hand, discussing the price with the shop owner, the negotiation had come to an end.

Betty and the others stood aside, watching the show with a smile on their faces, and turned their heads from time to time to appreciate other antique artworks displayed in this antique shop.

"Simone, 28,000 euros, this is my final offer. If you can accept it, then we will pay both money and goods. If you can't accept this price, then I can only turn around and leave!"

Ye Tian said with a smile, but his tone was very firm.

Hearing his words, Simone, the owner of the antique shop, did not immediately respond.

He first took a deep look at Ye Tian, ​​trying to see something so that he could make a judgment.

It's a pity that he didn't see anything. The hateful face in front of him was always covered with a bright smile, which seemed to be engraved on that face and never disappeared!

Apart from that, there seemed to be no other expression on that hateful face.

After complaining a few words inwardly, Simone looked at the painting Ye Tian was holding in his hand again, to see if he had any new discoveries.

He is very familiar with that painting. He has seen it hundreds of times at least, and studied it carefully no less than ten times. Looking at it now, everything is the same, and there is no new discovery.

The scene suddenly fell silent, Simeone fell into deep thought, while Ye Tian looked at the antique shop owner with a smile on his face, waiting for him to make a decision.

After pondering for a moment, Simeone finally made a decision. The owner of the antique shop gritted his molars and said:

"Okay, Steven, 28,000 euros, I accept the offer, as long as the bank transfer is completed, this classic oil painting is yours, and you can take it away.

But I have a request. After the transaction is completed, you'd better explain why you bought this oil painting, and which artist's work is it? To solve my confusion! "

"Deal! Simeone, I can agree to your request. After the transaction is completed, I will explain this oil painting, explain why I bought this oil painting, and my appraisal conclusion.

I also have a request that you have to give me a document stating that the painting was bought in your store and the price so I can take it out of Italy! "

With that said, Ye Tian shook hands with Simeone and concluded the art deal.

The next thing was simple. Ye Tian quickly completed the bank transfer and paid off the payment. Simeone wrote a proof document by himself and handed it to Ye Tian.

Ye Tian took a look at the proof documents, then handed them over to David, who asked him to review them carefully.

He himself looked at Simeone, smiled and said:

"Simeone, why should I buy this oil on canvas? The reason is simple. I think it is the work of the master artist Caravaggio, an important work of art in the transition from the Renaissance to the Baroque.

As we all know, Caravaggio was a swordsman painter with a short life and an even shorter artistic career. He spent most of his time in wandering and exile, and only a handful of works were created and handed down.

He is known as the last master of the Renaissance and the first master of Baroque art. The style of this painting appropriately reflects the alternation of these two great periods in art history.

In this regard, this oil painting is very special, probably the only one in the history of art, and it is of great research value. It is precisely because this painting has both classicism and Baroque style that you cannot distinguish it,..."

Before the words were finished, the antique shop was completely blown up.

An extremely shrill scream suddenly came out, resounding throughout the antique shop, and also resounding throughout Coronary Street!

"Steven, you are a robber and a liar! It's only 28,000 euros. I actually sold a masterpiece of Caravaggio at this price. How stupid!"

No need to ask, of course the shout came from Simeone!

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