Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1789 Luxurious Lineup

It wasn't until around two o'clock in the noon that Ye Tian and the others finished sweeping Coronari Street, and left this famous antique street with a lot of antique artworks.

Without exception, every piece of antique artwork they took away from here is of great value, and many of them are priceless top-level antique artworks, such as the masterpiece of the artist Caravaggio.

After leaving Coronari Street, Ye Tian and the others did not go far, but found a nearby restaurant with a fairly good reputation online, and had a simple lunch.

While they were having lunch, David took several security personnel and used two medium-sized helicopters to transport all the antiques and artworks in everyone's hands back to the Vatican.

On the other side of Coronary Street, Bowie also transported the trophies he had won back to the hotel, stored them, and cheered up, ready to fight again in the afternoon.

By the time David and the others returned from the Vatican and had a quick lunch, it was already three o'clock in the afternoon.

Next, Ye Tian and his convoy set off again, heading straight to another famous antique street in Rome, Margota Street!

At this time, the news that Ye Tian crazily ransacked Coronari Avenue and took away a large number of antique artworks had spread like a hurricane throughout Rome, and even the entire field of Italian antique artwork collections, causing quite a stir.

Hearing this news, everyone was extremely shocked, and their teeth were itchy with hatred. Many guys even cursed loudly to vent their anger.

Especially when people heard that Ye Tian had discovered a masterpiece by Caravaggio, and it was a top-notch artwork that symbolized the transition from the Renaissance to the Baroque period, the eyes of all professionals in Italy instantly turned red. My heart is bleeding.

That is a genuine national treasure-level artwork, a truly priceless treasure, and who would be willing to fall into the hands of that greedy New York bastard?

Many antique shop owners and gallery owners who run the antique art business on Margota Street naturally heard the news.

With the two bloody lessons learned from the open-air bazaar in Porta Porta and Coronari Avenue, these antique dealers on Margota Street do not think that they can escape the tragic fate of being ransacked.

All of a sudden, the entire Margetta Street was completely enveloped in an atmosphere of panic and pessimism. Even the air on the street seemed to have become a lot more dignified, with a feeling that the rain was about to come.

As soon as you hear the news,

These antiques on Margetta Street began to re-examine the goods displayed in their stores to see if they could find something or if there were any treasures that they had overlooked.

Some guys even went so far as to close their doors and close their businesses, and quickly left Margetta Street. They would rather not do business than be looted by Ye Tian and become the protagonist of another tragedy.

In such an atmosphere of panic, Ye Tian and his team quickly arrived at Margota Street and stopped at the entrance of this famous antique street.

When Ye Tian and the others got out of the car and walked into this ancient street talking and laughing, an invisible storm also began to sweep across this famous antique street crazily.

Even though the antique dealers on Margetta Street were prepared and checked the goods in their stores repeatedly, they still did not escape the tragic fate of being ransacked.

At around five o'clock in the afternoon, when Ye Tian and the others left this famous antique street, each of them was more or less carrying a few valuable antique artworks in their hands.

Among these antique works of art, the most valuable one is a peak work created by the famous Italian painter Modigliani in 1915, with a market value of at least hundreds of millions of dollars.

But Ye Tian only spent 6,800 euros to get this top art work, it's like picking it up for nothing.

When he successfully won the painting and announced his appraisal conclusion at the request of the gallery owner, the gallery owner who sold the painting almost died on the spot in heartache!

In addition to Ye Tian himself, Bowie, who pretended to be a tourist and secretly cooperated with Ye Tian in sweeping up the Roman antique art market, also won a lot of spoils and returned with a full reward!

Looking at Margetta Street after Ye Tian and the others left, it was already devastated, as if it had been hit by the most violent hurricane, and the losses were extremely heavy.

For a long time to come, this world-famous antique street will not be able to catch its breath and regain its vitality!

Of course, after Ye Tian and the others left, Margetta Street was immediately filled with hoarse, furious and crazy cursing, resounding through the entire street, every voice was full of pain and regret.

After leaving Margetta Street, Ye Tian and the others did not return to the Vatican immediately, but continued to sweep the Roman antique art market, and went straight to several famous century-old antique shops.

The first to bear the brunt is the world-renowned Castro antique shop located in Plaza de España, which has been passed down for four generations and has been in business for more than a hundred years.

This antique shop can be regarded as the benchmark of all antique shops in Italy, and it is also a famous folk museum with many valuable top antique works of art!

And the female owner of this antique shop, Alex Sandra, is not only a famous antique dealer, but also a top collector, and one of the most outstanding experts in the identification of antique works of art in Italy.

In addition, she is also an old friend of Ye Tian.

Ye Tian had dealt with this famous female antique dealer many times before in New York, Paris, Florence, and Milan.

When appraising Leonardo da Vinci's "Lisa Gherardini", Alex Sandra was one of several experts in the appraisal of antique works of art who followed the Italian Minister of Culture to Milan.

Because everyone is familiar with it, out of politeness, Ye Tian called Alex Sandra as early as noon and told the female antique dealer that he would go to her Castro antique shop in the afternoon.

Just after half past five in the afternoon, Ye Tian and the others walked into the street where Castro's antique shop is located.

As soon as he entered this street, there were tens of meters away from the antique shop, Ye Tian saw from a distance that Alexandra was leading a few people at the entrance of the antique shop, chatting in a low voice while looking over here with.

The few people standing beside Alexandra were also familiar faces.

One is Alexandra's younger brother, Alberto, a famous antique dealer and top expert in antique art appraisal.

The other few are also Italy's top experts in antique art appraisal, each of them is well-known in the industry, and they all have dealt with Ye Tian.

Seeing this scene, Ye Tian couldn't help chuckling and said in a low voice:

"The scene is really grand. One-third of Italy's top and most powerful antique art appraisal experts have arrived. It's interesting. It seems that it will be very difficult to find leaks in the Castro antique shop!"

"Wow! This is really like facing an enemy! It's too exaggerated!"

David exclaimed directly, and said with an exaggerated expression.

The rest of the people were the same, they were all frightened by Ye Tian's words and the battles put up by Castro's antique shop.

While speaking, Ye Tian and the others had already arrived at the door of Castro Antique Store, and the old friends waiting at the door also greeted them.

Coming closer, Alexandra gave Ye Tian a hug directly, and said with a smile:

"Good afternoon, Steven, welcome to our Castro Antique Store, I hope you have a wonderful afternoon here!"

"Good afternoon, Ms. Sandra, you are still so beautiful and elegant, and your antique shop is also very good. I have been admiring the name for a long time, and I have wanted to visit here for a long time, and today I finally got my wish!"

Ye Tian said with a smile, and said a few words of courtesy.

Next, Alexandra hugged Betty again, said hello, and was very affectionate.

After everyone greeted each other and exchanged a few pleasantries, Alberto said half-jokingly and half-seriously:

"Steven, now it's spread throughout Rome. After yesterday's bloodbath at Porta Porta Porta, you ransacked Via Coronari and Via Margetta today, and the places you pass are sad. one slice.

Now come to our Castro Antique Store again, I hope you guys will be merciful, don't loot all the treasures in our antique store, and put them all in your pocket, then we will be very grateful! "

Ye Tian looked at this old friend, then smiled politely and said:

"It's exaggerated! Alberto, I did find some antique artworks that were overlooked by my peers in Coronari Street and Margotta Street, but the quantity is not too high, and the value is not too high!

I don't even dare to think about picking up leaks in your Castro antique shop. You are the most famous antique shop in Italy. It has been passed down for more than 100 years and has a profound heritage. Let me pick up any leaks! "

Having said that, Ye Tian's eyes shone with confidence.

So what about the Castro Antique Store, and what about the centuries-old heritage, since you guys are here, you won’t leave empty-handed!

As soon as Ye Tian finished speaking, Alexandra beside him interrupted and said:

"The antique works of art you bought on Coronari Street and Margota Street are not of high value? Did I hear you right? Steven, as far as I know, you have found several top-notch works of art that are priceless.

In particular, the masterpiece by Caravaggio, which is said to symbolize the transformation and transition from the Renaissance to the Baroque period, its importance can be imagined, and it is a genuine Italian national treasure.

There is also the painting of Modigliani at its peak. According to the current market conditions, the market value of that painting is at least more than 100 million US dollars. It is obviously a top-notch artwork with great value.

Wonder where these two top artworks are currently? If possible, we would like to appreciate it, experience the artistic charm of those two paintings, and make up for the regret of missing them! "

Not only Alessandra, but also several Italian antique art appraisal experts at the scene, one counts as one. Who doesn’t want to appreciate the two top-level works of art that have caused a sensation in Italy?

Ye Tian shook his head slightly, and said in a slightly regretful tone:

"Sorry, everyone, those two paintings and other antique works of art have been sent to the Vatican, and they are not with me. If you want to appreciate them, you can only go to the Vatican at night!"

"Okay, it's settled, let's go to the Vatican to admire those top antique artworks tonight, and see how many treasures you have swept away!"

Alexandra's answer was very straightforward and not at all polite.

After that, everyone chatted for a few more words, and then walked into Castro's antique shop together.

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