Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1792 Small Appreciation Meeting

As expected, the leaders of the Casamonica family and the Benano family each brought information about a treasure to fulfill their previous promises.

And this is exactly the reconciliation condition proposed by Ye Tian during the negotiation a few days ago, and it is also the price paid by the two major mafia families for their stupid behavior.

Regarding the treasure information they provided, after Ye Tian had a general understanding of the situation, he was basically satisfied.

Of course, there are some premises here.

These two treasures must be real, located in the high seas, free from any legal disputes, and have the possibility of exploration and salvage.

More importantly, the value of the treasures must meet Ye Tian's requirements, and each treasure must be worth at least 200 million U.S. dollars.

Only when the above conditions are met, can Ye Tian and the two major mafia families truly shake hands and make peace, and they will go their own ways in the future!

If these conditions cannot be met, it will be another matter, and the war may continue.

The next thing is for Ye Tian to find time to take people or send people to explore and verify these two treasures, to see what he can gain, is it a huge surprise, or is it just a joy!

As for where the information on these two treasures came from, whether they were bought by the two mafia families, scouted around, or snatched from others, Ye Tian didn't care at all.

He only knew that the process by which he obtained the information on these two treasures was legal, and that it was the compensation promised by the two mafia families. The lawyers of both parties and the Bishop of Kent from the Vatican witnessed the transaction process.

After handing over the information of the two treasures to Ye Tian, ​​the leaders of the two mafia families left the Vatican directly with their subordinates.

When they left, these guys were in a very helpless mood, not to mention how depressed they were.

The situation is stronger than people, so what can they do!

Next, Ye Tian and the others returned to their residence.

When the time came to around noon, many top collectors, super rich, and famous experts in antique art appraisal who were invited by Ye Tian rushed to the Vatican one after another.

Giovanni and a deputy minister of the Italian Ministry of Culture, a few guys from the Historical Heritage Protection Committee, and several top experts in the identification of antique works of art,

Also arrived as promised.

Without exception, everyone who was invited was full of expectations, looking forward to seeing the top antique artworks swept by Ye Tian, ​​and looking forward to seeing the masterpiece of Caravaggio!

At 1:30 noon, the Vatican Museums are closed as usual.

After all the audience left, Ye Tian and the others immediately entered the museum with more than a dozen top-level antique artworks, and with the assistance of the museum staff, they quickly started the work of setting up the exhibition.

This time he borrowed the lobby on the first floor of the Vatican Museum. It is easy to enter the door, and there is no difficulty in setting up the exhibition or security, and it will be done soon.

Just after two o'clock in the afternoon, this small-scale appreciation meeting officially kicked off.

After everyone arrived and entered the temporary exhibition hall, Ye Tian walked to the front of the exhibition hall and said loudly with a smile:

"Ladies and gentlemen, good afternoon, I'm Steven, I'm very glad to meet you here, and thank you very much for being invited to participate in this small-scale antique art appreciation meeting.

I basically know everyone who came here today, and you all know me and the theme of today’s small appreciation meeting, so let me go straight to the theme.

In the past two or three days, I have visited several famous antique flea markets and antique streets in Rome, as well as famous antique shops and galleries all over the city, and I have gained a little! "

Hearing this, everyone at the scene couldn't help but rolled their eyes, and everyone complained secretly.

A small gain? To say that is an understatement, you greedy bastard, you almost ransacked Rome, and you have the nerve to say that you have a small gain!

The brothers and sisters Alessandra and Alberto, who were standing in the middle of the crowd, were so angry that smoke was coming out of their noses. They wished they could rush forward to beat Ye Tian up and vent their anger!

Ye Tian saw all the reactions of the people at the scene, but he turned a blind eye and continued to speak with a smile on his face.

"In the antique flea market in Rome, as well as in many antique shops and galleries, I found some valuable antique artworks that were overlooked by some of my peers.

Among them are many priceless top antique works of art. When encountering such an opportunity, as a professional treasure hunter, I certainly would not miss it, so I took these treasures into my pocket.

After the news came out, some friends called me, wanting to appreciate the top antique artworks I just bought, and several friends even expressed their willingness to buy.

It is precisely because of this that today's appreciation meeting is held. I have selected sixteen of the most outstanding and valuable treasures from the many antique works of art I bought for everyone to appreciate.

I can clearly tell you that each of the antique works of art I have selected is top-notch and valuable, and some of the antique works of art have very special meanings.”

Not surprisingly, the scene immediately boiled.

Everyone was shocked by Ye Tian's words, and they all stared at him dumbfounded, their eyes full of disbelief, as if they couldn't believe their ears.

"Oh my god! Sixteen pieces of top-notch antique works of art! What we heard before seems to be only a small part, which is crazy!"

"Wow! When did the top antique artworks become so worthless? You can find them everywhere! In such a short period of time, Steven can find and take down sixteen pieces. I can't believe it!"

While exclaiming unceasingly, everyone looked at the antique artworks placed behind Ye Tian, ​​covered with white cloth, and guarded by Cole and the others. Everyone's eyes were extremely hot.

However, they can't see anything now, only a dozen pieces of identical white cloth in front of them.

Ye Tian glanced at the crowd, then smiled and continued:

"Next, I will introduce these sixteen top-level antique works of art one by one, including the style of the work, the creator, the year of creation, my appraisal conclusion, and the valuation I gave, etc.

Of course, this is just my opinion. If you have different opinions, we can discuss it openly after I have introduced all the antique works of art and you draw your own appraisal conclusion.

The first thing I want to introduce to you is an outstanding painting created by the famous Italian painter Modigliani in his peak period. This is the first time I have discovered it, and you can enjoy it.”

Speaking of this, Ye Tian nodded slightly to Cole and the others, indicating that the white cloth covering the painting can be lifted and displayed publicly.

The next moment, Cole gently lifted off the white cloth covering the painting, and together with Taylor, carefully placed the painting on the solid wood easel on Ye Tian's left.

Following their movements, everyone's eyes were attracted by the beautiful painting, and they were all following the painting.

At the same time, Ye Tianqing's clear voice came out again, clearly reaching the ears of everyone present.

"Everyone, please look at this painting. The painter's use of lines is very proficient and has its own rhythm, giving people a sense of elegance and refinement. This is one of Modigliani's artistic characteristics..."

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