Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1793 The Most Touching Good News

Following Ye Tian's introduction, Cole and the others lifted the white cloth covering those antique artworks one by one, and displayed sixteen top-level antique artworks one by one, before everyone's eyes.

The last piece of artwork that appeared on the stage was the masterpiece of Caravaggio, a classical oil painting that symbolized the transition from the Renaissance to the Baroque period.

When introducing this painting, Ye Tian deliberately raised the volume, introduced the painting to everyone present with a passionate and contagious speech, and reported a jaw-dropping valuation.

At this time, the scene of the appreciation meeting has already completely boiled.

The eyes of all the participants were all attracted by the top-notch antique artworks in front of them. Everyone's eyes lit up, staring closely at those valuable treasures, their eyes were extremely hot.

Some of them have even geared up and are ready to fight at any time to win their favorite top-level antique works of art, that would be a worthwhile trip.

As for the authenticity of these sixteen top-level antique artworks and whether the valuation is reasonable, these guys have no doubts at all.

Some of them may not like Ye Tian, ​​or even hate him to the point of itch, but they all trust Ye Tian's vision of appraising antique works of art, and they never believe that he will be wrong.

No one questioned the valuation given by Ye Tian for the relevant antique works of art.

Everyone knows very well that the valuation given by Ye Tian is basically equivalent to the current market value, even if there is a deviation, it is very limited, which has been proved in many previous transactions.

After Ye Tian's introduction, everyone at the scene immediately rushed forward, each selected a target and began to appreciate those top-level antique works of art, and discussed in a low voice.

The top antique art appraisal experts who were invited here took out their gloves, magnifying glasses and other appraisal equipment, and began to appraise those antique art according to the prompts given by Ye Tian during the explanation.

As for the appraisal result, needless to say, there is no difference with the appraisal conclusion given by Ye Tian.

With the release of these identification results, this small antique art appreciation fair soon turned into a private antique art fair.

In a blink of an eye, Ye Tian was surrounded by the super rich, top collectors, and representatives of several famous museums waving checks.


It's just round after round of bargaining between you and me, and the scene is extremely hot.

By the time this small appreciation meeting was over, all the sixteen top-level antique works of art on display had been sold, changed owners, flowed out of Ye Tian's hands, and became someone else's collection.

In particular, Modigliani's painting and Caravaggio's masterpiece sold for an astonishing price of 130 million euros and 360 million euros respectively!

As the owner of these top antique works of art, Ye Tian naturally swept an astronomical amount of wealth, which is jaw-dropping and makes everyone almost crazy with envy.

After the appreciation party, there was another extremely high-standard reception, but the location of the reception was changed to the banquet hall of another building.

In addition to the top collectors and super rich, experts in antique art appraisal, and other professionals who were invited, some high-level officials of the Vatican also participated in this reception!

At the reception, Ye Tian was still the focus of the audience.

Those super-rich and top collectors laughed and drank with him, listened to him tell all kinds of treasure-hunting adventures and thrilling stories, and hoped to buy valuable top-level antique artworks from him in the future.

Many top experts in the appraisal of antique works of art surrounded him, exchanged and discussed with him the skills and methods of appraising antique works of art, and tried to learn something from him.

Only Giovanni and those from the Italian Ministry of Culture and the Historical Heritage Protection Committee stood in the distance with wine glasses, gnashing their teeth and looking at Ye Tian, ​​who was in high spirits. Everyone was itching with hatred.

It was nearly seven o'clock in the evening, and the reception just ended.

The invited guests then left the Vatican one after another. Some of them returned with a smile on their face, while others left the Vatican with a bit of regret.

After seeing off all the guests, Ye Tian and the others returned to their residence.

At this time, Anderson had flown back to Rome from Beijing with several security personnel, and Jason and the others had also returned to the Vatican.

After returning to the guest room to rest for a while, Ye Tian called everyone into the living room and began to arrange the next things after washing up.

After everyone arrived and chatted for a while, Ye Tian immediately got to the point.

"Guys, our trip to Rome is coming to an end. After tomorrow's press conference, we will go to Jerusalem to explore the treasures of the Knights Templar"

Before the words fell, there was already cheers in the living room.

"Amazing! Exploring the treasures of the Knights Templar is so exciting to think about!"

"Cool! This eternal mystery will definitely be solved by us, and it will cause a sensation in the whole world!"

After the cheers subsided, Ye Tian continued to say:

"Before that, there are still some things to do, Jason, tell me about your situation, how is it going?"

"Okay, Steven"

Jason nodded in response, and then began to introduce the situation.

"Today we went to Venice Square and successfully won the baroque-style target building, signed a real estate transaction contract with the owner of that building, and reached an agreement with the existing tenants.

The Palazzo Venezia Museum also responded that they are willing to sell the two Renaissance-style historical buildings, but they still need to discuss the specific price for the sale, and they will contact us later.”

With that said, Jason took out a real estate transaction contract and several other agreement documents from his backpack, and handed them to Ye Tian.

Ye Tian took the documents and flipped through them briefly, then handed them over to David for review.

He himself turned to look at Jason, smiled and said:

"Good job! Jason, you guys stay in Rome, follow up on this matter, make sure to take down those two Renaissance-style historical buildings, even if you spend money on them.

After you have settled those two historic buildings and successfully obtained the property certificate, you can leave Rome, or return to New York, or join the joint exploration team! "

"Okay, Steven, we must take down the remaining two historical buildings. After we're done, I'll go find you and join the joint exploration team. It's so exciting, I don't want to miss it!"

Jason nodded in response, his tone was very firm and full of confidence.

Next, Ye Tian turned to Anderson again.

"Anderson, I already know the situation in Beijing, so I don't need to introduce you. You have to make another trip to New York to send the remaining antiques back to New York. Matisse will welcome you in New York.

Excluding the 16 pieces of top-level antique artworks that were just sold today, although the remaining antique artworks are also valuable, they will not allow the Italians to include them in the list of restricted artworks from leaving the country.

There should be no problem in leaving Italy with those antique works of art. You only need to pay a completely negligible customs tax on the basis of the purchase price, and you can pass the customs smoothly.

Tomorrow morning, Betty will leave Rome in my private jet, and return to New York before you. After you transport those antiques to New York, you will fly back in my private jet! "

"No problem, Steven, my brother seems to have become an angel transporting treasures, but it's a pity that he doesn't have wings!"

Anderson said jokingly, taking over the task.

Next, Ye Tian made some more arrangements, and called Mathis and Kenny who were far away in New York, and assigned some tasks to those guys.

While speaking, it was already eight o'clock in the evening.

Suddenly, Cole's voice came from the earphones.

"Steven, there is a small antique dealer who set up a stall in the open-air market in Botsey Gate. He brought a few fragments of statues. According to that guy, the broken ancient Greek sculpture in your hand was sold to you. Rossini's!

During the body search, I took a look at the fragments of the statue brought by that guy. Judging from the texture of the marble and the style of the sculpture, it was indeed very similar to the incomplete sculpture, and the fragments of these statues were all very impressive in size! "

Hearing Cole's report, Ye Tian jumped up from the sofa as if a spring had been placed under his buttocks, startling everyone in the living room.

Immediately afterwards, he turned on the tiny microphone of the invisible headset and said excitedly:

"Great! This is really very good news, Cole, take that guy to the conference room, we will go there right away, remember, don't show your feet, don't let that guy seize the opportunity to ask for prices!"

"Understood, Steven, leave it to us, don't worry!"

Cole responded and ended the call.

In the living room, Ye Tian briefly explained the situation, then took David and the others out of the guest room, and walked quickly to the meeting room. Everyone was extremely excited and full of expectations!

A few minutes later, they arrived at the door of the conference room.

Before entering the meeting room, Ye Tian couldn't wait to secretly turn on the perspective, and began to investigate the situation inside the meeting room.

When his eyes penetrated the wall, an excited guy with greedy eyes appeared in his eyes. He was sitting at the conference table, looking at the door of the conference room with full expectation.

On the long conference table in front of him, there was a half-new metal trolley case, and Ye Tian could see clearly what was in it in an instant.

"The upper half of the sexy right leg of the statue of Athena, the part where the left shoulder connects to the neck, and several other fragments!"

Seeing these fragments of the statue of Athena radiating dazzling light, Ye Tian suddenly felt a burst of ecstasy, and even felt a little dizzy.

Happiness comes so violently that people are caught off guard!

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