Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1795 The Press Conference That Shocked the World

Near ten o'clock in the morning, a banquet hall used by the Vatican to hold press conferences and announce various important news to the outside world is full of seats, packed with reporters from major news media around the world.

At this time, these uncrowned kings were sitting in their respective seats, staring at the empty seats on the rostrum in front of them, and would check their watches from time to time. Everyone seemed impatient.

They were waiting for the press conference to start, and whispered non-stop, guessing what would be announced later in the press conference.

"Which treasure is the Vatican going to explore this time? Who doesn't know how to cooperate with that bastard Steven? That bastard is notoriously greedy. Is it really good to cooperate with such a guy?"

"Which treasure is it? The answer will be revealed soon! Although I don't like Steven very much, I have to admit that he is indeed the most outstanding professional treasure hunter in the world today!

His Boldless Exploration Company is also the most outstanding treasure hunting company in the world today, perhaps because of this, the Vatican will choose to cooperate with his exploration company to jointly explore the treasure.”

Amidst the buzzing discussion, the time has come to ten o'clock in the morning.

A side door in front of the banquet hall suddenly opened, Bishop of Kent and Ye Tian came out of the lounge behind the door first, followed by David and another middle-aged white man in a suit and leather shoes.

Next, there were several high-ranking members of the Vatican, all dressed in priestly attire.

After entering the banquet hall, the Bishop of Kent scanned the scene first, then made a gesture of invitation, and then walked up to the rostrum with Ye Tian, ​​and sat down in the two seats in the middle of the rostrum.

David, the middle-aged white man who looked like a lawyer, and several other senior Vatican priests also came to the stage one after another and sat down in their seats.

The originally noisy banquet hall scene suddenly fell silent.

All the media reporters in the audience watched Ye Tian and Bishop Kent sitting in the center of the rostrum, waiting for the official start of the press conference.

Without exception, the eyes of every uncrowned king present at the scene were full of curiosity and anticipation.

After Ye Tian and the others sat down and the Bishop of Kent nodded to give instructions, the Vatican press officer who presided over the press conference immediately stepped forward and opened the prelude to the press conference.

"Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, friends from the media,

Welcome to the Vatican, I'm Giulio, and I'll be in charge of hosting this press conference.

The press conference was attended by representatives of the Vatican and the New York Bravery Exploration Company, attended by Mr. Steven himself,..."

Following Julio's introduction, the representatives of the Vatican sitting on the rostrum, as well as Ye Tian and David stood up and greeted many media reporters at the scene.

After a regular opening speech, Julio finally talked about the topic that everyone is most concerned about.

"The reason why Mr. Steven from the Bravery Exploration Company is here today is very simple. The Vatican will cooperate with his treasure hunting company to jointly explore a famous treasure.

This is also the main purpose of today's press conference. Today we will announce the action plan for the joint exploration of treasures between the two parties. The specific situation will be introduced by the Bishop of Kent."

Before the words fell, there was a commotion in the banquet hall.

Although the media reporters at the scene already knew that the joint exploration plan between the Vatican and the Intrepid Exploration Company would be announced today, they were still shocked when they heard Julio say it himself.

"Wow! Sure enough, what treasure did the Vatican discover? It's so much fanfare!"

"I don't know! But I'm sure that this treasure must be of great importance. Once it is announced, it may cause a sensation in the world. With Steven's huge appetite, ordinary treasures can't impress him at all!"

Not only the many media reporters at the scene, but also many viewers on the live broadcast side were very curious, and they were all guessing what the treasure to be announced next was.

When the noise at the scene subsided, the Bishop of Kent immediately took over the microphone and said loudly with a smile:

"Good morning, friends from the media, I am very glad to meet you here. I am a cardinal of the Vatican, named Kent, and I am also the head of the Vatican for this joint treasure exploration operation.

Next, let me introduce to you the relevant situation of this joint treasure exploration operation, as well as the cause and effect. After the introduction, it is time for free questions, and you can ask questions enthusiastically."

Following Bishop Kent's words, many media reporters at the scene immediately stopped talking and all looked towards the rostrum.

After a short pause, the Bishop of Kent continued:

"Everyone must remember that a few months ago, Steven and his Daring Blame Exploration Company discovered the famous treasure of Napoleon in a historical building on the Ile de la Cité in Paris, which caused a sensation in the whole world.

Napoleon's treasure hides many top antique artworks that have disappeared for more than 200 years, including the second of the three masters of Renaissance art, Michelangelo's "Lamentation of Christ", and Raphael's "Madonna".

More than 200 years ago, these two priceless top artworks were once in the collection of the Vatican. Unfortunately, they were looted by Napoleon, and there was no news about them until a few months ago.

After discovering these two top artworks, Mr. Steven quickly got in touch with us, and then publicly announced that it was a very generous gesture to donate these two top artworks to the Vatican.

It is precisely because of this that these two priceless top-level works of art were able to return to the Vatican, and they are currently displayed in the Vatican Museum for all visitors to appreciate, and the charm of art is blooming again.”

Hearing this, everyone in the banquet hall showed a knowing smile on their faces.

That's a deal! People all over the world know it.

Of course, in that transaction, this guy Steven was really very generous, which made everyone dumbfounded!

The bishop of Kent didn't seem to see the reaction of the people at the scene, and he continued to speak according to the draft he had prepared.

"At the beginning of October, His Majesty the Pope rushed to Boston during his visit to the United States, presided over the wedding of Mr. Steven and Ms. Betty in person, and sent his best wishes to Ms. Betty at the wedding.

It was during this trip to Boston that the Vatican and Mr. Steven reached a preliminary cooperation intention to jointly explore a famous treasure in history. If the treasure is successfully discovered, we will share the benefits according to the agreement.

The reason why we chose Steven and his Valorant Quest Company is very simple, because Steven is the most outstanding professional treasure hunter in the world today, and Valorant Quest Company is the most outstanding treasure hunting company.

They are professionals and the best company in the industry when it comes to exploring treasures. The treasures that have been created by them and caused a sensation in the world are the best proof, there is no doubt about it.

We, the Vatican, have no experience in this area. In order to find the famous treasure, we will cooperate with Steven and his Bravery Exploration Company to jointly explore the treasure.

Having said so much, everyone must be very curious. The treasure we are going to jointly explore is the famous treasure. Now I will announce the answer, that is the mysterious treasure of the Knights Templar! ..."

Before the words fell, the banquet hall was already fried.

Many media reporters even jumped up from their seats as if they were electrocuted, jumping three feet high!

The same is true in front of the countless live broadcast terminals. Everyone was completely shocked by what they just heard, and they all stood there dumbstruck, their eyes full of disbelief, and even lost the ability to speak.

"My God! It's the treasure of the Knights Templar. That's a mystery of the ages! The Vatican and Steven are planning to jointly explore the treasure of the Knights Templar. It's crazy!"

"It seems that the Vatican knows roughly where the treasure of the Knights Templar is buried, so why don't they explore it alone? But they have to cooperate with Steven, a greedy guy. Isn't this sticking out his neck and waiting to be slaughtered!"

Amidst the almost crazy exclamation, some media reporters couldn't wait for the free questioning session, and couldn't wait to start asking questions loudly.

"Good morning, Bishop of Kent, Steven, I am a reporter from Italian National TV. May I ask where the treasure of the Knights Templar is buried? Can you tell everyone?"

"Good morning, Bishop of Kent, Steven, I am the Italian correspondent of The New York Times. According to legend, there are countless gold and silver treasures and top-level antique works of art in the treasures of the Knights Templar.

More importantly, according to legend, the treasure of the Knights Templar is related to the Holy Grail, the Ark of the Covenant, and some other Christian holy objects. If the treasure is found, how will the two of you divide the contents of the treasure? "

Hearing these questions, several people sitting on the rostrum couldn't help laughing softly.

Bishop of Kent and Ye Tian looked at each other, then smiled and said loudly:

"As for the approximate burial location of the Knights Templar's treasure, of course we cannot make it public, and we still need to keep it strictly confidential. As the joint exploration operation unfolds, everyone will gradually know the answer.

Legends about the treasures of the Knights Templar and many holy objects have been passed down from the Middle Ages to the present. Needless to say, the main goal of our Vatican is to find those Christian holy objects!

In view of this, we have reached a reasonable treasure distribution plan. If the treasure of the Knights Templar is found, all the holy relics will go to the Vatican, and all the secular property will go to the Bravery Exploration Company! ..."

Not surprisingly, the scene was boiling again.

Everyone was shocked by this treasure distribution plan! I couldn't even believe my ears.

Not to mention the incomparably precious Christian relics in the legend, the innumerable gold and silver treasures and antique artworks in the treasure alone are enough to drive everyone crazy. What a huge wealth that is!

Once the treasure of the Knights Templar is discovered, all the secular property in the treasure will belong to the Brave and Fearless Exploration Company, and that guy Steven will make a lot of money again!

Thinking of this, many media reporters at the scene, as well as countless viewers in front of the live broadcast, suddenly turned red with jealousy, wishing they could replace Ye Tian!

In the blink of an eye, the news that the Vatican and Ye Tian jointly explored the treasure of the Knights Templar was like an extremely powerful hurricane, sweeping the whole world madly, causing a huge sensation!

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