Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1796: The Holy City of Three Religions

Jerusalem, the capital shared by Israel and Palestine, is also the political, economic, cultural and transportation center of the two countries. It is the capital of the Jerusalem District and the largest city in Palestine.

In addition, the city has a more famous and prominent identity.

This ancient city with a long history is the holy land of Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. It is known as the holy city of the three major religions, and has an extremely lofty status in the hearts of believers of the three major religions.

Since King Solomon built the Temple in Jerusalem in the 10th century BC, Jerusalem has been the center of the Jewish faith and the holiest city.

The remains of Solomon's Temple in the past, the Wailing Wall, is still the holiest place in Judaism.

Christians also attach great importance to Jerusalem, because according to the "Bible", here is the place where Jesus was crucified, buried, resurrected, and ascended to heaven.

There is the site of Jesus' tomb, the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, one of the most important Christian shrines, and several other famous Christian shrines.

Christianity lists Jerusalem as the third holy place after Maijia and Medina to commemorate Muhammad's night journey to the sky.

And they built two mosques on the Temple Mount, the famous Al-Aqsa Mosque and the Dome of the Rock, to commemorate this holy event.

It is precisely because of the special status of the Holy Land of the Three Religions that Jerusalem has suffered a lot of fate. It has been invaded by foreigners many times in history and has been rebuilt many times.

To this day, there is still no peace here.

It can even be said that this is a famous city located on the crater, and fierce bloody conflicts may break out at any time and become a battlefield where bullets fly.

Since the restoration of Israel and its occupation of Jerusalem, Israel has fought countless wars with Palestine and many surrounding Arab countries over the control of this holy city.

Overall, the winner of these wars is Israel, so they control Jerusalem.

However, the Palestinians, as well as other neighboring Arab countries, have never given up on Jerusalem. They have always been eyeing the sidelines, ready to take back the holy city at any time.

Especially the Palestinians, who live in Jerusalem, backed by many Arab countries, and continue to compete with the Israelis for every inch of the city in various ways and means!

It is such a holy city, such a famous city full of dangers,

It was the first stop for Ye Tian and the others to jointly explore the treasure of the Knights Templar.

If he had a choice, Ye Tian would definitely not want to come to this city to explore the treasure, even if that treasure is so tempting that it would make one go crazy.

But unfortunately, he had no choice but to come to this holy city of the Three Religions.

There is no other reason, because the Knights Templar was established in Jerusalem, in a corner of the Al-Aqsa Mosque, and stationed there for a long time.

According to research by relevant personnel of the Vatican, there is a certain possibility that the treasure of the Knights Templar may be hidden in Jerusalem. To be precise, it may be hidden in a corner of the Al-Aqsa Mosque.

That's why Ye Tian and the others had to come here to find clues to the treasure of the Knights Templar.

The press conference announcing the joint operation to explore the treasures of the Knights Templar was already yesterday.

Unsurprisingly, the news that the Vatican and the Valiant Exploration Company jointly explored the treasure of the Knights Templar was announced, and immediately caused a sensation in the whole world, making everyone dizzy.

Before the press conference was over, countless attentions were cast on the Vatican and on Ye Tian.

These attentions come not only from ordinary people, but also from the governments of various countries in the western world, as well as from many colleagues in the field of antique art collection and professional treasure hunting.

Of course, there are also a lot of attention from religious people, including some unknown mysterious religious groups.

As soon as the press conference ended, many Western countries with Christianity as their main belief, and Israel, which believes in Judaism, issued statements one after another, expressing their attitudes towards this joint exploration operation.

They basically expressed their support and publicly promised that they would provide some necessary help to facilitate the success of this joint exploration operation, find the mysterious treasure of the Knights Templar, and find those religious holy objects.

Of course, whether their statements are sincere, only God knows, and it will take time to test.

As far as Ye Tian is concerned, as long as these western countries don't stumbling in the dark, cutting off their enemies halfway, and robbing the treasures of the Knights Templar, then thank God, and they don't dare to ask for too much!

Counting on these western countries to help you find the treasure of the Knights Templar is tantamount to seeking skin from a tiger. Only a fool would trust these western countries.

Compared with other Western countries, Israel's performance is very interesting.

While publicly issuing a statement expressing their support for this joint treasure exploration operation, they also repeatedly emphasized that the two most important sacred objects in the treasure are also holy objects of Judaism.

Obviously, the Israelites also coveted the religious relics in the treasure, and God knows what tricks they will play secretly.

In addition to the governments of various countries, various denominations of Christianity, the dioceses of each country, and the cardinals of the major dioceses have issued public statements to express their respective attitudes.

Most of them expressed their support for this joint exploration operation, hoping to find those legendary religious relics, and some expressed cautious optimism, and their attitudes were relatively vague.

Various dioceses of Judaism, as well as some important figures, have also issued public statements.

The attitude of the Israeli government is exactly the same. While expressing support for this joint treasure exploration operation, they have repeatedly emphasized that some holy objects also belong to Judaism, and this must not be ignored.

Even some mysterious religious groups that people have never heard of, or that only exist in legends, jumped out one after another in the past two days and issued public statements to express their group's attitude.

Among them, there are not only those who expressed their support for this joint treasure exploration operation, but also those with ambiguous attitudes, and some groups with opposing opinions, such as some spin-off organizations of the Knights Templar.

Fortunately, these religious groups are not extreme, so they should not take any radical actions or oppose them in extreme ways, so there is no need to worry too much.

In addition, some people used Ye Tian's identity as an atheist to argue that he was not suitable to lead this significant joint exploration operation to find those incomparably precious religious relics.

But such voices were few and far between, and were soon completely drowned out by the endless mass of public statements. Few people heard them at all, and the Vatican and Ye Tian himself were too lazy to respond.

In less than a day, the joint exploration of the treasure of the Knights Templar by the Vatican and the Bravery Exploration Company became the focus of everyone's attention and discussion.

Under the attention of everyone, the joint exploration team headed by Ye Tian left Rome, took two private jets, and flew to Jerusalem, a city full of dangers!

As Ye Tian and the others left, all the Romans, and even all the Italians, couldn't help but secretly let out a sigh of relief, and immediately relaxed a lot.

However, the Israelis became tense, and some people's hearts even reached their throats.

They were afraid that Ye Tian would ransack Jerusalem as well, just like what he did in Rome and many other cities, taking away a large number of valuable antique works of art from Jerusalem.

But they were even more afraid that Ye Tian would cause trouble in Jerusalem, get into trouble with someone in the street, and instantly turn Jerusalem into a battlefield full of bullets.

In an extremely sensitive city like Jerusalem, any spark can even trigger a bloody violent conflict, not to mention these American bastards who are known for their cruelty!

Because of this, the Israelis paid special attention to the arrival of the joint exploration team, and made a careful arrangement to ensure nothing goes wrong!

When Ye Tian and the others arrived in Jerusalem, they immediately felt the tense atmosphere!

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