Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1797 The Worry of the Jerusalemites

The private plane was still taxiing on the runway of Atalot International Airport, through the porthole of the plane, Ye Tian had a panoramic view of the situation outside, and was secretly speechless.

At the Atalot International Airport at this time, there were Israeli military police who were fully armed and loaded with live ammunition. Each of them looked dignified, staring at the movement around them, and always maintained a high degree of vigilance.

On the edge of the runway, there are many Israeli police cars, seven or eight black Mercedes-Benz bulletproof SUVs, and several cars with Israeli flags.

In front of this convoy, there were many people who came to pick up the plane.

Among them were Israeli government officials in suits and leather shoes, religious figures in traditional costumes, senior military officers and Israeli police officers in military uniforms and police uniforms.

Leonardo, several members of the Swiss Guard who rushed to Jerusalem ahead of schedule, and several security personnel under Ye Tian also stood among the crowd who came to pick up the plane.

Seeing the scene outside through the porthole of the plane, Ye Tian immediately joked:

"Wow! The scene is really big. Are the Israelis too nervous? We are just coming to Jerusalem to find clues. I don't want to start an exploration operation in this city!"

David, who was sitting in the back, also looked at the situation outside, then smiled and said:

"This is Jerusalem, a highly sensitive and crisis-ridden city, plus your reputation, no matter where you go, you will cause huge disturbances.

More importantly, we are here for the treasure of the Knights Templar this time, and are the focus of the world's attention. It is no wonder that the Israelis are so nervous! "

While talking, the Bombardier Global Express 8000 private plane that Ye Tian and the others were taking finally stopped on the runway after taxiing for a certain distance.

At the same time, on an adjacent runway dedicated to private jets, the Gulfstream G650 that the bishops of Kent and the others were taking also landed smoothly and began taxiing immediately.

At the moment of landing, there was violent friction between the tires of the plane and the ground, and a puff of green smoke rose from the runway immediately, and there was a burst of sharp and piercing noise.

After gliding forward for a certain distance, the Gulfstream G650 finally stopped. The position it stopped was exactly parallel to Ye Tian's Bombardier Global Express 8000.

Immediately afterwards, the doors of the two private jets opened simultaneously and the gangway was lowered.

Those who stood on the edge of the runway and came to meet the plane,

Then he walked over to the two private jets.

When these people approached, Ye Tian and David had already disembarked from the private plane and joined the Bishop of Kent and his party.

Leonardo, who had arrived in Jerusalem earlier, stepped forward quickly, and began to introduce the many Israelis who came to pick up the plane to Ye Tian and the others.

"Bishop of Kent, Steven, this is Joshua, the Deputy Minister of Culture of Israel. I heard that you are about to arrive in Jerusalem, so I came here to greet you at the airport."

After the words fell, the Deputy Minister of Culture of Israel immediately stepped forward and said with a smile:

"Good morning, Bishop of Kent, Mr. Steven. I am Joshua. I am here to pick you up on behalf of the Israeli government. Welcome to Israel and Jerusalem. Nice to meet you"

As he spoke, the high-ranking Israeli official stretched out his right hand and shook hands with Bishop of Kent and Ye Tian respectively.

When shaking hands with Ye Tian, ​​the high-ranking Israeli official took a deep look at him, and a deep look of fear flashed in the depths of his eyes.

"Good morning, Minister Joshua, I'm Steven. It's a pleasure to meet you and to come to Jerusalem. I've been fascinated by this holy city for a long time. I've wanted to visit here for a long time, and today I finally got my wish! "

Ye Tian said with a smile, and shook hands with the other party, his performance was impeccable.

Next, Joshua introduced to Ye Tian and Bishop Kent the other Israelis who came to meet the plane, each of whom had a name and a special background.

There are Israeli government officials, the curator of the National Museum of Israel, some religious leaders of Judaism and Christianity, and several senior officials of the Israel Antiquities Administration.

While getting to know each other and shaking hands with these Israelis, Ye Tian and Bishop Kent also introduced their entourage.

Next, everyone walked to the convoy not far away, preparing to leave Atalot International Airport and go to downtown Jerusalem.

On the way, Joshua, the Deputy Minister of Culture of Israel, who was walking side by side with Ye Tian and Bishop Kent, suddenly asked curiously in a low voice:

"Bishop of Kent, Steven, I would like to ask, what is the specific destination of your joint exploration team coming to Jerusalem? Where are you going to start the exploration operation?

If possible, it is best to let us know in advance so that we can make some preparations. You should understand the situation in Jerusalem. It is very sensitive here and you must be careful! "

Ye Tian turned to look at the senior Israeli official, then smiled and said:

"Of course, Minister Joshua, we have only one goal in Jerusalem this time, and it is not difficult to guess, and that is the famous Al-Aqsa Mosque.

It is well known that the Knights Templar was founded in a corner of the Al-Aqsa Mosque and was stationed there for a long time, using it as a base.

According to the long-term research of relevant personnel in the Vatican, the treasure of the Knights Templar may be buried there, and we also traced back to the source and started investigating from the beginning.”

Hearing his words, Joshua's face immediately changed, becoming extremely solemn.

The behavior of the rest of the Israelis around was the same, and everyone's expression became much more dignified.

After a moment of silence, Joshua whispered:

"Steven, if you want to enter the Al-Aqsa Mosque to explore the treasures of the Knights Templar, I am afraid it will not be easy, and it can even be said that there are many difficulties, and it may cause violent conflicts if you are not careful.

Since your destination is the Al-Aqsa Mosque, you must have done your homework. The Al-Aqsa Mosque is located on the Temple Mount in the east of Jerusalem. It is a holy place for both Judaism and Yisi Islam.

It is a highly sensitive area that touches the nerves of all Jews and Muslims. Although the Al-Aqsa Mosque is controlled by us, every Palestinian's eyes are on it.

In principle, the Al-Aqsa Mosque does not accept tourists to visit. Even the musi forest is only allowed to enter the people over the age of forty-five, and they must undergo strict security checks and background checks.

Imagine, in such a highly sensitive place, if you want to go in and explore the treasure of the Knights Templar, it’s not easy, you will definitely encounter huge resistance from all sides.”

"Thank you for your reminder, Joshua, we have considered all these issues and have corresponding solutions. The relevant coordination work has already started before we left the Vatican.

In fact, we went to the Al-Aqsa Mosque not to explore the treasures of the Knights Templar, but to find some clues, which means that we will not conduct exploration operations in the Al-Aqsa Mosque.

Of course, we will not destroy that religious holy place. In this way, neither Judaism nor Yisi Islam will deny our request to enter the Al-Aqsa Mosque! "

Ye Tian smiled and explained a few words, without seeming worried at all.

"If that's the case, maybe it's still possible, but I'm still not very optimistic!"

Joshua nodded slightly and said, his dignified expression softened somewhat.

While speaking, the group of them had arrived at the location of the convoy.

Afterwards, Ye Tian and the others boarded those black Mercedes-Benz bulletproof SUVs, and under the guidance and protection of a large number of Israeli military and police vehicles, they quickly drove out of Atalot International Airport and headed straight for downtown Jerusalem.

When this huge convoy drove out of the airport apron, a large number of media reporters waiting at the exit of the apron immediately raised their guns and short cannons, frantically pressing the shutter and snapping shots at the convoy.

Soon, the news that the joint exploration team of the Vatican and the Intrepid Exploration Company arrived in Jerusalem and was about to launch a treasure exploration operation in Jerusalem, like a hurricane, quickly spread throughout the world.

When the news reached the city of Jerusalem and spread quickly, it immediately caused a huge sensation.

Hearing this news, everyone in Jerusalem, regardless of whether they are Israelis or Palestinians, no matter what religion they believe in, whether they are locals or foreign tourists, was astonished!

At the same time, people are also very curious.

Could it be that the famous treasure of the Knights Templar is hidden somewhere in Jerusalem, so Steven and those guys came here to hunt for treasure!

Of course, there are also many people who are worried.

They are afraid that Jerusalem will suddenly become a battlefield full of bullets and blood, and that would be too bad luck!

You know, it's Steven, that ruthless bastard who came here, and he can roll up three feet of waves even without wind!

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