Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1798 The Ancient City Flooded by Hatred

As soon as the convoy left Atalot International Airport, Ye Tian began to arm.

He picked up the suitcase full of weapons and ammunition from the trunk, carried it to the back seat of the car and opened it, took out his own weapons and ammunition from it, and equipped him one by one.

At the same time, he picked up a special Kevlar body armor from the box and threw it to David, who was also sitting in a bulletproof SUV.

"David, put your bulletproof vest under your coat, just in case, this is Jerusalem, where all kinds of forces gather, dragons and snakes are mixed, and armed conflicts are commonplace, and they may happen at any time, so we must be careful!

After entering the urban area, you must be more vigilant. If you encounter conflicts or someone attacks our convoy, you must follow me closely. I will ensure your safety. If necessary, I will give you a gun. Save! "

"Okay, Steven, since I came to Jerusalem with you, I am mentally prepared to face this situation, don't worry, I am not a powerless bitch, I can protect myself!"

David nodded confidently, reached out to take the Kevlar body armor, and immediately began to put it on.

In the blink of an eye, Ye Tian was armed.

Then, he took a quick look at the weapons and equipment on his body, just in case!

After making sure that all the weapons and equipment were okay, he put on the cashmere coat, covering the body armor, the g36c short assault rifle hanging by his side, and the pistol in the chest holster.

David, who was sitting next to him, quickly put on the body armor, and then put on the overcoat to hide the body armor.

They had just finished equipping, and within a few minutes, Cole's voice suddenly came from the earphones.

"Steven, massive protests have erupted in the city of Jerusalem, a continuation of the protests of the past few days over the new Jewish settlements in the West Bank.

The protests have lasted for four days, and in some parts of Jerusalem, the nature of the activities has escalated into battles between Israeli troops and Palestinians.

The same is true today. The musi forest area in the east of Jerusalem and the Armenia area in the southwest are the most intense battles. The two sides are fighting fiercely. We must be more careful! "

Hearing the news reported by Cole, Ye Tian immediately showed such an expression on his face.

pause for a while,

Then he sneered and said:

"Understood, Cole, this is the normal state in Jerusalem, nothing more than normal, long before I came to Jerusalem, I expected that this situation is likely to happen, as expected!

Inform all the guys, let everyone be vigilant, and be ready to fight at any time. The principle of firefighting is the same as before. You must never shoot first, and you must firmly occupy the reason for self-defense.

Once there is an exchange of fire, everyone must not be polite. Whether it is an Israeli, a Palestinian, or someone else, if the other party dares to attack us, they will be sent to hell.

After the convoy enters the urban area of ​​Jerusalem, if protesters throw stones at the convoy, you don’t have to get out of the car to shoot, just leave those matters to the Israeli military police who are guarding them!

Also, don't forget to inform Leonardo them, get them ready for battle, and put pressure on the Israeli government through the Vatican, if conflict can be avoided, it would be great! "

"Understood, Steven, I will inform the guys, inform Leonardo them"

Cole responded, then ended the call and took action.

In the blink of an eye, ten or twenty minutes have passed.

The ancient Old City of Jerusalem has appeared in front and in everyone's field of vision.

From a distance, the ancient city with a history of 4,000 years was billowing with thick smoke, which looked like a battlefield undergoing intense firefights.

Although the convoy was still some distance away from the Old City of Jerusalem, the air was already filled with the choking smell of gunpowder and the smell of burnt car tires.

Seeing this scene, Ye Tian and David immediately looked at each other and smiled, and raised their vigilance.

The same goes for the other people in the convoy, as well as the members of the Swiss Guard in charge of security and many security personnel under Ye Tian, ​​and everyone has increased their vigilance.

As for the Israeli military police who were protecting the convoy and scattered around the convoy, not to mention, each of them was already in a state of battle.

While speaking, this huge convoy had left the expressway and crashed into the Old City of Jerusalem, and its speed dropped immediately.

As soon as they entered the old city, everyone in the convoy immediately felt the tense atmosphere outside and the smoke filled the air, which was completely different from other cities they had been to before.

On the streets of Jerusalem, teams of Israeli military police with live ammunition can be seen everywhere.

Regardless of men or women, these Israeli military police have always maintained a strict battle formation, patrolling the streets with front and back cover, and everyone is on high alert and ready to fight at any time!

Looking at the people on the street, there is a clear distinction between Jews and Palestinians.

Just from their mental state and the clothes they wear, it is almost impossible to tell which ones are Jews and which ones are Palestinians.

And without exception, the eyes of all the Jews on the street looking at the Palestinians are full of hatred and anger, and it is the kind of hatred that is almost impossible to resolve, unforgettable!

And vice versa, all the Palestinians looked at the Jews with eyes full of unforgettable hatred, as if they wanted to kill the enemy on the other side immediately.

Looking at the picture outside the car window and the hatred that seemed to pervade the entire Jerusalem, Ye Tian couldn't help shaking his head slightly, and said coldly:

"Obviously, Jerusalem has been completely overwhelmed by hatred. The people living here, whether Jews or Palestinians, may live in fear every day. There is no happiness to speak of!"

"Perhaps this is the fate of Jerusalem. Four thousand years ago, from the day this city was born, there have been constant disputes, holiness and hatred, and it has continued until now without changing!"

David continued, expressing a few words of emotion.

While Ye Tian and the others were filled with emotion, the people on the streets the convoy passed by, as well as the patrolling Israeli military police, also looked at this huge convoy curiously.

Through social media, they already knew who was sitting in this huge convoy and why they came to Jerusalem at this time.

When this huge convoy slammed past people's eyes, there were whispers on the street immediately.

"This is the convoy of Steven and those guys. I didn't expect that their first stop to explore the treasure of the Knights Templar would be Jerusalem. I don't know if they can find the treasure here and find those holy objects!"

"It would be great if we could find the treasure of the Knights Templar, especially the Holy Grail and the Ark of the Covenant, which are sacred objects of Judaism. They must be kept in Israel and in Jerusalem."

Amidst the people's discussions, Ye Tian's convoy quickly moved away, disappearing from people's field of vision.

At this time, although Jerusalem was very chaotic, with fires and smoke billowing everywhere, bloody conflicts continued, and bursts of piercing gunshots could be heard from time to time.

However, the Israeli military police who were in charge of guiding the convoy chose a relatively safer route, and the joint exploration team was going to the Christian area, which was relatively calm.

Therefore, the convoy did not encounter large-scale protests or demonstrations or conflicts during the journey, and it entered the northwest of the Old City of Jerusalem, which is the Christian Quarter, without a hitch!

Of course, they encountered some protesting crowds more or less on the way, but the numbers were relatively small and relatively peaceful, and did not threaten the safety of the convoy.

In this way, the convoy arrived at its destination without any risk, a hotel next to the Church of the Holy Sepulchre.

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