Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1810 Jewish Sacred Objects

Carl continued to introduce the simple and rusty seven-branch bronze candlestick, while the rest of the antique shop listened quietly.

"After receiving this seven-branched bronze candlestick and bringing it back to Jerusalem, several colleagues and friends and I carefully studied this bronze candlestick and asked experts to make an appraisal.

Based on the rust of the seven-branched bronze candlestick and the local climate conditions in Bethlehem, we can basically confirm that the bronze candlestick has been buried underground for about 800 years.

In other words, this seven-branched bronze candlestick was buried underground during the period from the twelfth century to the thirteenth century. At that time, it was the period when the Crusaders and the Arabs fought fiercely here.

This is a seven-branched bronze candlestick with Hebrew engraved on it, which has a strong Jewish color. Whether it is for the Crusaders or the Arabs, it is a religious item for pagans.

In that crazy era, the danger of owning such a seven-branched bronze candlestick can be imagined, perhaps for safety reasons, the owner of this bronze candlestick buried it.”

Hearing this, Ye Tian smiled and nodded lightly, obviously agreeing with Carl's words very much.

The Israeli cultural relics experts who were also in the antique shop also nodded and had no objection.

Seeing the reaction given by Ye Tian and the others, the eyes of the rest of the people at the scene lit up, and everyone's eyes on the seven-branched bronze candlestick became much hotter.

It is basically certain that the seven-branched bronze candlestick has a history of at least 800 years, and the state of preservation is not bad. It should be a valuable antique work of art.

What everyone is most concerned about now is the price of the seven-branched bronze candlestick, and whether that guy, Steven, will take it down.

If Steven takes down the seven-branched bronze candlestick, then he can hear his appraisal conclusion and the valuation he gave, which may be another huge surprise!

After a short pause, Carl continued:

"In addition to the identification from the rust marks and weather conditions, we also identified it from the inscriptions engraved on the bronze candlestick and the specific shape of the bronze candlestick.

On the base of this bronze candlestick and on the seven lamps, many Hebrew words are engraved. Among these Hebrew words, some Hebrew words that were born around AD appeared.

From this it can be concluded that

The casting time of this bronze candlestick will not exceed the first century BC at the farthest, that is to say, this bronze candlestick is definitely not a historical relic of ancient times.

Let’s take a look at the content of these Hebrew texts. They are all words of blessing and some terms used in sacrifices and worship. There is nothing surprising about it, and it is impossible to determine the age and creator based on this.

Since the Romans destroyed Jerusalem in AD 70, the Jews lost their capital, were expelled from their homes, and began to wander around the world, and the Hebrew language stopped evolving and developing.

In the long period of two thousand years since then, Hebrew gradually disappeared as a spoken language and only existed in written form. It was not until the second half of the nineteenth century that Hebrew began to slowly recover.

According to these Hebrew characters engraved on the bronze candlestick, we can only be sure that this bronze candlestick is not an ancient cultural relic, but it is still impossible to determine when it was cast.

From the perspective of shape, although this seven-branch bronze candlestick is simple in shape and exudes a solemn atmosphere, it is different from the seven-branch gold candlestick described in related classics.

On this seven-branched bronze candlestick, the height of the lamp in the middle is relatively higher, while the six lamps on both sides are relatively lower. When combined, it looks like a towering mountain.

Based on these characteristics, we tend to believe that this seven-branched bronze candlestick was secretly cast by a Jewish family in Bethlehem and used to enshrine at home or in a synagogue.

When they cast this bronze candlestick, they imitated it based on a certain bronze candlestick that survived in history. There are many bronze candlestick relics like this around Jerusalem.

The casting time should be around the tenth century AD, and by the end of the twelfth century, Saladin's army occupied Jerusalem and its surrounding areas, and the bronze candlestick was buried immediately."

"clap clap"

There was a burst of warm applause in the antique shop, and everyone on the scene began to applaud for Karl's wonderful explanation.

Ye Tian also gave his own applause, and said with admiration:

"It's really wonderful, Carl, it seems that you really put in a lot of effort to study this seven-branch bronze candlestick, so you can have such a wonderful explanation.

Now what I want to know is what is the price for this seven branch bronze candlestick? If the price is reasonable, I can consider making a move and getting this cultural relic into my pocket! "

Hearing this, the scene immediately fell silent, and everyone looked at Ye Tian and Carl, the owner of the antique shop.

Karl looked at the bronze candlestick again, his eyes full of doubts.

"Could it be that we have drilled holes and identified it wrong? This seven-branch bronze candlestick is actually a priceless top-level antique work of art, so this guy Steven is going to sell it?"

Full of suspicion, Carl turned his head and took a deep look at Ye Tian, ​​then fell into deep thought.

After struggling for a long time, Karl gritted his teeth and stomped his feet, and quoted the price of this seven-branched bronze candlestick.

"Steven, the quotation for this seven-branch bronze candlestick is $120,000. If you can accept this price, you can conclude this antique deal and take this bronze candlestick away.

After the transaction is completed, I hope you can keep your promise, publicly explain your appraisal conclusion, and give a valuation for this bronze candlestick, so as to solve my confusion! "

Without the slightest hesitation, Ye Tian immediately stretched out his right hand, and said with a smile:

"No problem, $120,000, deal! Carl, after the transaction is completed and the money and goods are settled, I will naturally disclose my appraisal conclusion. Of course, that is just a family opinion!

In addition, I need you to issue a supporting document stating the origin and transaction price of this seven-branched bronze candlestick, so that I can take it out of Israel."

The voice fell, and the scene was completely silent.

Including the owner of the antique shop, Carl, everyone froze in place, staring at Ye Tian dumbfounded, their eyes full of disbelief.

That's it? The price of a dime is not returned, is it true or false? The speed is too fast!

Could it be that the seven-branched bronze candlestick is really a priceless top-level antique work of art? That's why Steven didn't counter-offer, and reached the deal as quickly as possible, so as not to cause another accident!

Karl looked at the bronze candlestick again, his eyes still full of doubts and puzzles.

It's a pity that the bronze candlestick in his eyes is no different from before, it still looks the same, quietly placed on the shelf.

After pondering for a moment, Karl stretched out his right hand, nodded slightly and said:

"Okay, it's a deal! Steven, after the money and goods are settled, this bronze candlestick will belong to you. I can issue a certificate for you!"

As he said that, he and Ye Tian's right hands were already held together, and the antique deal was concluded.

At the moment of shaking hands, Carl suddenly felt a heartache, as if he had lost a treasure!

"Could it be that I was ransacked by the bastard Steven like those other unlucky people, and became another ghost of this guy? Isn't it impossible?"

Once the deal is done, the rest is easy.

About ten minutes later, Carl received a confirmation call from the bank, and immediately handed over the written proof documents to Ye Tian, ​​drawing a successful conclusion to this antique transaction.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Tian picked up the seven-branched bronze candlestick from the shelf again, and put it in his hand.

Compared to before, this time his movements became extremely cautious and cautious, and an incomparably bright smile bloomed on his face.

Seeing this scene, Karl's heart sank immediately, as if he had sunk into a bottomless abyss, his whole body was cold!

Joshua, who was standing a little behind, and those well-known antique dealers and antique art appraisal experts in Jerusalem, everyone felt that something was wrong.

Everyone at the scene looked at Ye Tian, ​​looking forward to his explanation. Everyone wanted to hear what kind of appraisal conclusion he would give and what an astonishing valuation he would give.

Before Karl woke up, Joshua couldn't wait to say:

"Steven, from your expression, this seven-branched bronze candlestick should be a priceless top-level antique work of art. If so, let me tell you about your appraisal conclusion. Everyone is very interested."

Ye Tian turned his head to look at the senior Israeli official, then glanced at the crowd, and said in a loud voice full of complacency:

"You are right, Joshua, this seven-branched bronze candlestick is indeed a priceless and top-notch antique work of art, it is very rare, and it is likely to hide a secret!

Karl’s appraisal conclusion on this bronze candlestick, I agree with some contents very much, but disagree with some contents, which is the reason why I bought this bronze candlestick.

This bronze candlestick was buried in the ground for about 800 years, and the Hebrew characters engraved on it are believed to be correct. I agree with these identifications.

What I don't agree with is Carl's appraisal conclusion about the casting time of this seven-branched bronze candlestick and its importance judgment, and this is exactly the value of this bronze candlestick.

In my opinion, this seven-branched bronze candlestick was cast much earlier, it should have been cast in the late 1st century AD, and it was probably enshrined in the Second Jewish Temple,..."

Before the words fell, the scene was completely fried.

All the Israelis in this antique shop, without exception, hugged their heads and exclaimed wildly.

"Oh my god! Did I hear correctly? This seven-branched bronze candlestick is a sacred artifact of the Second Temple. How is it possible?"

"If this is the case, then this will be one of the most important discoveries since the founding of Israel. This seven-branched bronze candlestick is one of Israel's most important national treasures and a sacred object for all Jews!"

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