Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1811 The token of Herod the Great

"In 539 BC, the Persian Empire overthrew the New Babylonian Kingdom, and the Persian King Cyrus the Great issued a decree to allow the Jews to return to Jerusalem in 537 BC to rebuild the temple.

The reconstruction process was not smooth, until 515 BC, the Second Temple was completed, and in 34 BC, under the auspices of King Herod, the Second Temple was expanded.

In 70 A.D., because the Jews rebelled against the tyranny of the Roman Empire, the Roman Emperor Titus personally commanded a large army to conquer, destroying the entire Jerusalem and destroying the Second Temple.

The Second Holy Temple is one of the holiest holy places in Judaism, the holy place and spiritual home in the eyes of all Jews in the world, the Wailing Wall is the site of the Western Wall of the Second Holy Temple,..."

Ye Tian introduced the Second Temple in a low voice, lest David and the others get confused.

While explaining in a low voice, Carl, Joshua, and other Israelis in this antique shop have come to their senses one after another.

Immediately afterwards, these guys pounced on the seven-branched bronze candlestick in Ye Tian's hand, their eyes lit up excitedly, almost crazy!

Seeing their performance, Ye Tian immediately moved aside to make room for these guys, so as not to be surrounded by these crazy guys.

As for the safety of the seven-branched bronze candlestick, he was not worried. It was a bronze vessel, not a painting or porcelain, and it could not be easily damaged.

Furthermore, after knowing that the bronze candlestick was likely to be a sacred vessel of the Second Temple, Joshua and the Israelites were not willing to damage that treasure, and they dared not!

Even when they touched the seven-branched bronze candlestick, they had to wear gloves and be extremely cautious, lest they accidentally touch something, and they would become sinners of the nation!

It's a pity that their eyesight is limited, everyone stared wide-eyed for a long time, and discussed in a low voice, but in the end, they couldn't see what the relationship between the ancient bronze candlestick and the Second Temple was.

Under such circumstances, they had no choice but to ask Ye Tian for advice.

"Steven, you said that this seven-branched bronze candlestick was cast in the first century AD and was enshrined in the Second Temple. What is the basis? Can you tell us about it?

I am sure you are well aware of the significance of the Second Temple and the sacred vessels enshrined in it to all the Jews of the world, so we sincerely hope you can explain it! "

Joshua said solemnly,

The excited voice trembled a little.

The same goes for the other Israelis, everyone stared at Ye Tian, ​​waiting for his answer.

Ye Tian looked at Joshua, then glanced at the other Israelis, then smiled and said:

"The reason why I came to such an appraisal conclusion, of course, has my own basis, and it is definitely not just nonsense, but it is inconvenient for me to explain some of the tricks involved in it.

As a top professional treasure hunter and a top expert in antique art appraisal, these know-how are what I rely on to survive and make money, so naturally I cannot disclose them.

This includes not only vision and knowledge, but also a feeling that can only be understood and cannot be expressed in words. My feeling for antique works of art has always been accurate and I have never made a mistake, and this time is no exception!

It's a pity that after Carl got the seven-branched bronze candlestick, he didn't do a carbon fourteen test. If he had done this scientific test, he wouldn't have made a mistake in the identification! "

Hearing these words, Carlton, who was standing next to him, was so remorseful that he almost died, and his heart kept bleeding.

If he had a pistol in his hand at this time, he would definitely raise the pistol, pull the trigger at his head, and die!

Ye Tian turned his head to look at Karl, his eyes were full of sympathy, and the same was true for everyone else at the scene, their eyes were full of sympathy and pity when they looked at Karl.

After a short pause, Ye Tian continued to say:

"About half a year ago, at a flea market in Philadelphia, USA, I saw a very damaged seven-branch candlestick, which was very similar to this bronze candlestick.

The seven-branched bronze candlestick was damaged too badly. Two lamps were missing on the left side, one lamp was missing on the right side, and the remaining four lamps were also crumbling.

Because of this, when I saw the bronze candlestick for the first time, although I thought it was a bit special, I didn't take it seriously, so I didn't seriously appraise it, and missed an opportunity.

Who knew that this was the only chance, and when I realized what I had missed and returned to the flea market the next day, the bronze candlestick had been destroyed.

According to the stall owner, when he came home the night before, the box containing the bronze candlestick accidentally dropped on the ground, completely breaking the dilapidated bronze candlestick inside.

Seeing this, he threw the bronze candlestick into a roadside dumpster and drove off without realizing what he had thrown away."


There were a lot of sighs and sighs at the scene, and every voice was full of regret.

Especially the group of Israelis headed by Joshua, who were so distressed that they almost fainted, and secretly scolded the reckless stall owner, even eighteen generations of ancestors!

But how did Joshua and the others know that this was just a story fabricated by Ye Tian, ​​the reckless stall owner did not exist at all, and the dilapidated seven-branched bronze candlestick was even non-existent.

The reason why he made up such a story that cannot be traced at all is to pave the way for the next discovery, so that everything looks reasonable and flawless.

After a short pause, Ye Tian continued to say:

"It was through that opportunity that I knew that the design of this seven-branched bronze candlestick had ulterior motives. There was a secret hidden in it. This secret may be the most direct and powerful evidence!"

"There is a secret hidden in it? What is this secret? Steven, tell everyone!"

Joshua said impatiently, with an extremely excited expression.

"No problem, but when revealing this secret, I need to keep knocking on this seven-branched bronze candlestick, I hope you can hold back your heartache and don't interfere with my actions.

This is a necessary process, and this seven-branch bronze candlestick belongs to me, and I have the right to dispose of it freely. Of course, I will try my best to avoid causing damage to this treasure.

For me, this seven-branch bronze candlestick is a priceless top-level antique artwork that cannot be damaged in the slightest. I cherish it more than anyone else! "

Hearing this, Joshua and the others nodded helplessly and didn't say much.

What can I do if I don't nod? Things are not theirs, they can only stand aside and watch, waiting for the final result.

Next, Ye Tian borrowed a small hammer from Carl and prepared to use it for striking.

Then, he asked David to come over to help, holding the seven-branched bronze candlestick with both hands, while he took the small hammer and tapped lightly on the bottom of the lamp in the middle of the candlestick.

The strength of his tapping is very small, but the frequency is very high, and the sound is quite pleasing to the ears.

However, this voice was heard in Joshua's ears, not to mention how harsh it was.

The continuous tinkling sound was like beating on their hearts, causing each of their hearts to keep contracting, which may cause a heart attack at any time, and burp and catch a cold!

During the knocking process, Ye Tian did not forget to explain his intention for doing so, lest those Israelis get angry and turn around to him in a hurry.

"Through the broken candlestick I saw in Philadelphia before, I found that there is a mechanism at the bottom of the lamp in the middle, which symbolizes the Sabbath, or a hidden compartment, in which things can be hidden.

I hope that there is something hidden in the dark compartment at the bottom of this lamp. It may be a huge surprise, or even a discovery that shocks the world. If so, it would be great! "

Hearing these words, the eyes of everyone at the scene became even hotter. Everyone stared at the bottom of the lamp that symbolized the Sabbath, expecting a miracle.

While speaking, Ye Tian had tapped the bottom of the lamp back and forth many times, and he stopped tapping when he felt that it was almost done.

Immediately afterwards, he put the small hammer in his hand aside, and then took the seven-branch bronze candlestick from David, holding the base in one hand, and holding the lamp symbolizing the Sabbath in the other, and turned it vigorously.

At first, the wrist-thin bronze lamp remained motionless.

Everyone at the scene raised their hearts to their throats, watching Ye Tian's movements with great confusion, Joshua and the others were even more nervous and almost out of breath!


Suddenly, there was a sound of metal rubbing at the scene, which was so ear-piercing that it made one's skin crawl.

But this noise was heard by everyone at the scene, but it was like the sound of nature, not to mention how beautiful it was!

The bronze lamp that Ye Tian held tightly in his hand finally moved, and slowly turned counterclockwise, and was slowly pulled out by Ye Tian.

Everyone held their breath, staring at Ye Tian's movements, not even daring to breathe.

It took about a minute and a half before Ye Tian raised the bronze lamp by about ten centimeters. This minute and a half seemed as long as a century, tormenting everyone!

About ten seconds later, Ye Tian suddenly lifted upwards, and directly lifted the bronze lamp with the thickness of an arm, off the base of the bronze candlestick.

Immediately, what appeared in front of everyone was a vertical dark grid with a small space inside and a circle on the outside.

"Wow! There is indeed a hidden compartment at the bottom of this lamp. The design is really ingenious, almost seamless!"

"I don't know what secrets are hidden in this dark cell? It's so exciting, maybe it's a huge discovery that shocks the world!"

Just when everyone was discussing, Ye Tian put two fingers into the hidden compartment, and pretended to be surprised and said:

"There is a gold pendant here, which fits perfectly in the hidden compartment. This gold pendant seems to be engraved with Hebrew characters!"

As he said that, he had already taken out the gold pendant from the hidden compartment and displayed it in front of everyone.

At the same time, Joshua, who had already gathered together, also read out the meaning of the Hebrew text in a daze.

"To beautiful Miriam, Herod who loved you forever!"

Before the words fell, all the Israelis on the scene went crazy.

"Oh my god! This is a token of love from King Herod to Miriam, the love of his life! There is no doubt that this seven-branched bronze candlestick is definitely a sacred vessel enshrined in the Second Temple!"

"The tokens of Herod the Great! The sacred vessels of the Second Temple! They are the treasures of the nation of Israel, and even more sacred objects in the hearts of all Jews!"

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