Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1812 Love and Hate

After a burst of exclamation, Joshua looked at Ye Tian and said in a trembling voice:

"Steven, can you let us appreciate and study this seven-branched bronze candlestick and this gold pendant, they are well-deserved national treasures of Israel, they are so important!"

Ye Tian looked at the high-ranking Israeli official, then glanced at the crazy Israelis on the scene, then nodded with a smile and said:

"Of course, Joshua, of course you can admire and study these two treasures, but you can only stay in this antique shop, and the time should not be too long. It's evening now, and we should return to the hotel!"

"Okay, Steven, thank you very much for your generosity, and thank you very much for discovering these two sacred artifacts of the Second Temple and making them shine again!"

Joshua nodded hurriedly and thanked Ye Tian.

When he said these words, one could imagine what his mood would be like. Apart from being excited, he must also be extremely heartbroken.

This is the holy vessel of the Second Temple, the national treasure of Israel! It is a holy weapon common to all Jews, and it has fallen into the hands of this guy, Steven. Can it not make people feel heartbroken!

After getting permission, Joshua immediately took over the gold pendant with trembling hands, and then admired and studied it with several other Israeli antique dealers and cultural relics experts.

The moment he took the gold pendant, tears welled up in Joshua's eyes, but fortunately they didn't flow down his cheeks!

The performance of the other Israelis was not much better. Everyone had an extremely fanatical expression, their faces were flushed with excitement, and their eyes were even brighter like searchlights.

However, when they touched the seven-branched bronze candlestick and the gold pendant, their state immediately changed, and they instantly became respectful and solemn.

After handing the gold pendant to Joshua, Ye Tian was about to take a few steps back to make room for those crazy Israelis.

He had just retreated two or three steps when a voice full of sorrow and almost begging suddenly came from beside him.

"Steven, can I exchange this seven-branched bronze candlestick? The price is up to you, as long as I can afford it, I can use this antique shop and all my property in exchange!

As long as I can exchange for this seven-branched bronze candlestick, even if I go bankrupt, I will not hesitate. This seven-branched bronze candlestick and gold pendant are really important.

I don't want to be a sinner of the nation! "

No need to ask, it was of course the antique shop owner Karl who said this.

Ye Tian turned his head and looked at the unlucky guy pityingly, then shook his head with a smile and said:

"I'm afraid not, Carl. The combination of your antique shop and all your property is probably not worth the value of one lamp of this bronze candlestick, and it's far from it!"

Hearing this, Carlton smiled miserably, then nodded in despair and said:

"Indeed, this is the sacred artifact of the Second Temple. How can my little property compare to it? It's normal that you don't agree to exchange it. If it were me, I wouldn't exchange it either!"

"Actually, you don't have to be too depressed, Karl, it can be said that the discovery of this sacred vessel and King Herod's token today is something worthy of celebration, and you are also responsible for this.

As you know, I am a professional treasure hunter, and treasure hunting is my business, and this seven-branch bronze candlestick and gold pendant are sacred objects for you Jews, and I do not intend to collect them.

I know many Jewish super-rich people, such as the Rockefeller family, the Morgan family, and Bloomberg, who was once known as the "New York manager", and we all have business contacts.

As long as the price is reasonable, I will sell this seven-branch bronze candlestick and gold pendant. As for the super-rich Jewish man who takes these two sacred objects, it depends on the competition between them! "

Ye Tian smiled and comforted Karl, and showed his fangs.

Hearing his words, the eyes of all the Jews in the antique shop lit up, and at the same time everyone gasped.

They saw the hope of keeping these two holy artifacts, and they knew very well in their hearts that there must be one or two super rich Jewish people who would be ruthlessly slaughtered by Steven, a bastard!

Carl, whose eyes were full of despair and pain, even lifeless, had the light of hope flashing in his eyes again, and even cried tears of excitement amidst the joy and sorrow!

After chatting for a few more words, Carl couldn't wait to go up to admire the gold pendant.

Ye Tian took two steps back, came to David and the others, and began to explain to them the story behind the seven-branched bronze candlestick and the gold pendant.

"King Herod the Great, also known as Herod the Great I and King Herod, was the acting king of the Roman Empire in Jerusalem, the province of Judea. He was a Jewish-Arab hybrid who came out of the Edom Mountains.

He surrendered to Rome and was under the protection of the Roman Empire, but he was a national hero and even a saint of the Jews. It was under his rule that the ancient Jewish kingdom ushered in its final glory."

"Of course we know Herod the Great, in the New Testament, he was a cunning and murderous tyrant, one of the most famous representatives of secular tyrants!

In order to get rid of the newborn Jesus who was prophesied to be the King of the Jews, King Herod ordered the massacre of all male babies under the age of two in and around Bethlehem.”

David deliberately lowered his voice, lest he be heard by the Israelis in the antique shop.

Ye Tian nodded slightly, then continued with a smile:

"It is true that King Herod's cruel, cold-blooded and merciless killing is an indisputable fact. He not only killed his wife and the love of his life, Miriam I, but also killed his three sons.

Even King Herod’s best friend, the Roman Emperor Octavian, who valued family affection, heard that King Herod had killed his three sons, and he couldn’t help jokingly saying, ‘It’s better to be Herod’s pig than to be his son! '

This also involves the factor of the right to speak. With the development of Christianity and the control of the right to speak, the image of King Herod as a tyrant gradually became popular in the hearts of the people and became a typical image of a villain king in the West.

But it is undeniable that despite being under the rule of the Romans, King Herod the Great still built a strong and prosperous Jewish country with his excellent governance skills.

Under his rule, the culture and wealth of the Jewish state reached an unattainable height. It can be said that the Herod dynasty, which lasted for a hundred years, was the last glory of the ancient Jewish kingdom.

The rebuilding of the Second Temple was the greatest miracle construction in King Herod's life. As a half-breed, he won the hearts of the Jews and reached the highest point in his life.

The name engraved on the gold pendant, Miriam, is the princess of the Maccabean dynasty of the Jewish kingdom. This princess is said to have breathtaking beauty and is the love of King Herod's life.

King Herod had two main wives in his life. The first one was Miriam, also known as Miriam I. King Herod loved Miriam all his life, but Miriam wanted to completely destroy Herod until his death.

Such a relationship is destined to be a tragedy. Miriam has always wanted to restore the rule of the Maccabees family, and finally forced Herod to make up his mind to kill his beloved woman with the "crime of adultery" out of nothing.

Before she died, Miriam did not change her face. She showed her noble lineage and inheritance in the most elegant way. After killing Miriam, King Herod wept bitterly, almost going mad because of excessive grief.

He kept Miriam's body in honey, and when he missed her, he went to see her lifelike face. After Miriam died, King Herod married another Miriam, Miriam II.

Miriam II also came from the Maccabees family. This was a political marriage, and it was the two marriages with the Maccabees that gave King Herod the right to inherit the Kingdom of Israel,..."

Next, Ye Tian continued to introduce the story hidden behind the seven-branched bronze candlestick and the gold pendant.

Under his explanation, a grand historical picture scroll of the Jewish Kingdom in the first century BC was gradually unfolded and displayed in front of everyone.

There are battles and killings, grievances and hatreds, intrigues, treacherous court politics, and lingering, heart-wrenching and touching love stories. David and the others are all moved by it and enjoy it!

On the other side, Joshua and the other Israelites fascinatedly admired and studied the seven-branched bronze candlestick and the token of love of King Herod.

In the blink of an eye, more than half an hour has passed.

Those Israelis who fell into obsession gradually came to their senses.

Joshua reluctantly withdrew his gaze from the two holy artifacts, then turned around and walked towards Ye Tian.

When he came close, before he could stand firm, the senior Israeli official restrained his inner excitement and went straight to the point.

"Steven, I won't ask about the valuation of these two sacred vessels, that's meaningless! I just want to ask, how can we keep these two sacred vessels in Israel and in Jerusalem?

This is the most important treasure of the nation of Israel and the holy relic of all Jews. It must not flow out of Israel. We will keep them at all costs. I believe you can understand."

Ye Tian smiled and nodded, and gave the answer very simply.

"Buy! Joshua, you can buy these two priceless treasures from me. I am a professional treasure hunter. These are my commodities. As long as the price is right, there is no reason not to sell them.

As for who will buy it, it can be your Israeli government, local super-rich people in Israel, or Jewish super-rich people from other parts of the world. "

"It's a deal! We will buy these two holy vessels and keep them in Jerusalem for all Jews from all over the world to come to appreciate, worship and admire!"

Joshua said decisively, his tone was extremely firm, and his eyes were extremely fanatical.

Next, Ye Tian let Joshua and the others appreciate the two priceless treasures for a while, then put away the gold pendant, reassembled the bronze candlestick by himself, and prepared to leave here and return to the hotel!

When they walked out of the antique shop with these two sacred objects, they saw such a shocking scene.

All the Jews in Jerusalem seemed to have come to this street, and the surrounding area was filled with water. Everyone had an excited expression, staring at the entrance of the antique shop, and everyone's eyes were extremely hot!

Some guys in the crowd even had tears in their eyes, and some devout Jews were praying incessantly.

And opposite the main entrance of the antique shop, Ye Tian and the others also saw a few very familiar faces, they were the Deputy Prime Minister of Israel and a group of senior officials of the Israeli government.

Seeing this scene at the door of the antique shop, even Ye Tian and the others, who had already received the news and were used to storms, couldn't help but be amazed inwardly.

Perhaps because they were afraid of damaging the sacred artifacts, these Israelis showed restraint, and did not swarm up, asking Ye Tian to keep the two sacred artifacts, or even directly robbing them!

They just stared at Ye Tian and the box in his hand, wishing they could see through the metal trolley box and see the seven-branched bronze candlestick inside!

Ye Tian quickly scanned the scene, then nodded to the high-ranking Israeli officials on the opposite side of the street, and then took David and the others into their cars and left here.

Escorting them away was an entire Israeli army, mighty and mighty, with an astonishing momentum.

At the same time as they left here, the news that Ye Tian discovered the sacred artifact of the Second Temple and King Herod's love token spread like wind across the whole world, causing a huge sensation.

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