The two high-power ventilation fans are still working, rotating at high speed, continuing to replace the filthy air in the basement.

Compared with the beginning, the stench in the castle is not so strong and suffocating.

But the Cyprus police and UN peacekeeping soldiers who stayed outside the castle, at the downwind, without any protective equipment, and those guys farther away, were out of luck!

The stench blown by the wind, impartial, hit them head-on and surrounded them, instantly making each of them feel suffocated, and almost fainted from nausea.

Immediately afterwards, these guys rushed to their respective vehicles, got into the car in embarrassment, completely closed the doors and windows, and quickly turned on the car's air conditioner, breathing in fresh air, like drowning people one by one!

On the side of the old castle, exploration operations are proceeding in an orderly manner.

A few minutes later, Jason and another company employee walked out of the gothic building with an air detector, and began reporting the test results to Ye Tian.

"Steven, the air in that basement has improved a lot. Although the stench is still unbearable, at least I can enter it. The methane content in the air has been greatly reduced, and there is no danger of deflagration!"

With that said, Jason handed the air detector in his hand to Ye Tian.

Ye Tian looked at the data on the air detector, and then said to the people around him:

"That's true. There is no danger in the basement for the time being. Let's go in and have a look. After entering the basement, everyone should be more careful, follow my instructions, and don't act without authorization!"

"Got it, Steven"

Jason and the others nodded in unison, and quickly checked their equipment, ready to enter the basement to explore.

Afterwards, Ye Tian led everyone back into the two-story gothic building, and soon came to the entrance of the basement!

Standing at the entrance of the basement to look at the situation, Ye Tian ordered his staff to remove the two high-power replacement fans placed at the entrance, and arranged for the next step.

"The situation below is unknown. For the sake of safety, there should not be too many people going in. I will only take two guys down. Jason, you and the rest of the guys will stay here to provide us with support and backup.

We'll bring an exhaust fan in,

Change the air in that basement further underground, and after we go down, you relocate another exhaust fan at the entrance to this basement!

Wait until the smell in the basement in the deeper part has dissipated and it is confirmed that it is safe, then go down the steps and start exploring to see what those nasty bats are protecting! "

"Okay, Steven, stay safe"

David and Jason responded in unison, and quickly assigned the manpower.

Next, Ye Tian led the two company employees, turned on the headlights above their heads, took a high-power exhaust fan and two strong lights, and walked down the slippery steps covered with moss carefully. go.

When the three of them walked down the steps one after another, Jason and the others immediately took another high-power exhaust fan, relocated it at the entrance of the basement, and continued to replace the dirty air in the basement.

After walking down about a dozen steps, Ye Tian and the three of them entered the basement below.

Because Jason and the others had entered this basement before, they knew that there was no danger other than the stench, so Ye Tian and the others walked down the steps with confidence.

After landing and standing still, the two company employees who followed immediately turned on the two strong lights they carried with them and placed them on the wet floor.

In an instant, the darkness that had shrouded this basement for hundreds of years was completely dispelled, and this small space was directly illuminated as if it were daylight, and everything was clearly visible!

This basement is located directly below the two-story gothic building above, and it is quite deep, four or five meters underground.

The walls, roof, and ground of the basement are all made of extremely hard granite. There are many rusty iron pieces on the walls and roof, including hooks, rings, and iron pillars the size of arms, etc.!

On the north and south walls of the basement, there is a small transom window, which can only let in a little sunlight. The transom window is located very high, almost close to the roof, about three meters from the floor.

Because of its long history and inaccessibility, this basement has accumulated a lot of dust and is covered with moss. The ground is extremely wet and slippery, and it sounds disgusting when you step on it!

Fortunately, there are no dense and scalp-numbing spider webs that are common in other abandoned ancient buildings, which makes people feel a little better.

Of course, there is also a little credit for Jason and the others.

After some simple cleaning before, people can stand in this basement at least, so that there is not even a place to stay.

In the blink of an eye, Ye Tian had a panoramic view of the situation in this basement.

In fact, as early as a few hours ago, he had already seen this clearly through perspective, and all his subsequent actions were just acting, just to make everything look more reasonable and impeccable!

"If I'm not mistaken, in the 13th century, this place used to be the cell of the Knights Templar, used to detain serious criminals, and the deeper basement is likely to be a water prison.

The hooks and rings on the walls and roof were originally used to hang prisoners, and the rusty metal pillars that looked like stakes were supposed to be used to bind prisoners.

But what is strange is that the frequency of use of this cell does not seem to be very high, and the wear and tear of those metal parts is not obvious, and it has not been deformed due to the crazy struggle of the prisoner!

Maybe this cell has never been used, maybe there are other secrets hidden here, I hope we can find something here, then this trip to Cyprus is not in vain."

With that said, Ye Tian stepped out, carrying the high-power exhaust fan, and walked straight to the northwest corner of the basement.

At the entrance to the deeper basement, in that corner, there stood a rusty iron fence, or more accurately, a cell door.

Behind the prison door is a dark corridor and steps that slope downward, leading to deeper underground.

When he came to the prison door, Ye Tian didn't open it immediately, but looked at the situation in the corridor behind the prison door, and then placed the high-power exhaust fan in his hand at the old door.

Immediately afterwards, he waved his hand and asked the two employees to step back a little, and then he activated the exhaust fan himself, and quickly moved a few meters away to prevent accidents!

Fortunately, no accident happened, neither the methane gas was detonated, nor a large number of bats flew out of the lower basement at high speed!

As the exhaust fan started to rotate at a high speed, an extremely foul-smelling air gushed out from the basement below, instantly filling the basement where Ye Tian and the others were located.

Fortunately, they were well prepared. Everyone was wearing gas masks, fully enclosed protective clothing, and fully armed, otherwise they would have to be smothered to death on the spot.

Under the combined effect of the upper and lower high-power exhaust fans, the extremely foul-smelling air in the lower basement was continuously drawn out, and then discharged to the outside, while fresh air was continuously injected!

Ye Tian and the others in the castle, as well as the bishop of Kent and his party, as well as many security personnel, because they had been prepared for a long time, each had a gas mask and a set of fully enclosed protective clothing to protect themselves.

And those unprepared Cyprus police and UN peacekeepers, as well as other ghosts and monsters guarding near the castle, are in for a bloody misfortune!

With the blowing sea breeze, the extremely foul-smelling air continued to hit, completely polluting every inch of space they were in.

Even if they hid in their respective cars and turned on the air conditioner to the maximum, they still couldn't resist the suffocating and pervasive stench of air!

In just a moment, these guys were so smoked that they almost fainted, and they wondered if they had fallen into the cesspit!

While the exhaust fan was working, Ye Tian and the others were not idle.

They searched the basement they were in carefully, not sparing any corner.

Unfortunately, apart from some mysterious symbols unique to the Knights Templar on the walls, they found nothing else. There was neither a secret passage nor a dark room.

After searching the basement, Ye Tian and the others returned to the entrance of the lower basement.

At this time, the exhaust fan has been working for about ten minutes, and the air in the basement below has been changed several times, and the stench in the air has been greatly reduced.

Ye Tian stood at the entrance of the basement and looked at the dark corridor leading to the deep underground, and then said through the intercom:

"Jason, temporarily move the upper exhaust fan away from the entrance of the basement, and do a good job of protection. We are going to put the lighting into the lower basement.

Once the lights were placed in the lower basement, the bats in the basement would fry the pot immediately under the stimulation of the sudden strong light, and then rush out and fly to other places.

What species are the bats below, are they poisonous, and will they actively attack humans? It's unknown now, everyone must be careful, just in case! "

"Okay Steven, don't worry, we know what to do"

Jason's voice came over the intercom, and he acted quickly.

After giving the order, Ye Tian moved the exhaust fan placed at the entrance of the lower basement to the side, and then signaled the two subordinates around him to step back a little to avoid the impact of the bat swarm.

Immediately afterwards, he stretched out his right hand, tightly grasped the crumbling iron fence at the entrance to the basement, and yanked it outward, directly pulling open the rusty cell door.


The cell door slammed on the floor with a loud bang, and also brought up a cloud of dirty dust.

At the same time, there was a sudden creaking scream from the lower basement, which was creepy to hear.

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