Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1825 Black Tornado

"Peter, Derek, protect yourselves, I'm going to put the lights down!"

Ye Tian said to his two subordinates, reminding them.

"Okay, Steven, we'll take care of ourselves"

The two guys responded in unison, and quickly checked their equipment.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Tian took out a roll of climbing rope from the backpack behind him, tied one end to his waist with a safety lock, and tied the other end to a stake in the basement, taking safety measures.

The reason why he did this was mainly to prevent the soles of his feet from slipping and slipping into the lower basement by accident.

You know, there is a huge amount of bat feces accumulated in that basement. If you accidentally slip into it, the consequences can be imagined. The nausea can make people sick to death!

After tying up the safety rope, Ye Tian quickly checked again to confirm that there was no problem. Then he picked up the strong light placed at his feet and came to the entrance of the lower basement.

Before walking into the dark and damp corridor, Ye Tian first turned off the headlight, and then turned off the strong light in his hand, so as not to disturb the sleeping bats below!

After finishing all this, he stepped out and stepped on the slippery steps covered with moss, holding the safety rope in one hand and the strong light in the other hand, and walked down cautiously.

In the blink of an eye, his figure disappeared into the darkness.

Peter and Derek, who stayed in the upper basement, could only hear the sound of puffing and puffing continuously coming from the dark corridor.

It was the sound of feet stepping on the slippery steps. It sounded a bit human in such a basement that had been closed for hundreds of years and was extremely smelly!

Suddenly, the puffing sound stopped, and the climbing rope extending into the darkness at the entrance of the basement became tighter.

In the basement below, there seemed to be a small commotion, but no large swarms of bats flew out along the corridor.

Obviously, Ye Tian had already descended to the bottom of the corridor, and began to arrange strong lights.

After a moment of silence, the sound of puffing footsteps came from the arched corridor again, and the sound became louder and louder, as if the distance to the upper basement was getting closer and closer!

In the blink of an eye,

Ye Tian walked out of the arched corridor and returned to the basement above.

Seeing him come out safely, Peter and Derek immediately breathed a sigh of relief, and their hearts hanging high in their throats were finally put back into their stomachs!

As soon as Ye Tian came up and stood still, Peter couldn't wait to ask:

"Steven, what's the situation in the basement down there? Did you find anything?"

Derek next to him was the same, his eyes were full of curiosity, looking forward to Ye Tian's answer.

Ye Tian glanced at these two guys, then walked a few steps to the side, and then said:

"It's pitch black below, I can't see my fingers, and I don't dare to turn on the lights, lest I disturb the sleeping bats, under such circumstances, I can't see anything.

However, based on hearing and other sensory abilities alone, I can still confirm that there are countless bats gathered in the basement below, and a large amount of bat droppings have also accumulated.

Now it's time for us to get those disgusting guys out of the basement and see what they're guarding, treasure or something else! "

After finishing speaking, Ye Tian asked two of his subordinates to step aside to hide, while he stood close to the wall, and then pressed the remote control button of the strong light.

Following his movements, a dazzling light flashed in the dark and damp arched passage, illuminating the arched passage as if it were daytime.

In the next moment, a frenzied scream suddenly sounded in the basement, and it was transmitted up the corridor. It sounded extremely harsh and made the scalp tingle!

Immediately afterwards, there was another sound of flapping wings in the basement, as if a huge flock of birds lived there and suddenly exploded its nest!

Hearing this series of voices, Peter and Derek's expressions changed, even though they had been mentally prepared, and they took another step back unconsciously.

Before their retreating footsteps fell, a large group of huge, hideous-looking bats swarmed out, scrambling to be the first to rush into the basement where Ye Tian and the others were located along the corridor!

There were so many bats in this group, it was like a huge black tornado, screaming crazily, flapping its wings, whizzing past Ye Tian and the others, and rushed towards the exit leading to the ground at high speed!


This guy Peter screamed, obviously terrified.

Derek's situation was not much better, his face was also pale with fright, but he didn't exclaim in alarm.

In comparison, Ye Tian's performance was much calmer.

Through secret perspective before, he had already grasped the situation of these black bats, so naturally he would not feel frightened, and just performed it in cooperation!

In the blink of an eye, the vanguard of this group of bats has rushed out of this basement, rushing to the ground like a whirlwind, followed by many bats rushing out of the lower basement continuously, seemingly endlessly!


There were also terrified screams from above, from Jason and David.

Obviously, those guys who stayed above were also taken aback by this group of tornado-like black bats.

Although they looked ferocious and frightening, fortunately these huge black guys were not vampire bats and would not take the initiative to attack humans, so everyone was just safe and sound!

Moreover, the senses of these bats are extremely sharp. Although they are in large numbers and panicked, none of them bumped into Ye Tian and the others, and they all walked around them!

When this group of black ghosts roared past everyone, each of Ye Tian and the others seemed to smell a suffocating stench, and everyone was so disgusted that they wanted to vomit!

Following Jason and the others, the Bishop of Kent and the others who were staying in the courtyard of the castle also saw the huge group of black bats. Everyone was taken aback and exclaimed directly.

The guys who stayed further outside the castle, lingering in their cars, soon discovered the situation here.

"Look, everyone, there is a black cloud over the castle, and it is flying towards us, and it is very fast. What is that? It looks a little scary!"

"Who knows what it is, but I'm sure that bastard Steven must have found something, otherwise there wouldn't be such a big commotion!"

Just as these guys were discussing, the black cloud had already flown to them, and they could see clearly what the black cloud was!

The next moment, these guys screamed crazily, and everyone's voice was full of fear.

On the castle side, the number of black bats flying out of the lower basement has become less and less, and everyone's mood has stabilized.

After a few more minutes, the basement where Ye Tian and the others were finally quieted down. No more bats flew out of the lower basement, but the air in the basement was still extremely stench!

After confirming that all the bats had flown away, Ye Tian and Peter immediately looked at each other, and then they all took out a pair of shoe covers and put them on their respective feet.

What's more, Derek took out another set of protective clothing from his backpack, put it on quickly, and covered it with the existing protective clothing, and he didn't feel bored!

The reason why everyone has such a move could not be simpler.

For the large group of black bats that flew away just now, God knows how long they have lived in the lower basement, how many generations, decades? Hundreds of years? It's all possible!

Don't even think about it, the lower basement must be full of bat droppings, how much and how deep, no one knows, maybe deep enough to drown a full-grown man!

Everyone, including Ye Tian, ​​shuddered at the thought of being surrounded or even submerged by the extremely stinky bat feces in the future, and it was extremely disgusting!

But what are you guys doing here!

Now that we're here, if we don't go in and explore, we can't justify it. What if the treasure of the Knights Templar is hidden in the lower basement!

And Ye Tian knew better than anyone else that the suffocating basement below had to be entered, and everyone had to go through the bat guano pool, otherwise the trip to Cyprus would be in vain!

After putting on the shoe covers, Ye Tian immediately reset the high-power exhaust fan, placed it at the entrance of the lower basement again, and turned on the power to the maximum to continue drawing air!

Immediately afterwards, he said through the walkie-talkie:

"Jason, the black bats that inhabited the lower basement have all flown away, you put the exhaust fan back at the basement entrance, continue to change the air, and prepare for the next move.

Bishop of Kent, please contact the municipality of Larnaca and ask them to send two garbage trucks to pump the sewers and two fire trucks. I will clean this place thoroughly!

If this place is not cleaned, the next work will be impossible. I don't want to swim in bat droppings, even if there is indeed a treasure of the Templars buried here! "


There was a burst of laughter from the intercom, and everyone laughed.

Immediately afterwards, Jason and the Bishop of Kent responded and took their own actions.

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