Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1826 Major Discovery

The huge swarm of bats had already flown away to nowhere, and the stench that permeated the air gradually faded, at least he could breathe.

Ye Tian and the others did not immediately explore the lower basement, but turned around and left, returning to the ground.

The two strong lights and the two high-power exhaust fans remained in the basement and continued to work to prevent the black ghosts from flying back and continue to change the air in the basement.

As soon as they returned to the ground, Ye Tian and the others immediately took off their protective clothing, gas masks, and other equipment, and replaced them with a new set.

As for the replaced equipment, they were quickly wrapped up and thrown far away. After the exploration operation was over, they were burned and completely destroyed.

Next, Ye Tian briefly introduced the situation in the basement to Bishop of Kent and David, and waited for the arrival of the garbage truck and fire truck together.

After a few words, Cole's voice suddenly came from the walkie-talkie.

"Steven, representatives from the Priory of the Sacrificial Mount, the Portuguese Society of Jesuits, and several other churches and religious organizations have come, and the team is led by old friends Depardieu and Alexander who have dealt with each other in Jerusalem.

They strongly demand to enter this medieval castle, participate in and supervise the ongoing joint exploration operation, and want to know what we just discovered, where did the large group of black bats come from.

Among these guys, there are two representatives of the Knights Hospitaller. They claim that in the middle of the thirteenth century, the Knights Hospitaller also stationed in this castle for a period of time and have the right to participate in the exploration operation!

As for those other guys, such as the Russian gangsters and the Turks hiding further away, there are some signs of being ready to move, and they are obviously wondering whether we have discovered something! "

Hearing the situation reported by Cole, a sneer of disdain flashed across Ye Tian's face immediately.

Without the slightest hesitation, he immediately picked up the walkie-talkie and said in a cold voice:

"Let them stay where it's cool, don't let any idlers wait in, notify all the guys, get ready for battle, if someone breaks into the castle, then kill them directly!

Don't forget to also inform the Cyprus police and the UN peacekeeping force in charge of peripheral security, and ask them to be more vigilant. If they let people come over, conflicts will inevitably break out.

Don't say we didn't find anything,

Even if the treasure of the Knights Templar was found, it has nothing to do with those guys outside. They want to reap the benefits, what are they dreaming of! "

"Understood, Steven, I will reject those guys right now. As for the security issue, you can rest assured that there will be absolutely no problems!"

Cole responded decisively, and immediately acted.

Hearing the conversation between Ye Tian and Cole, the Bishop of Kent's face couldn't help but change, and the representatives of the Larnaca City Government and the Greek Orthodox Church standing a little further away also turned extremely ugly.

After pondering for a while, the Bishop of Kent said solemnly:

"Steven, we haven't found anything now, so there's no need to get too rigid with those guys outside, that might really cause conflicts and interfere with the ongoing exploration operations.

I took people out to introduce the situation here to those guys, I believe it can dispel their thoughts, and at the same time reiterate our attitude again, lest they continue to make noise.

In particular, the Knights Hospitaller and the Portuguese Jesuits are our subordinate organizations. Even if they have coveted the treasures of the Knights Templar, they dare not openly violate the orders of the Vatican! "

Ye Tian turned his head to look at the Bishop of Kent, then nodded slightly and said:

"You can go out and persuade those wishful thinking guys, Bishop of Kent, if possible, I don't want to conflict with those guys, it won't do any good to either party!"

"Okay, Steven, leave the outside to us!"

The Bishop of Kent nodded in agreement, and then led the people to walk outside the castle.

After a while, the outside calmed down, and the whole world suddenly became much quieter.

Those guys who were jumping and clamoring to enter the castle and participate in the joint exploration operation, heard that Ye Tian and the others hadn't found anything, so they chose to stop their efforts and continue to wait and see!

In the blink of an eye, more than half an hour has passed.

Two garbage trucks pumping out the sewer and two fire trucks finally arrived at the castle, and started working quickly to clean up the stinking basement.

Next, the disgusting stench permeated the entire castle and the area around the castle again, suffocating those guys outside without any protective equipment and with ulterior motives!

Under the attack of this wave of poisonous gas, those guys had to hide in the car again, and quickly retreated further to avoid being smoked to death outside the castle.

After the garbage truck had pumped out the massive amount of bat droppings that had accumulated in the basement, it was time for the two fire trucks to come out.

However, Ye Tian did not let the Larnaca firefighters enter the two basements, but took them down by himself, suppressed his nausea and started the final cleaning work.

They used high-pressure water guns to thoroughly clean the two basements. Not only did they clean up the remaining bat feces, but they also washed away the moss and dust in the basement!

Especially when cleaning the lower basement, Ye Tian only brought Peter and Derek down to clean it up, while the others stayed in the upper basement and above the ground.

During this period, no one else knew what happened in the lower basement!

After cleaning up and pumping out all the stagnant water in the basement, the two garbage trucks left the castle to dump bat feces.

Two fire trucks also left the castle, but they only went to replenish the water, and they will return to the castle later, in case of emergency!

After all these cars left the castle, Ye Tian began to arrange the next move.

He first called Cole and Leonardo into the castle, then gathered the Bishop of Kent, Jason and David into the two-story Gothic building, and then whispered pretendingly excitedly:

"Gentlemen, next we are going to explore the two basements of this Gothic building. While cleaning the lower basement, I discovered a little secret hidden here.

Before the exploration operation begins, there is still some preparation work to be done. Not only must we avoid the eyes of the Cypriots and the Greek Orthodox Church, but also be careful of those guys outside the castle! "

Hearing his words, everyone at the scene was pleasantly surprised.

Especially the Bishop of Kent and several other senior priests from the Vatican, their excited eyes lit up, and they almost cheered.

"Steven, did you find the Knights Templar treasure in the lower crypt? If so, that would be great!"

The Bishop of Kent asked excitedly in a low voice, his voice trembling.

Ye Tian shook his head slightly, smiled and said in a low voice:

"It's hard to say now, when I was cleaning the lower basement just now, according to the water flow, I found that the basement was probably connected to a secret room, or a secret passage leading to other places.

But I don't know what is hidden in that secret room, or where the secret passage leads to. I can only find out if I enter it. I hope it has something to do with the treasure! "

"Wow! There is actually a secret room deep underground. It seems that we have come to Cyprus this time!"

"Those guys from the Knights Templar are really cunning! They actually put the secret room and the water dungeon together, and turned it into a bat's lair, who would have imagined that!"

There was a sound of exclamation at the scene, and everyone was so excited that they almost danced!

Fortunately, everyone knew what was going on around them, so they deliberately controlled the volume so as not to be heard by the guys from the Larnaca city government and the Greek Orthodox Church outside.

"Then what are you waiting for? Steven, let's start to act. Open the secret room or secret passage below to see what is hidden in it. Is it the treasure of the Knights Templar?"

The Bishop of Kent said impatiently, wishing he could immediately enter the basement, enter that secret room or secret passage.

"Don't be impatient, Bishop of Kent, we will be able to enter the secret room or secret passage later, they are there and will not disappear, but before that, there are still some things to do to ensure nothing goes wrong!"

Ye Tian smiled and said in a low voice, comforting the Bishop of Kent and others.

Immediately afterwards, he began to assign tasks.

"Cole, Leonardo, you have set up two lines of defense inside and outside the castle. After we start the exploration operation, until we return to the ground, we will never allow anyone to enter this castle or this Gothic building!

Among them are not only the unpredictable guys outside the castle, but also the representatives of Cyprus, those guys from the Greek Orthodox Church, and of course the soldiers of the UN peacekeeping force.

Let the three medium-sized helicopters in the urban area of ​​Larnaca be on standby at all times, ready to take off at any time. Once I receive my order, they will immediately take off here to pick us up and provide us with air cover.

Another point is that you immediately notified the crews of the two private jets and asked them to rush to Larnaca International Airport immediately, fill up the fuel for the two private jets, and get ready to take off at any time.

If we really found the treasure of the Knights Templar here, with the complicated situation of Cyprus, there will definitely be a lot of trouble, maybe we will forcefully rush out of this country! "

"Okay, Steven, leave the security task to us, there will be absolutely no problems!"

Cole nodded in response, his tone firm and confident.

Leonardo was even more determined, this buddy said in a deep voice:

"Don't worry, Steven, as long as you don't return to the ground, then no one can enter this castle unless you step over my corpse!"

Ye Tianchong nodded lightly to these two guys, and then continued to say:

"Jason, take a few guys out and bring in all the exploration equipment we brought, especially those cutting equipment, there must be a piece of it!

The secret room or secret passage below has been closed for more than 700 years. If you want to explore smoothly, you may need to use those cutting tools! "

"Okay, Steven, let's move the equipment to the yard outside!"

Jason nodded in response, then turned and left the Gothic building, and took a few company employees to move the equipment.

Next, Ye Tian said to the Bishop of Kent and the others:

"Bishop of Kent, we don't know the situation in the secret room or the secret passage below, and we don't know if it's dangerous. For safety's sake, you can choose two representatives to follow us, and the rest are best left here!"

"No problem, Steven, since the joint exploration operation is led by you, of course it's up to you!"

The bishop of Kent agreed very happily, without any objection.

Afterwards, Ye Tian made another arrangement, and asked everyone to check their equipment, gas masks, protective clothing, and weapons and equipment, etc., for safety.

Meanwhile, Cole and Leonardo are also in action.

They commanded many security personnel and members of the Swiss Guard, quickly established two lines of defense inside and outside the castle, and prepared for battle.

After Jason and the others moved in all the exploration equipment, Ye Tian immediately said to everyone present:

"Gentlemen, let's start to act and bring a huge surprise to the world!"

As he said that, he had already stepped out, stepped directly on the steps leading to the basement, and walked down!

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