Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1827 The Secret Behind the Wall

The previous basement, which was inhabited by a large group of bats and filled with bat droppings, has now become brightly lit, as if it were daytime, brighter than the Gothic building directly above!

This basement, which was originally stinky and disgusting, has been thoroughly cleaned up by Ye Tian and the others, and it has been restored to its original appearance, and it can even be said to be spotless.

In the past hundreds of years, the endless darkness that has been covering this place has been completely dispelled by the light. The gloomy and gloomy feeling before has basically disappeared!

Ye Tian and Bishop Kent have been down to this basement for a while, and they are standing in front of the north wall of the basement, observing the situation on the wall.

Just as Ye Tian expected, this is indeed a water prison of the Knights Templar. Apart from the granite steps leading into the water prison, there is no other exit from this basement, not even a transom.

The area of ​​the basement is about 30 square meters, a bit larger than the basement above. The roof, floor, and four walls are all made of granite and concrete, which is very strong!

On the ceiling of the basement, which is about four meters high, there are three rows of rusty iron hooks nailed, and each iron hook corresponds to a stake on the floor that is as thick as an arm and about one meter five in height!

Obviously, those iron hooks above are used to hang prisoners, and the stakes on the floor are used to bind prisoners. Although they are covered with rust, they still make people shudder!

Like the instruments of torture in the upper cellar, the hooks and stakes were used only in limited numbers or never at all.

Their appearance is very regular and uniform, and there is no deformation or wear caused by the prisoners' painful struggles, unless the prisoners who were once held here are not in pain!

In addition to these instruments of torture, many mysterious symbols unique to the Knights Templar are engraved on the walls and ground of the basement, more than those found in any other place.

Many of these mysterious symbols were discovered for the first time.

Even a Vatican scholar who has done a lot of research on the Knights Templar has never seen these mysterious symbols, let alone Ye Tian and the others!

It's a pity that no one at the scene was able to interpret these mysterious symbols, and they didn't know their specific meanings at all.

After entering here, Ye Tian did not immediately open the hidden secret room or secret passage, but took everyone to visit this basement, and took pictures of all the conditions here, and kept them as video materials!

Basically sure,

Today is not only the first time for them to come to this basement and see everything here, it may also be the last time.

Even if I have the opportunity to come here again in the future, I will come here as a tourist, not as a treasure hunter, to explore the treasures of the Knights Templar.

After visiting the basement, Ye Tian led everyone to the north wall of the basement, ready to reveal the secrets hidden in the basement.

He first turned his head and glanced at the people around him, then pointed to the wall in front of him. .

At a height of about one meter and five meters from the ground on that wall, there is a gap less than one centimeter wide, extending straight up to the ceiling.

Extending upwards for about two meters, the gap just disappeared. At the top of the gap is a whole piece of granite, blocking the way out of the gap.

Coincidentally, a mysterious symbol is engraved on the two pieces of granite at the upper and lower ends of the gap. I don't know what it means!

Following the direction of Ye Tian's finger, Bishop of Kent and Jason all looked towards the gap, everyone was extremely excited and full of anticipation!

At the same time, Ye Tianqing's clear voice reached everyone's ears.

"Have you seen the gap on the wall? This is a gap that I inadvertently punched out when I washed the wall from top to bottom with a high-pressure water gun. At first, I didn't think it was anything special!

However, when I continued to wash the place with a high-pressure water gun, I found that the water flowed directly into the wall along the gap, and did not flow out from below. The water flow seemed to be swallowed by the wall!

This is completely different from the situation in other places. As you can see, this basement is made of granite and concrete, and it is used as a water prison. Special anti-seepage treatment has been done to prevent water from splashing in!

It was precisely because of this difference that I became suspicious, and then I continued to flush the gap with a high-pressure water gun. As expected, the gap became longer and longer, and more and more water was swallowed!

I also tried to flush some other gaps during this time, but with no success, those places were completely motionless, and all the water that rushed up the wall ended up flowing down the wall and onto the floor.

Afterwards, I used some other methods, such as tapping the two pieces of granite adjacent to the gap, and through the sound of tapping feedback, I can judge whether there is any secret hidden behind the wall.

After some tests, I can basically confirm that there is either a secret room behind this wall, or a secret passage leading to other places, which may be related to the treasure of the Knights Templar that we are looking for so hard! "

As he said that, Ye Tian raised his right hand and smashed a few times hard on a piece of granite on the right side of the gap.

"bang bang"

A few muffled sounds came out immediately, echoing in this basement.

The voice didn't seem to be anything special, and Bishop of Kent and Jason were a little puzzled.

Before they could make a sound, Ye Tian clenched his fist and slammed it on the granite on the left side of the gap, and there were several muffled sounds from the scene.

"Hey! The sounds on the two sides seem to be a little different. Relatively speaking, the sound from the granite on the left is a bit duller!"

Jason was the first to speak out, and he could hear the subtle difference between the two knocks before and after.

The Bishop of Kent and the others also nodded, but they were still somewhat puzzled, obviously not listening very clearly.

Ye Tian glanced at Jason, then nodded with a smile and said:

"That's right, the granite on the right is behind an empty wall, and the one on the left is behind a solid wall, so they sound different!"

As he spoke, Ye Tian tapped a few more times to let everyone hear more clearly.

With his reminder, everyone listened to these knocking sounds again and found the difference.

Immediately afterwards, everyone discussed enthusiastically.

"Wow! It seems that there is a secret room behind this wall, but I don't know what treasure is hidden in it. If it is the treasure of the Knights Templar, it would be great!"

"Steven, how do we open this wall and enter the secret room hidden behind? Another point, is there any mechanism set up by the Knights Templar here? It's better to be careful!"

While discussing, everyone was staring at the seemingly impenetrable wall ahead.

Everyone's eyes are extremely hot and hot, and they wish they could shoot two lasers from their eyes, burn directly through the hard granite, and see the secret hidden behind the wall!

Ye Tian smiled softly, and then continued:

"After discovering this gap and confirming that there is a secret room or secret passage hidden behind this wall, I carefully checked the basement used as a water prison, and found no deadly mechanism.

This water dungeon is just a cover for deceiving others. Perhaps the Knights Templar have never imprisoned any prisoners here, nor have they set up any institutions here, so as not to be self-defeating!

In other words, there should be no danger for us staying in this basement. I also studied this Gothic building. Although it has a long history, it is not in danger of collapsing immediately!

If there is a mechanism, then it is also behind this wall, at the entrance of that secret room or secret passage, or inside the secret room and passage. Before opening this wall, don't worry for the time being!

It has been closed for more than 700 years, and it is very humid and inhabited by a large number of bats. Even if the Knights Templar set up any deadly mechanism, it is probably scrapped long ago, and it cannot threaten everyone! "

Hearing his words, the Bishop of Kent and the others nodded lightly in agreement, and the worry in their eyes also decreased a lot.

After a short pause, Ye Tian continued to say:

"Although I don't think there is any danger behind this wall, for the sake of safety, I don't plan to push or pry open this wall directly. Everything is just in case, safety is the most important thing!

I am going to make a small hole in this piece of granite, leading directly to the space behind the wall, and then use the endoscopic probe to find out the situation behind the wall before proceeding to the next step.”

"This method is good. Although it is time-consuming, it is very safe and safe. There should be no accidents!"

The Bishop of Kent nodded and said, and the others also nodded.

Afterwards, Ye Tian squatted down, opened a metal trolley case beside him, took out a handheld drill from it, and was ready to start drilling!

He didn't intend to do this job by others, he would be most at ease only if he did it himself.

He was the only one at the scene, and he knew exactly what was going on behind the wall and where it was most appropriate to punch holes.


As Ye Tian pressed the start button of the drilling rig, the sound of the high-speed rotation of the motor immediately sounded in the basement.

The sound was very ear-piercing, but to everyone at the scene, it sounded like the sound of nature, extremely beautiful!

In the next second, Ye Tian gripped the electric drill with both hands, and extended the high-speed rotating drill bit towards the wall in front of him!

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