Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1828 The Chamber of Secrets Opens


The screeching noise from the electric drill rang continuously, and the dust generated by the drilling filled the entire basement.

Fortunately, everyone in the basement is wearing a gas mask and fully enclosed protective clothing. The flying dust will not cause them any harm, at most it will make them look ashamed.

Suddenly, the electric drill in Ye Tian's hand was gently pushed forward, and the harsh noise echoing in the basement disappeared, leaving only the sound of the motor idling.

Seeing this scene, everyone at the scene understood what was going on!

That piece of hard granite has been pierced by an electric drill, and the secret room or secret passage hidden behind the wall is about to be revealed more than seven hundred years later!

Next, what will everyone gain, whether it is a huge surprise, or just an empty joy, we will see the decision soon!

Almost at the same time as the sound of the motor idling, Ye Tian quickly controlled the electric drill in his hand, lowered the speed in time, and began to recover the drill.

In a blink of an eye, he retrieved the rig, shut it down, and placed it on the floor beside it.

At this time, on the wall on the north side of the basement, there was a round hole with a diameter of about two centimeters, which led directly to the hidden space behind the wall.

Looking at the round hole, everyone in the basement was overjoyed, and everyone's eyes were filled with anticipation.

Especially the Bishop of Kent and the other senior priest of the Vatican wished they could step forward to replace Ye Tian immediately, and then break down the wall by themselves to see what was hidden behind the wall.

However, Ye Tian didn't give them this chance!

After putting down the electric drill, he immediately took out a set of four-way industrial endoscope from the trolley case beside him, quickly installed the endoscope, and made some simple adjustments.

Everything is fine, no issues.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Tian carefully inserted the endoscope probe, which integrated a bright flashlight and a high-definition pinhole camera, into the round hole on the wall.

As the probe gradually deepened, the situation in the round hole and the hidden space behind the wall were presented on the monitoring screen of this industrial endoscope one by one, and the picture was very clear.

Behind this wall,

It is a dark space, or it should be said that it is the entrance of a secret room or a dark passage.

Compared with the floor of the basement where everyone is located, this hidden space is located higher, about 1.5 meters higher. In this way, the accumulated water in the dungeon can be prevented from seeping in. It is a very clever design!

The position where the endoscope probe enters, that is, the position where the drill hole is located, is below this hidden space and close to the bottom, just above a pool of water.

This is of course the result of Ye Tian's deliberate choice, and it is also one of the reasons why he punched the hole himself. No one knows the situation behind this wall better than him.

After the endoscope probe entered this secret space, it paused for a while, and then under Ye Tian's control, it began to rotate slowly to explore this secret space that had been closed for more than seven hundred years.

This space shrouded in darkness is about three to four square meters. The ceiling and walls are covered with moss, and there is some water on the ground, which should have been washed in by the fire-fighting high-pressure water gun just now.

On the right side of the endoscope probe, there are two rusty iron chains, about the thickness of an adult's wrist, one end is connected to the granite stone on the wall, and the other end is inclined downward, passing through the pool of water and connected to the floor. Together.

Obviously, this is the organ that controls the door switch of the secret room. After more than 700 years of long time, it has long been corroded and may have been scrapped.

The organ that opens the door of the secret room from the outside must be in the basement where Ye Tian and the others are.

Judging from the situation in the basement, the opening mechanism is very likely to be one of the many stakes, or it may be an iron hook on the ceiling!

As the endoscope probe continued to penetrate, an arched corridor about two meters high and one meter wide suddenly appeared on the monitoring screen.

This arched passageway, also made of granite and concrete, was covered with moss and looked quite slippery, and it sloped slightly upwards, extending due north, until it was completely swallowed by darkness.

Because the length of the endoscope probe is limited and the detection range is also limited, the situation inside the arched corridor cannot be seen too much for the time being, and it is not very clear.

But that's enough!

In fact, Ye Tian's heart is as clear as a mirror about the specific situation of that tunnel that has been shrouded in darkness for more than seven hundred years!

Therefore, he does not intend to use the beetle drone here to fly in and explore the dark corridor.

Sometimes, hiding clumsiness is the wisest way!

In just a few minutes, the situation of the hidden space behind the wall has basically been investigated.

Without exception, everyone in the basement was very excited, their eyes were fixed on the endoscope monitoring screen, and the light was shining, like searchlights!

"Wow! There is indeed a secret passage behind this wall. I don't know where this secret passage leads to. What secrets are hidden in it? It's so exciting!"

"I hope this secret passage can lead us to find the treasures of the Knights Templar, those sacred religious relics, and the huge wealth accumulated by the Knights Templar!"

While the discussions continued, everyone at the scene wished they could step forward, break through the wall in front of them, enter the secret passage behind the wall, and explore the treasure!

At this moment, Ye Tian suddenly said loudly:

"Jason, come here to operate the endoscope probe, mainly to keep an eye on the condition of these two iron chains, I will look for the mechanism to open the door of this secret room, and open this secret space that has been dusty for more than seven hundred years.

According to my speculation, the mechanism that opens the door of this secret room is very likely to be a certain burning stake in the basement. It should not be difficult to find. I ignored those burning stakes before, but this time it will not! "

"Okay, Steven"

Jason nodded in response, then immediately stepped forward, took over the control of the four-way endoscope from Ye Tian, ​​and stared closely at the two rusty iron chains on the monitoring screen.

Ye Tian turned around, and pretended to look for the mechanism to open the door of the secret room, carefully observed one by one, and tried to shake those rusty stakes!

At this time, his every move was under the eager attention of everyone on the scene, and he had to perform it well so as not to reveal any flaws.

The Bishop of Kent and David originally wanted to come up to help and find the location of the agency together, but Ye Tian refused on the grounds of safety, and asked them to stay where they are and watch.

Of course, they can't be allowed to participate. If they see that they are playing tricks and just performing, it will not be fun!

After trying seven or eight stakes in succession, Ye Tian came to a stake in the northeast corner of the basement, began to carefully observe the stake, and tried to shake it gently.

After a while, he suddenly said in surprise:

"There's something wrong with this stake. The bottom doesn't seem to be very firm. It seems that it can be shaken. Jason, keep an eye on those two iron chains. If there is any movement, tell me immediately. This may be the mechanism that opens the door to the secret room!"

As he said that, Ye Tian exerted his strength suddenly, and pushed the rusty stake forward, without giving anyone else a chance to check it out!

At first the stake remained motionless, as if it had grown on the floor.

But as Ye Tian continued to exert force, the rust on the stake began to fall off one after another, and then it slowly tilted forward.


Suddenly there was a sound of violent metal rubbing in the basement, which was extremely ear-piercing, and it made one's scalp numb and extremely uncomfortable!

However, everyone in this basement completely ignored the noise that could almost pierce the eardrums at this time, and they were all excited and cheered directly.

"Great! The stake is the mechanism that opens the door of the secret room, that is to say, this secret space that has been closed for more than seven hundred years will be revealed before our eyes!"

"Wow! What is at the end of that dark corridor and what secrets are hidden? It's really exciting!"

Before everyone's cheers fell, Jason was already shouting excitedly.

"Steven, those two iron chains have finally moved, they are pulling this wall apart, and this secret room is about to be opened!"

Hearing this, Ye Tian immediately pretended to be pleasantly surprised and said:

"This is really beyond my expectation. I didn't expect that after more than 700 years, the mechanism that opened the secret room has not been completely scrapped, and it is still functioning. I have to say it is a miracle!

Obviously, the Knights Templar have spent a lot of thought on this secret room, and built this secret room at any cost. I look forward to what we will find next! "

While speaking, the door to the secret room made of a whole piece of granite has been slowly opened inwards, just along the straight gap that was punched out by the high-pressure water gun!

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