Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1831 Agency Trap


A strong stream of water shot out from the high-pressure water gun again, accurately hitting the east wall of the corridor, and instantly blasted away a piece of moss attached to the wall, exposing the wall below.

It can be seen that on the newly exposed wall is engraved with a mysterious symbol unique to the Knights Templar. I don't know what it means.

Since this arched passage has a slight upward slope, and Ye Tian washes it obliquely from the side, there is no need to worry that the accumulated water will flow into the depths of the passage and soak the hidden things inside.

After the high-speed water shot from the high-pressure water gun hits the wall and washes away the moss and dust on the wall, it will flow down the wall, then flow out along the corridor, and flow to the basement where Ye Tian and the others are!

Immediately afterwards, the filthy stagnant water will be pumped up to the ground by the water pump, and after a brief filter, it will be stored in the two fire trucks on the ground for recycling!

In this way, you don't have to worry about insufficient water storage in the fire truck, you can use it freely, and you don't have to worry about too much water in the basement, which will affect the exploration!

While speaking, the high-speed water flow controlled by Ye Tian pushed inward along the corridor for about one meter, clearing out all the one meter in front of the wall on the east side of the corridor.

On the wall that was cleared out, several mysterious symbols unique to the Knights Templar were engraved, just one on a piece of granite, which seemed to imply or imply something.

Except for Ye Tian, ​​the guys on the west side of the door of the secret room also saw those mysterious characters, and they were guessing and discussing the meaning of those mysterious characters.

Before they could discuss the result, Ye Tian personally revealed the answer with the high-pressure water gun in his hand.

The strong water flow from the high-pressure water gun continued to extend forward, and broke through a thick moss, revealing the granite engraved with mysterious symbols below.

At this moment, a sudden change occurred.


With a crisp sound, the piece of granite hit by the high-speed water, as if in slow motion, turned inward about thirty degrees with difficulty, and then stopped.

Seeing this scene, Ye Tian immediately let out a 'huh' in feigned surprise, then quickly closed the valve of the high-pressure water gun, and looked at the piece of granite where the mutation occurred.

So did the guys standing behind him,

All of them looked at the piece of granite that suddenly turned thirty degrees, their eyes were full of curiosity, everyone was very excited, and somewhat scared!

As long as you are not a fool, you can see at this time that it is a mechanism trap. Although it has not been triggered, it is enough to make people's hearts jump!

"Wow! There are indeed traps in this corridor. Fortunately, we didn't enter it rashly, otherwise we will be in big trouble!"

"I don't know what is hidden behind that piece of granite. A crossbow or a javelin? Why didn't it fire? The firing mechanism is probably rusted to death!"

While there was a lot of discussion, everyone looked at the overturned granite with lingering fear.

The granite strip is not too big, about 80 centimeters high and 50 centimeters wide. Viewed from the opened side, it is only 15 centimeters thick. It should be deliberately thinned to set up traps!

It can be seen that behind that piece of granite is a dark hole, and what is hidden in it is unknown to everyone.

The reason is very simple, no deadly weapons shot out from that hole, such as crossbow arrows, javelins and other weapons, and nothing else appeared!

Pretending to observe the granite carefully, Ye Tian said loudly:

"Sure enough! There are indeed traps in this tunnel, and they are set up quite cleverly. Only in this way, it is considered normal. Otherwise, I will really doubt it. There is nothing at the end of the tunnel!

The trigger point of this mechanism trap is not that piece of granite, that piece of granite is just a trap, which happened to be forced open by me with a high-pressure water gun. The real trigger point should be on the floor of the corridor!

I estimate that the real trigger point is on the floor parallel to that piece of granite. I believe it is not difficult to find it. I don’t know if that trigger point is still effective now, whether it can activate this mechanism trap! "

Saying that, Ye Tian has opened the valve of the high-pressure water gun again, and began to use high-speed water to hit the floor of the tunnel, looking for the point that triggers the trap of this mechanism.

As the high-speed water rushed to the ground, pieces of moss attached to the floor of the passageway were immediately blown away, exposing the floor below!

Just like the situation on the walls of the passage, the granite used to lay the floor of the passage is also engraved with many mysterious symbols of the Knights Templar, one on each floor!

In the blink of an eye, the area about one meter from the front of the corridor has been washed away, revealing its original appearance.

When the high-speed water propelled to the ground parallel to the granite on the wall and hit a floor on the right side of the corridor, the mutation happened again.


There was a sudden sound of metal rubbing in the corridor, which was extremely ear-piercing.

The sound came from behind the granite rock that was turned thirty degrees on the wall, and after only three or four rings, there was no movement.

From the black hole behind that piece of granite in the wall, nothing shot out, crossbow arrows and javelins!

Seeing this scene, there was another small commotion at the scene, and everyone discussed enthusiastically.

Ye Tian closed the valve of the high-pressure water gun again, and then said loudly with a smile:

"Obviously, the piece of granite on the floor of the corridor is the trigger point of this organ trap, but unfortunately, due to its existence for too long, this organ has been completely scrapped and lost its threat!

Just like the organ that opened the door of the secret room, the various metal components that maintain the operation of the organ are probably corroded. Even if special anti-rust treatment is done, it will not be able to withstand the erosion of time!

Coupled with the dark and humid environment here, the scrapping speed of various metal organs has been accelerated. According to my estimation, most of the traps in this tunnel have been scrapped, just like this organ!

But we still have to be careful, there might be flap traps in this arched corridor, etc. Although those traps look simple, they are also very deadly and will almost never fail! "

Hearing these words, Bishop of Kent and Jason nodded slightly.

After a short pause, Ye Tian continued to say:

"One more point, these mysterious characters carved on the floor and walls of the corridor must hide the method of passing through this arched corridor, some characters represent safety, and some characters represent danger.

But this kind of character is only known to the former senior members of the Knights Templar, and it has been lost for more than 700 years. None of us know it, so it is impossible to find a safe passage through these characters.

Furthermore, our time is quite limited, and we don't have time to study these mysterious characters, find out their laws, and the connections between them, and then interpret their meanings.

For now, we have only one way, and it is the most effective way! That is to use a high-pressure water gun to open the way, while thoroughly cleaning this corridor, find out every mechanism trap!

As long as I can determine the location of those mechanism traps, no matter whether they are invalid or not, I have a way to pass through this arched corridor, destroy all mechanism traps, and open a safe way for everyone! "

"Then what are you waiting for? Steven, let's start quickly. We can't wait to pass through this corridor and go to the end of the corridor to see what secrets are hidden there!"

Jason continued, his excited eyes shining brightly.

The same goes for everyone else at the scene, all staring at Ye Tian, ​​their eyes full of expectation.

"Okay! Let's start now. At the end of this corridor, I believe there must be a huge surprise waiting for us. Maybe it's another major discovery that shocks the world!"

Ye Tian smiled and nodded, his words were full of confidence.

Before he finished speaking, he had already turned on the valve of the high-pressure water gun again, and began to scour the arched corridor.

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