Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1882 Peeping in the Sky

As Ye Tian said, under the strong impact of the high-speed water flow, the traps in the corridor were found out one by one.

Some of these mechanism traps are hidden under the floor of the corridor, some are located on the walls on both sides, and some are located on the vaulted ceiling of the corridor.

Except for the two rusty javelins that fell from the ceiling, although the other traps in the corridor were found, they were not triggered.

Since Ye Tian and the others stood on both sides of the door of the secret room, they couldn't see the specific situation of the traps in the corridor, but just based on imagination, everyone can guess the current situation of those traps!

Because of the age and the cold and humid environment here, these organ traps are likely to be scrapped long ago, they cannot be triggered at all, and there is no longer any threat.

Of course, it doesn't include the flap traps on the floor of the corridor. Although more than seven hundred years have passed, those flap traps are still very deadly.

Even because the javelins at the bottom of the trap were covered with rust and mold that had accumulated for more than 700 years, those flap traps became even more deadly!

It didn't take long for Ye Tian to use the high-pressure water gun in his hand to clear the corridor and find out all the traps.

As for the part that turns downwards in the depths of the corridor, the specific situation is still unclear. Only by entering the depths of the corridor can we find out!

After cleaning the arched corridor, Ye Tian closed the valve of the high-pressure water gun, and then said to the other people in the same basement:

"Okay, basically all the traps hidden in this arched corridor have been found out, just like the previous guess, most of the traps here have been completely scrapped, and there is no threat!

Everyone can come to the door of the secret room to see the situation inside, but you still have to be careful, don't enter the corridor without authorization, no one can guarantee whether there are any undiscovered traps inside! "

"Okay, Steven, we'll be more careful!"

The Bishop of Kent nodded with a smile, stepped forward first, walked straight to the door of the secret room, and began to check the situation in the arched corridor.

Not to be outdone, the rest of the people stepped forward one by one, and looked into the corridor with great interest.

When everyone saw the large number of granite stones in the corridor, which were turned at various angles, and the two rusty javelins on the ground, they couldn't help but gasped, feeling terrified inwardly.

"My God! There are so many traps in this tunnel, it's really scary! Obviously, the Knights Templar must have put in a lot of thought when they built this passage!"

"Who says it's not! Fortunately, most of these traps have been scrapped, and there is no threat. If not, it may not be so easy for us to enter this tunnel safely!"

While there was a lot of discussion, everyone was also full of expectations for the situation in the depths of the corridor. They wished they could enter this arched corridor immediately and see what secrets are hidden in the depths of the corridor!

Is it the famous Templar treasure, or some other treasure, or nothing, it's all possible!

Looking at the situation in the arched corridor again, Ye Tian looked away, then picked up the walkie-talkie and said:

"Peter! Tell the firefighters to close the valve of the high-pressure water gun. When the high-pressure water gun needs to be used again, I will notify them and continue pumping the stagnant water in the basement. Stop after pumping!"

"Okay, Steven, I'll let them know right away"

Peter responded, taking immediate action.

Just as he finished speaking, Cole's voice suddenly came from the intercom.

"Steven, the guys outside the castle couldn't help it anymore. They sent two small drones over to investigate the situation in the castle! Specifically, the drones released by the team are not yet available. Know!"

Hearing the notification, Ye Tian immediately sneered and said:

"I expected this to happen a long time ago, don't be polite to those guys, if those two drones dare to break into this castle, they will be shot down with electronic jamming guns!

This can also be regarded as a warning, so that those guys outside the castle should stop wishful thinking, this castle is now a restricted area, without my permission, no one can come in! "

"Got it, Steven, we'll get rid of those two drones right away. Don't worry about security, even a fly won't fly under our noses!"

Cole responded decisively, with confidence in his words.

After talking to Cole, Ye Tian immediately turned to Jason and said:

"Jason, take someone up to the ground, take down the heavy police shield we brought, and take two pieces of Kevlar body armor. I'm going to investigate this arched passage in depth."

"Okay, Steven"

Jason nodded in response, and then led Derek out of the basement and back to the ground.

At the same time, another good show is going on outside the castle!

At the main gate of the castle, a small drone suddenly jumped out from the top of a big tree, began to climb rapidly, and flew straight towards the castle, trying to break through the defense line that Cole and the others had set up, and break into the sky above the castle !

Immediately afterwards, at another location less than 50 meters away, a small drone also appeared, flying towards the castle at high speed, and also wanted to rush into the castle, condescending to investigate the situation inside the castle.

Clearly, the guys who piloted the two small drones were overthinking it.

As soon as the first small drone appeared, an electronic jamming gun locked on it firmly on the abandoned wall of the old castle, and the same thing happened on the other side.

When the first small drone just flew over the city wall, it suddenly seemed as if it had been immobilized, and the four small propellers that were rotating at high speed stopped running almost at the same time!

The video signal continuously transmitted from the drone was also cut off instantly, and all the signal indicators on the drone went out at the same time, and the communication was completely cut off.

In the next second, the small UAV equipped with a high-definition camera completely lost control, and fell straight to the ground in a free landing motion!

The first drone fell less than ten meters, and the other small drone also suffered the same fate. It was hit by an electronic jamming gun and fell straight from the sky.

"Fack! Steven's bastards actually have electronic jamming guns, and drones can't break into that medieval castle at all!"

"Damn it! These bloody American bastards are so well-equipped that they are invulnerable! I'm sure those bastards must have discovered something, so the precautions are so strict!"

From several cars in the distance, there were bursts of angry cursing sounds one after another, each sound was full of anger, and also revealed a feeling of helplessness!

Inside the castle, the exploration work is proceeding in an orderly manner.

Three to five minutes later, Jason and the others returned to the basement. What they held in their hands was the heavy police shield and two pieces of Kevlar body armor that Ye Tian wanted.

When handing over the heavy police shield to Ye Tian, ​​Jason said solemnly:

"Steven, the representatives of the Larnaca city government and the Greek Orthodox Church who stayed on the ground, saw us going up, and immediately came to ask about the situation here.

Those guys are clamoring to get into this gothic building and to be part of this joint exploration of what's going on in this basement.

According to representatives of the Larnaca Municipal Government, they have notified their superiors of the situation here, and officials from the Larnaca Municipal Government and the Cyprus Ministry of Culture will come here soon! "

Ye Tian took the heavy police shield casually, then sneered and said in a deep voice:

"This kind of situation is bound to happen. We haven't gone up for so long, and we have been using high-pressure water guns. Even a fool can guess that we must have found something!

It is perfectly normal for the representatives of the Larnaca Municipal Government and the Greek Orthodox Church to have such a reaction, but their request to participate in this joint exploration operation is purely wishful thinking!

They should stay on the ground honestly. Even if the mayor of Larnaca and the Minister of Culture of Cyprus come in person without my permission, then don’t even think about entering this basement!

Don't worry about those guys on the ground, I will enter this arched passage immediately, investigate the situation inside, see what secrets are hidden here, and find a safe route! "

Saying that, Ye Tian took the two pieces of Kevlar body armor from Derek, put one on his body, and tied the other to the heavy police shield to increase the shield's protection. !

Next, he took out the climbing rope and the safety lock, and connected himself to a stake in the basement to prevent the soles of his feet from slipping, and any accidents would happen!

In the blink of an eye, everything is ready!

Ye Tian checked the equipment again, and after confirming that there were no problems, he turned on the headlights, held the heavy police shield in his left hand, picked up a strong light with his right hand, and walked towards the door of the secret room!

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