Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1833 The Tomb of the Sword


Ye Tian, ​​who stepped into the corridor, slammed the heavy police shield in his hand on the floor of the corridor, making a loud noise that echoed in everyone's ears.

There was no response from the floor at the entrance to the passage, nor from the walls on either side, nor from the vaulted ceiling overhead, nor did there be any bolts or javelins fired.

Obviously, there are no traps here, and it is very safe.

In the next second, Ye Tian picked up the heavy police shield with his left hand, used it to protect his body, and then stepped out, stepping firmly on the granite floor where the police shield just left !

Of course, he was just putting on a show, for the Bishop of Kent and other people present.

No one knows better than Ye Tian the situation in this arched corridor, whether there is any danger, and how to walk through this corridor safely.

In order to make everything look more reasonable and not arouse anyone's suspicion, Ye Tian had no choice but to come to such a performance, so it was realistic!


Everyone else in this basement breathed a sigh of relief, their tense nerves somewhat relaxed.

Obviously, Ye Tian's performance was very exciting and lifelike, while the others were so engrossed in watching it that their hearts were hanging in their throats!

Immediately afterwards, Ye Tian put down the heavy police shield again, and landed on another granite floor in front, making another loud noise!

From the slightly dull impact sound, everyone can basically judge that there is no mechanism trap under the granite floor, but hard rock and soil.

The fact is exactly the same, there is neither flip trap, nor crossbow arrows, javelins, or other weapons shooting out, threatening Ye Tian's safety.

In this way, Ye Tian probed step by step, and walked to the depths of the tunnel step by step, without suffering any harm.

During this period, in order to make the performance more realistic, he will also actively trigger some mechanism traps from time to time, adding a little suspense to this exploration action and adding a little fun to everyone.

At the same time, every time he walked through a safe area, he would mark it with the highlighter he carried so that others could enter this arched passage later!

In just four or five minutes, Ye Tian walked through the first half of the arched corridor without any risk.

Came to the end of the upward ramp and stood at the starting point of the downward steps.

Behind him, on the granite floor of the arched passageway, there is a safety passage marked with highlighter, which extends to his feet.

At this time, Ye Tian seemed to have seen some shocking scene, and suddenly stopped, with the help of the headlamp and the strong light in his hand, he looked deeper into the passage, without saying a word!

Seeing this scene, the other people in the basement can still bear it!

"Steven, what secret is hidden deep in the tunnel? What did you see? Is it the treasure of the Knights Templar, or something else? Tell everyone!"

"That's right! Steven, give a general description of what you saw, and satisfy our curiosity. Don't let everyone stand here and wait, it's too painful!"

These voices from the door of the secret room immediately woke up Ye Tian who was in a state of obsession.

Immediately afterwards, he turned his head to look at the guys who were eager to see through the door of the secret room, and said excitedly:

"Gentlemen! Today is an extremely perfect day. In the depths of this tunnel, there is indeed a huge treasure hidden. Once it is revealed, it will definitely cause a sensation in the whole world.

There is no doubt that this treasure is indeed closely related to the Knights Templar, but whether it is the legendary treasure of the Knights Templar, let me leave it at that for now, and the answer will be revealed later!

The most urgent task now is to remove these traps in the tunnel, and then you can enter this tunnel, and when you come in, you will be able to see this mysterious treasure with your own eyes!

Be patient, everyone, wait a moment, I will go down to remove those traps, I believe it will not take long, you will be able to stand in my position and witness the miracle! "

After finishing speaking, the heavy police shield in Ye Tian's hand fell heavily and hit the first step down, pretending to test the reality of that step.

Immediately afterwards, he stepped out and walked down the steps.

In the blink of an eye, his figure had disappeared from the corridor, and from the field of vision of Jason and the Bishop of Kent!

Only the sound of the police shield hitting the ground kept coming from the depths of the tunnel, letting everyone know that he was still safe and had not encountered any attacks!

"Wow! A huge treasure that is enough to shock the world. What else can there be besides the treasure of the Knights Templar? If it is the treasure of the Knights Templar, it will be perfect!"

"I'll go! This guy Steven is too appetizing. It's been a while, so what's the point! Isn't this clearly tormenting people!"

There was a lot of discussion at the door of the secret room. Everyone was very excited and their eyes were full of anticipation. They wished they could go into the depths of the corridor immediately to see what the treasure Ye Tian was talking about!

However, everyone resisted this urge, and did not enter the arched corridor in front of them without authorization, but stood at the door of the secret room and waited anxiously, each one eager to see through!

Meanwhile, the patience of those guys outside the castle has worn out and they can't wait any longer.

"Steven and the others have entered the old castle in front of them for four or five hours, and they haven't come out yet. I'm sure they must have found something in this old castle.

Since their goal in coming to Cyprus was the treasure of the Knights Templar, and they stayed here for so long, then this deserted castle must be related to the Knights Templar.

What they found in the old castle may be the treasure of the Knights Templar. We can't wait any longer, and we can't just watch the treasure of the Knights Templar being embezzled by them.

We have a very close relationship with the Knights Templar, of course we are eligible to participate in joint exploration operations and share treasures, let's go over, and enter that old castle no matter what! "

It was Depardieu of the Priory of the Sacrificial Mountain who said these words, with a righteous expression on his face, but a greedy light flashed in the depths of his eyes!

As soon as the words fell, the master of the Priory of the Sacrificial Mountain stepped out, leading a few of his men towards the ancient castle not far ahead.

Seeing them taking action, other people from all walks of life immediately followed suit, rushing towards the long-abandoned old castle ahead.

No matter how high-sounding the banner these guys are playing, but at this moment, the light of greed is shining in the eyes of each of them, and they can't hide it at all!

The changes outside the castle naturally cannot escape the eyes of the Cyprus police and UN peacekeepers, let alone Cole and Leonardo!

After discovering this situation, the Cyprus police and the UN peacekeeping force in charge of peripheral security immediately raised their vigilance and are ready to respond at any time!

As for Cole and Leonardo, they reacted more quickly, and everyone immediately loaded their bullets and quickly prepared for battle!

In a blink of an eye, the atmosphere around the castle became much more tense, and the smell of gunpowder in the air became even stronger!

And in the basement of the Gothic building on the edge of the castle, the Bishop of Kent and Jason were still staring at the depths of the corridor eagerly, everyone's eyes were extremely eager!

Finally, everyone heard the familiar footsteps again, puffing.

It was the sound of feet stepping on the moss, and as it got closer, the sound became clearer and clearer!

The next moment, everyone saw a bright headlamp, and then saw Ye Tian wearing a gas mask and carrying a heavy police shield.

Ye Tian stepped up the steps, and appeared in the depths of the corridor again, in everyone's field of vision.

As soon as he stood still, he smiled and said loudly:

"Gentlemen, you can enter this corridor now. I have destroyed and eliminated most of the traps here. You just need to avoid those flap traps. There is no danger!

When entering the corridor, everyone must not be crowded, come in in order, and just follow the route I marked, Jason, you arrange two guys to guard in the basement, don't all come in! "

Before the words were finished, cheers rang out from the door of the secret room.

"Great! We can finally enter this tunnel, and finally witness the treasure buried at the end of the tunnel!"

"What are you waiting for? Gentlemen, let's go and witness the miracle together!"

Saying that, David and the Bishop of Kent, who were standing at the door of the secret room, quickly stepped into the secret room, then entered the arched corridor, followed the safety route marked by Ye Tian, ​​and walked carefully to the depths of the corridor!

Behind them, other people followed closely, entered the secret room and the arched passage one after another, and walked to the depths of the passage.

In just a moment, David and the bishop of Kent had arrived at Ye Tian's side.

Before they could gain a firm foothold, they looked towards the space under the steps, wanting to see what the huge treasure Ye Tian was talking about.

In the next second, the two of them were completely shocked by what they saw with their own eyes, and even exclaimed out of their wits.

"Oh my god! This is simply a world of swords, it's so spectacular!"

"No! This should be the tomb of a sword, full of sadness and pride!"

Ye Tian, ​​who was standing beside him, nodded slightly, and said with a smile:

"I agree with the bishop of Kent, this is a sword grave, and every knight's sword here has a great background, and behind every sword, there is a soul-stirring legend of medieval knights!"

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